Get! Fucking! Hype!
Get! Fucking! Hype!
Fuck off, IW marketer. No one is excited to play the same game you released 10 years ago with $60+ of DLC.
>No Eastern front
>No Pacific theater
>No African theater
>just reliving the same Saving Private Ryan/Band of Brothers bullshit over and over again
no thanks
IW didn't make WaW, and they aren't making WWII either.
WaW was Trearch, and WWII is sledgehammer games
The only way I get hype is if they include Ramree Island, where a shit-ton of soldiers got eaten by crocodiles as they retreated through the swamps.
I don't even play online, but a "release the crocodiles" killstreak would be hilarious
Suck a dick Bobby
I'm pretty sure the only way Sup Forums would be hype for a WW2 game at this point is if they got to play as a concentration camp guard or a Japanese soldier visiting "comfort women" in Korea.
They could just replace dogs with crocodiles
Get! Fucking! Shilled!
0.25 cents have been deposited into your account, OP! Good work!
Another fucking american masturbatory fantasy game. Why not make something more advanced and make a part of the campaign on all sides. Let me fight as russian, german and american.
I'd rather have a story really about just russian and german side as americucks had such a small part to play in WW2
CoD is a dead series, dead on arrival, dead forever.
Not even 2 hours apart, give it a fucking rest, Activision.
CoD had done Russians in the past, but I don't foresee them ever letting you play as a Nazi unless you're secretly an Allied spy or trying to kill Hitler. It's too mainstream for that.
Seriously, it's a shame that we're doing the Saving Private Ryan routine again, but it's been long enough since the last time they did it that we have a generation of kids that have never experienced anything but Modern Warfare CoD.
They could include the USS Indianapolis as well and have you fending off sharks with your best friend Quint.
This is some cringe tier marketing
What they should do is just make every nation not look in any way good. But knowing games these days its too scary to even make a slightly politcally incorrect game.
But no, we need to romanticize Americans, because (((they))) were the "good" guys.
Fuck off shill.
I don't give a shit about COD anymore
who made the first and second call of duty?
Infinity Ward.
Not gonna happen. CoD is the 'random white guy mows down a bunch of foreigners and saves the day' template that's dominated the last decade.