Anyone wanna play animal crossing
Anyone wanna play animal crossing
You know they put the monkey down because of that, right?
Also the dog.
He wanted to play animal crossing
What's the story behind it? Monkey ripped the dog's scalp off?
what happened to that squirrel?
did they sell it to a brazilian for soup?
I shouldn't have used this picture for this thread
Donald Trump ate him.
I can't stop laughing at this pic
Understand why we eat them now? Its for the greater good
>when you talk shit to ppl in public but you wear a toupee
Pupper is fine if anyone wants to know. The new pet monkey just ripped out some hair and the owner decided to shave it.
>Understand why we eat them now?
dogs or monkeys, charlie chan?
you realize that it ripped the entire scalp off, right?
Monkeys are the worst things in the world.
That's the monkey before they custard gas it in the gif.
Looks like the monkey injured the dogs scalp, so they shaved his head to suture it or something, the dog would probably be dead if that much of his scalp came off
It's probably a slice of ham. There's been pictures of dogs with slices of ham on their heads being passed off as gore.
good we should kill all monkeys tbqh
you realize that's not the case, right?
I'm down.
Haven't played New Leaf in quite a while, but always wanted to see more of other peoples houses.
If anyone wants to exchange friendcodes, i'll be monitoring
i hate brazilians too
dogs are okay. cats are much better
>tfw have a little yorkie and seeing this right now
She's sleeping on the bed right behind me...
I wish I never saw this.
Yorkies are shit tier animals
She's the sweetest, nicest, most innocent little thing I've ever met in my life. She doesn't even make noise. So take that back. :c
The dog is shaved.
Yeah I figured that out after I posted...
Small dogs in general are shit tier animals.
talk about videogames
Primates are the only mammals that I honestly don't give a shit or like. I don't know why but I just can't feel sympathy for them.
Because they're ugly.
And every time you think of monkeys, you picture them doing nothing but causing mischief and flinging shit at people. Hollywood has something to with this.
Small dogs can be alright but for the most part they're stupid, loud and shit and piss everywhere. Though most of the time people who own them are people who bought them because they're cute and don't know how to or even care to raise dogs
They're not really ugly though.
When I was a young boy I wanted a pet dog, and I eventually wanted a pet monkey. I kept pestering my dad for the dog but I didn't get one until much later. Eventually I started pestering him for a monkey. Knowing how much I wanted a dog he told me
>I'll get you a monkey, but monkeys eat dogs so I won't be able to get you a dog if I do
So I stopped pestering him for a monkey
The end, I hope you liked my story
>custard gas
that sounds fucking delicious
Is this some form of polite british verbal warfare?
i'm a gook and i took care of two when i was younger that were just like what you say they are. they were completely obedient and only barked when i took them outside to play. they were really quiet indoors and disturbed no one. koreans love these dogs. the two i took care of were from really wealthy families who my father knew and they likely paid money for obedience training
Damn... did you're dieded?
That's because they're closest to humans and humans are shit.