Wild Arms 2nd Ignition

Wild Arms 2 is getting a remake


Other urls found in this thread:


>Sony drop multiple hints about a new Wild Arms game for 2 years
>it's finally revealed to actually exist in December '16
>it's a fucking mobile game

6 months on and I'm still salty.


Could be worse. It could be a SHITTY mobile game, like the Tales one. A most soulless game you could not find.


It's criminal how many cool IPs that Sony are sitting on that they'll never do anything meaningful with again.

Just to name a few, we have

>Wild Arms
>Omega Boost
>Arc the Lad
>Ape Escape
>Forbidden Siren
>Demon's Souls
>Soul Sacrifice

Project Rap Rabbit, assuming it's real
The head of Project Siren doesn't want to do anything with it, and Sony is respecting that so you can't really blame them for that one.

Cool, does that mean there will be a Wild Arms 6.

No. Just a remake.

That doesn't look much like a remake. It looks like a mobile port.

Please tell me I'm wrong.

It is a mobile port, sorry. Some adjusted graphics here and there.

God fucking dammit. I already bought it on PSN classics for PS3/PSP, that's as mobile as I need it.

They're never going to bring the series back, even if it's just for an Alter Code F version of 2 or even just cleaning up that translation.

While we're on the topic of Wild Arms how is the PSP game? Is it worth playing?

Replace Arc the Lad with Legend of Dragoon, Genji with Dark Cloud then add Patapon, LocoRoco and MediEvil then it's perfect.

Wild Arms XF is pretty neat. It takes a while to really get into it's stride instead of being another FFT, but once you unlock the Grappler class, your ability to mix-and-match and do some ridiculous stuff that's entirely dependent on terrain is through the roof. Really makes the map design or the more niche classes shine. Also, amazing music.

A "perfect" list of IPs Sony needs to stop sitting on would be, like, 40 pages long.


I hate everything.

Some are rightfully forgotten, however.

Sony really need to bring back Kurushi, though.


Oh shit what

>omega boost
I need more of this

My favorite Wild Arms desu.

Ah shit.
