What's Sup Forums honest opinion about VR?

What's Sup Forums honest opinion about VR?
Is it a future of gaming?

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its a meme

Probably. Once it's at the point where it's like putting on a pair of sunglasses.

How so?

It has potential but no one really knows how to develop well for it yet. Give it a few years and we might start seeing some good shit.

No, not until its cheaper and pre packed with consoles.
>developers wont give games a budget because not many people own one
>not many people own one because there are no real games that use it
They need to make them the norm.

If EA releases The Sims 5, they should seriously look into making a VR mode

dumb fad that's dying already

ar or bust

It's dying since early 00s

It wasn't a fad then, don't be fatuous

It won't be relevant until the hardware is cheaper than $200.

It's functionally equivalent to a monitor.

It's a gimmick just like 3D glasses. Gluing a pair of screens to your eyes doesn't make you immerse more.

overpriced/rated pipedream gimmick. only the people making the thing show any enthusiasm for the product.

The future of porn

It's about as useless as this woman

maybe not for gaming, but on the other hand, if the headsets were more small and comfortable to be used around whit ease, it will be a fantastic option for total private browsing and productivity. But normies will be hella scared of you, probably.


It's just a toy for people with more money than sense to buy.

Like everything in life, normies decide if it's a success of failure and they aren't buying it.

its a meme and very uncomfortable

also only good for games where the player is stationary in his seat

Yeah as soon as we get massive breakthroughs allowing it to be both a self contained unit and priced to match its "neat toy" function.

Any day now lmao

Mostly just a gimmick.
The hardware is too expensive, most people don't have a room big enough to utilize it, and the majority of the software for it just seems like tech demos.

>Toycam is going to be the future of gaming
>Kintect is going to to be the future of gaming
>Wii Motion Control is going to be the future of game


>Wow all these shooting gallery games!
>I can move this avatar's limbs!
>So I can virtual reality poker

imagine looking up her skirt. she wouldn't even have a clue

>requires cleaning after every use
>unintuitive controls
it was stillborn from the very start

It's still too expensive but at least we know the tech is actually there now compared to the shit that existed 20 years ago.

Devs aren't going all in because the consumers just aren't there yet, because it's $600-700 for the VR setup and you need a $1000 PC to run it smoothly

It's sad but I have hope

Pretty sure she would sense your presence

Hey I went to that Bork exhibition too.
They really misused the Vive headsets they had in the third installation. Such a waste of potential. The Oculus and projection installations were tight though.

how? do you have an aura?

is that kpp



Future of porn

Meme of gaming

Enthusiast hobby that had jack shit to back up said hobby.


Was cool when it was just a screen on your face so you can play STALKER in super immersive mode.

Stopped being cool the moment Sony got their hands on it and decided it needed motion controls.

It's unironically good exercise if you play a game where you need to move like audioshield. If VR caught on there would be no more fat people.



And stare at more pixels than a japanese porno

Is it a guy?

Good goyims...

it has a really good potential for porn. if companies focus on the porn it can become really popular and lead the way for other type of entertainment like games.

Virtual reality is shit.
Augmented reality will be okay.
Artificial reality will be the best, but nobody alive today will ever see it.

It's something that depends on the game's industry creativity and ingenuity.
Which means its fucking doomed from the start.

I worked at a VR place that shut down. It was too pricey and the games weren't interesting enough to get return customers.

Maybe in 5 years (at the least) if the prices go way, way, way down. Otherwise, it's a fad that's already mostly over.

It's too expensive for most to get a worthwhile VR experience.
Arcades could have jumped on this for a new golden age where they could finally provide a video game experience that people want and couldn't have at home without a serious investment.

It's the potential next step for games but everything needed for it is incredibly expensive unless they reach affordable smartphone prices then it's just a niche gadget for insane people


It need the product that will sell it
Right now it's just shitty adaptations and rollercoasters

That's like saying if sports caught on there would be no more fat people. There will always be people for whom the physical aspect of current VR games is a deal breaker. And they're not exactly wrong. Part of the appeal of videogames is the lack of constant physical activity. You shouldn't be doing it to the point of unhealthiness, but it's not bad or something to be avoided on its own.

>requires cleaning after every use
>unintuitive controls
Ok, you actually never used one.

Not him, but I'd assume if you used it in some environments you may end up sweating a lot. Even with that in mind I still don't agree with him that it would need cleaning after every single use.

>Lack of games
>More money than a console with games + extra controllers just for the headset
>Need a beefy computer to run it
>Need to clear out enough space to play some games
>Have to stand, can't walk or run. Teleport everywhere
>Not really fun for a group of friends or a party
>Novelty wears off just like the Kinect, Wii, Move, Wii fit, etc and gets thrown in the closet for playing with a normal console or pc
>Nobody wants to invest money in VR games

I actually do want some cool VR shit but currently what it is now, I don't want anything to do with it.

But if it's sweated up, you just replace this shit.

I'll wait til they make The World. Til then I don't give a fuck.

wut is tis

There was an email chain leaked about a dev one containing herpies due to no cleaning

It could be but price needs a considerable drop. As it stands, you're shelling out FAR too much money to play what amounts to shovelware. And assuming your only peripherals are the headgear and a controller, you're pretty much limiting yourself to rail shooters and games where you are only piloting/driving something.

Yes, if price drops and more real games are released that support it. Playing Resident Evil 7 in VR is simply superior to normal TV in pretty much every way.

You can jack off right in front of her and she won't even notice.

you can eat more kcal in a single bite than you would ever burn in a vr session

There's also the problem that most VR requires above average desktops to run properly too. PSVR is the outlier, but that's still a 280-400 dollar machine depending on the model. You might have it already with the sales numbers it's getting, but if you don't that's another couple hundred on top of whatever the headset itself goes for.

The most logical way to look at it is that VR headsets are a new, sort of, kind of monitor. Probably the biggest jump in how people have viewed media since screens became a thing. It's nowhere near mass market viability yet, and if it ever does it's likely to have changed substantially in form from what we have today.

>I never played Audioshield or Holopoint

Also it has to become wireless, but they're working on that, so it's gonna be an issue soon.

Some games actually require physical participation. Good luck playing audioshield without sweating.

Resident evil7 in vr was one of the most amazing and intense experiences i ever had in all my gameing ..actually in all my life by fucking faaar.
There are certain locations in res7 i remember not as video game locations but as i locations I visited this is how fucking insane this is.
RE7 was my first vr game played on ps4pro and was my first playthrough. It is literally closer to being in a actual horror "movie" than it is to play the game on a normal TV, i am not shitting you.
The jump from flat tv 3d games to vr is borderline 5 times as big than the jump from 2d to 3d or the jump from pixels to polygons.
I cant fucking believe that this vr shit currently possible an that the first generation already fucks everything ever made in terms of immersion. There is not a horror book, game or movie in existence that is as scary and as immersive as playing re7 in vr its fucking crazy i really cant get over this it blows my mind soo hard.

It has really good potential but the market is moving so fucking slowly right now that it fells like almost all momentum has been lost.
This tech was supposed to improve really fast and instead almost went full stop. No clue wtf happened. It's still expensive as shit,
has no proper games, and it's still big ugly and bulky.
If there are no news about a proper fucking Gen 2 hmd (not that LG crap) and AAA games at E3, people will just flat out forget about VR.

why female 3dpd are so dumb?

what a dumb bitch, i hope she dies in pit

I've tried the Vive and while it's cool, it's too much of a gimmick to become the new standard way to play video games.

Less "point and teleport" games.

If the technology somehow got to SAO levels it'd really take off.

Well the only problem currently is most vr games are borderline tech demos or not made with vr (vorpx no matter how good your stettings dont compare) but when you play something like re7 in vr at least for me this was the point where i could not only see it as replacement but i actually want it to happen right the fuck now i want to play all games like that only that anymore lol

>No clue wtf happened.
Palmers greed.
Oculus got assravaged by facebook and went full "WE CONSOLE NOW", split the small already market + introduced a shitton of standard corporate bullshit. Valve tried to salvage it, but they fucked up on the software front.

Moving artificial/fake limbs with your mind is already possible, though it's in early development, and it's mostly focused on prosthetics atm. Wouldn't be impossible to implement the same technology in VR, but it would also probably be expensive as shit.
I doubt about it ever becoming the same as SAO, but I bet we'll get something vaguely similar to that in 10 years time.

Give it 10 years minimum to where it needs to be to be useful and meaninful. right now it's just a money pool for nothing.

It seems to limit what you can do in game more than broaden, all because you can't get too crazy with shit or people will puke.

in re7 they give you a wealth of options among them is changing rights stick turn to degrees you can pick, this basically eliminates motion sickness 100% to the point i was able to play 4 hours and only stopped cause i needed a break from the game. Its really just a matter of providing the actual fucking average vr options which almost no vr dec does instead some now choose to teleport which is completely batshit cause it wrecks immersion you just got with the headset, lazy cunts dont even wanna but in the research this is what fucks vr.

I think you're on point. Things would've been very different if Oculus always played ball and never betrayed Valve.

Speaking of Valve, where the fuck are their new controllers? They seemed ready to mass produce months ago already.

I was a believer and bought a Vive with an open mind, but after a while you have to admit that the concept is fundamentally flawed
it's not only about the state of the technology, it's about why do you play games and what you can do on them
I know it seems like a troll excuse, but VR won't be a thing until we have neural interfaces

it needs some good porn games

I think VR is the future but the problem is this is the present.

There's a lot of potential and nobody who tried it can deny how good the 360 3D and 1:1 motion controls can be in games that properly use them. It just needs improvements and streamlining to be something everybody could use.

the future

It is the future of gaming, i'm sure about it.
what we should talk about is if that future is soon or not.
And i don't think it is.

Whenever I see those images of people with VR gear on their head I remember that movie Strange Days from the 90s, in which a serial killer puts some kind of VR device on his victims and rapes them while they see through his eyes. The twist is that the VR thing also transmits emotion so the victim is torn between enormous agony and severe arousal.
Anyways, what I'm basically trying to ask here: How many more years will it take until we're at that point?

Damn... that's pretty deep man, made my neurons, like... go all crazy and shiet...

VR is good but the controllers all suck. All of them. I actually think pic related will help.

I own a PSVR and RE7 is amazing, but the rest is mostly short experiences that are good for one or two play through. It's a really fun thing to own and show off to friends and family, that's for sure, but when I'm alone, I tend to prefer other stuff.

Star Trek Bridge and Farpoint have potential to be great games.

Probably when we get the "real VR" the Matrix fanboys talk about, where our senses can be hooked up to a computer.

Thought there's been various research into it. Like Sony patenting a way to broadcast fake signals into your head, so you experience sensations of smell and such.

I think it's going to be heavily regulated if it's possible to effect more than that, like sections of the brain for mood and pleasure/depression. You don't want ads that mess with your brain, so you're constantly craving McDonald's new sandwich or worse.

Meanwhile they are STILL all sold out in Tokyo and people line up when it is released. I'm sick of Sony treating Japan like a 3rd world country

AR is just a worse version of VR.

Should have just been a thing to provide extra view controls. Moving your head independent of the weapon, looking around a cockpit or other vehicle interior, etc. I knew the motion controls would lead to stupid shit like teleporting around and gimmicky things like actually having to reload your gun awkwardly or something. Should just be treated like a display with keyboard/mouse and standard controller.

Actually liked Resident Evil 7 in VR.

Haven't touched my Vive since a few days after release.

RE7 proves the content just needs to be there for the technology to be worth it and Vive proves that shit content doesn't become good just because of VR.

And I feel like RE7 was actually pretty shitty relatively speaking in its VR implementation so there is a long way up to go from there.

It's not going anywhere, but it'll be another 5-10 years before you start seeing widespread adoption.

Not all games will use it, but many games are legitimately better with VR. Racing or flight games in particular.

>VR is good but the controllers all suck. All of them. I actually think pic related will help.

Nah. That's just a gun. I think Oculus have the best idea by keeping the controller as light and small as possible, while giving the player basic finger gestures. You stop thinking about them and interact with stuff like it's your own hands.

Even Vive is working on new controllers like them. However there are many third parties working on power gloves that would mean actual hands in the environment.

vr really fucks with your brain.
i tried some bungee jumping or some shit on first oculus rift devkit and it was enough for me to fall on my ass. Good thing someone caught me mid fall

VR is the future.

no, the oldmen

sure is!

N-no homo

If it were just monitor googles with TrackIR for headmovement in fps/war games I'd be all over that shit, but fuck messing about with walking around a whole room.


A lot of games still use that or have it as an option. Roomscale is worth the setup though.