Bonus score is still going on

>bonus score is still going on
>want to do hutt contracts
>can't find any games
seriously i hate it when people have to go to school and only some lvl 100 masters are still playing the game and butt blasting me.

Im sorry op, I have no idea about what game are you talking about

Bump just to know what the fuck are you talking about OP

I know what you're talking about OP. Luckily it's not dead on xbone and all I need now are Krennic kills.

Same, what game is this?

Played maybe more than an hour of this game but your picture fills me with seething hatred

Okay since op is a fag and wont tell me I did reverse image search and it says its from star wars battlefront

I just want gameplay of the next installment to drop so I can scrutinize and judge whether or not to pick it up full price or wait for a sale.

Oh, that's disappointing. I thought it was gonna be something interesting.

>not recognising Bosk

Underage get out

I knew its from star wars, didnt know what game is it from


i'm pretty sure it will be pretty similar to battlefront but with all of the heroes

>the first EA battlefront game was literally "how much content and how many features can we cut from SWBattlefront 2 and still get away with it"
>people still bought it and played it
>even with this prior knowledge and the benefit of hindsight, people are still gonna buy the sequel

It's an absolute feat of nature that people this stupid can even survive day-to-day life without accidentally killing themselves.

cry more faggot

you lost

Yeah, that's my fear is that it'll be too similar with the whole
>shallow gameplay
>starcards/power-up pick-ups
>EA fuckery
bullshit from the first one. Some YouTube channel has been summarizing the little updates that the devs drop, but most of the time the dude just speculates on what's actually in it.

I just want good Star Wars games again.

>>you lost
The fuck are you talking about? What did I lose exactly?

keep crying faggots

you lost


Levelling seems pointlessly difficult and long in this game, I've owned it since near release and played it somewhat casually ever since; I'm only level 13. There must have been some glitch or exploit I missed out on that because I don't know who could autisticly grind that game to level 50 let alone 100. You gain fuck all exp from just playing a match.

I know you are but what am I?

They confirmed no power ups, classes are back, heroes are actually earned, and list of other fuck ups they are trying to rectify day 1.

Yeah, I've heard all that, but still no gameplay. Which is what I want to see to truly alleviate my fears.
Patience is key in this instance, but I'm still leery.

With premium the content is enough to constitute a full game, I bought it for 10 bucks year after release on a key retailer and I'm happy with my purchase, game is good fun in short bursts.