This is actually a really fun squad based third person shooter with a really good end twist.
Why did NuXcomfags have to lie to me and say it was bad?
This is actually a really fun squad based third person shooter with a really good end twist.
Why did NuXcomfags have to lie to me and say it was bad?
thread number 8
Fuck nu-XCOM and fuck Firaxis.
>im on Sup Forums i hate video games
is it really? i got it in humble bundle and never installed it cause i thought it was universally considered dog shit
They hate it because of what it was supposed to be in the first place was way better
I like video games. And I love turn based strategy. Enemy Unknown and XCOM 2 are not good turn based strategy games.
Sorry wrong link
No they're both right
No, OP is baiting. Its dogshit. The twist part is true, though. Watch it on youtube, the suffering that this game calls "gameplay" isnt worth it.
Spoil it for me in a spoiler tag. I couldn't get halfway through the game before getting bored and i got it on launch
Went from Bioshock clone to MA clone.
Still shit no matter what.
Was it autism?
Here is your spoiler, or what I remember of it.
The main character was dead before the game started and was controlled by an Ethereal.
Making you the ethereal.
Okay that last little shit was only there to hop on the bandwagon
Definitely this autistic bureau kid. No one played this piece of shit except him
It was pretty mediocre and definitely not what "nu" or old fans of the franchise were looking for.
The twist is the only good thing, OP. That said, people considering it 0/10 trash isn't fair. It's a 5/10 game no one will remember.
I had fun Op. Fuck the haters.
It's okay to like bad games, there's no need to dismiss legit criticism like that.
Oh i totally agree. Case and point every game ubisoft comes out with.
Pretty close
Real you is an asshole and a fuckup.
When you get attacked, you get possessed by the Ethereal in the suitcase. This is the reason for the sudden competence, leadership and all your command mode BS. "You" are really pissed about the situation, but since you're actually a damn smart and powerful psychic,
"You"re just stuck along for the ride most the time.
Pretty sure "you"re still living, didn't get that far.
>kill crouched enemy
>he stands up to die
I remember Monolith had the same issue with No One Lives Forever. It's an issue with how they implemented the AI state machine where there is no death animation for dying when in a certain position so the AI will move to another position that does go to a death animation. I don't know why a 2010/2011 game would be having that issue though.
>Pretty sure "you"re still living, didn't get that far.
You stopped playing right near the end? You didn't miss much though, the ending is dumb garbage like everything else.
How is enemy unknown bad?
Yeah the player character is still alive and fucking pissed about being possessed.
Near the end the player character starts to actively rebel against the player and you're forced to possess one of three other people to finish the game.
It's not bad per sé, it's just s painfully mediocre cover-based shooter and it has nothing to do with xcom apart from the title.
The only thing that's really bad about it is the dogshit AI, both for the enemies and the NPC companions.