And sonygers got butt blasted and reported the thread. Can someone explain to me how it's possible for a fanbase to be this insecure? Or are there genuinely not 5 good games for PS4? I'm making the thread again because fuck that. If I can't ask this question on a video games board than we're entering Crazy Town.
I made a thread asking for top 5 PS4 games
Other urls found in this thread:
Imagine the same threads everyday. Forever.
I was about to post in that thread to tell you how dumb it was anyway. Just look at what exclusives do exist online and make your own goddamn decision. It has nothing to do with the fanbase, it's just a shit thread asking for people to do something you can easily do yourself.
The point of a video games board is discussion. And it has everything to do with the fanbase. If I asked this of Nintendo fans, they wouldn't be ragin insecure assholes who report on-topic threads.
You can hate the thread, and you can call it stupid, but reporting it is hilariously pathetic.
I didn't report shit, maybe some mod just noticed how pointless and lazy the thread was and how it had potential for fanbase shitposting, then deleted it.
More importantly, asking people to list games to justify a console purchase doesn't create discussion. Hell, you said you'd disregard people's lists entirely if they contained shit you didn't like. That doesn't create discussion, that's a request for someone to do simple work for you.
Make your own decision and talk about actual vidya, not what you should throw your money at based on subjective thoughts.
So you cant name 5 good games for PS4 and you report threads that might expose this. Got it.
>16. All request threads for adult content belong on /r/, and all request threads for work-safe content belong on /wsr/, unless otherwise noted.
>5 replies into the thread
>not a single game listed
top fucking lel
Alright, here:
>Persona 5
>Yakuza 0
>That Ratchet and Clank remake thing
From a few seconds of research. Now fuck off and talk about actual vidya.
I don't even have a PS4, but here.
>Persona 5
>Yakuza 0
>Last Guardian
Yakuza 0
King of Fighters XIV
Persona 5
inb4 weebshit
inb4 ps3 version of P5
honorable mention to Until Dawn and The Last Guardian, didn't include because they're flawed in severe ways but still a great experience
Next please!
We get it, epic bait
And this is why no one wants to offer up suggestions, because people have their own personal tastes that don't match others and are shitters about it. Find what you like through your own research.
Like I said before, the thread is shit. No wonder the original got deleted.
>Gravity Rush 2
>Dragon Quest Builders
>Persona 5
>Yakuza 0
cool thread op
What makes you assume that's OP?
Because you're a terrible liar.
>Persona 5
Explain yourself.
And this is why sonygers is the worst fanbase. Can't even deal with some criticism.
I guess I'll go back to playing Breath of the Wild.
Doesn't matter, the person is still a shit regardless and so is this thread.
>Calling everything shit and then saying, "Next please!"
Alrighty then.