Post literally perfect missions/stages of video games.
I'll start.
Post literally perfect missions/stages of video games.
I'll start.
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Am I wrong guys? Was everything before the Plant mission not 10/10?
Did you just link your autism channel?
No it was just one of the first results without commentary when I searched for videos of the level.
The last level of Fall of Cybertron is what the entire game should of been, it balances a serious tone while fully embracing Transformers wackyness and utilizing all the characters as teams.
>they literally have the g1 logo change and its not out of place, somehow
hands down one of the best intro/tutorials to a game
I loved war for cybertron and fall of cybertron, wished there were more games in the series desu but not staged on earth, after they return to cybertron millenias after cybertron has finished his reset
They did some kind of fucking absurd movie tie in/game prequel that was supposedly terrible and basically ruined the series. What a way to go out
Harmony of Dissonance sucked dick but Sky Walkway left an impression.
Fort Frolic
Personal bias more than anything, since that's when the ice Plasmid comes in
Halo 3 babies are cancer but this is a 12/10 mission
if I remember correctly, it had those enemies that explode leaving spores or whatever behind, I really hated them so they ruined that level for me
Megalith and Unsung War are also both acceptable answers.
>me2 final mission
>perfect, let alone any good