Defeat girl boss

>defeat girl boss
>offers to fuck you

Why are most heroes such fags?

Other urls found in this thread:

Name 4 instances.

>Bitch is being a bitch
>She aims at your balls
>You manage to defeat her
>Her self confidence shatters as feminism failed her
>She needs to validate her own self worth by trying to have sex with the alpha male that is you
I'd be inclined to tell her to fuck off. Sex offerings don't make up for her being a bitch who fought dirty. I don't owe her shit. Stupid bitch should rot in the gutters for all I care.

name one game

Nevan - DMC3

Chernobyl the cursed

>defeat girl boss
>offers to fuck you
What fucking games even do this? I can think of a few where female characters offer to fuck but the MC declines, but not female bosses.

Silent hill 2
Final boss

me in every game of CoC

Because it's a god damn last ditch effort trap by them and the hero isn't falling for it

well he does play her after.

every one is a game over tho ugh

We literally just had a thread explaining this.


Dante's Inferno

She probably laced her vagina with razors, don't be dumb.

Why do people keeps saying this
You know damn well there is a game that does it.

that's my fetish

But she died right after you killed her

Besides does she even have a vagoo

This is a retarded argument.

If you're speaking of something sexual, the obvious response would be something sexual.

Stupid nigger

t. proud womyn

hell yeah xDD

Well? ARE you worth more than your holes?

Considering I'm a man (male), yeah I am.

Of course, why else would they be made for ME?

well he's a comedian looking for a gotcha to get a quick laugh so it's not like he's losing anything important from the context

>defeat girl boss
>offers to fuck you
>she tells you she has aids