What, still here?

Hand it over, that thing your Dark Soul...

For my lady's painting

Undead's determination

And then, the Ashes were two...


*5 minutes of unskippable laughter*

Hand it over, that thing..........your nudes

You asked for it.

I laugh every fucking time

It's too fucking accurate

Every fucking time
It's just perfect

It's on point except for (unskippable)

Who let the sperg in

Let's be honest, we're on Sup Forums, the spergs already held a majority.

Why isn't the weapon of the last boss in the game automatically the best one?

>Sup Forums
>Complaining about spergs.
Nothing like some irony in the morning.

There are lesser and greater spegs
Rwby fags are the greatest spergs

It's pretty good though not the best. Both of them I mean, the broken execution sword and the auto crossbow.

The broken sword is fucking overpowered what are you on

The auto crossbow is also fucking cool as hell


>finishing people with it

>having a crossbow duel with Gael in NG+

>doing your weapon art while Gael shoots mid air

>Killing Gael while cosplaying as Gael using Gael's weapons

It's not a curved/straight sword so it's not op

(solid minute of laughter)

Does giving blood to the paint loli do anything? What about sharing your name?

>I guess we really were Dark Souls™

It has an effect only to the lore

>five minutes of laughter; unskippable

A fine dark soul...



So I guess I'm the only one that didn't understand a single thing in the entire Dark Souls lore?

Like, what even is the dark soul?

Your mom

the thingy

>wraith of Why'd They Put Anorher FUCKIN SWAMP LEVEL Marsh...

This is gold.

Iframes Ain't free. The tree of soul memory gotta be litterd with the blood of casuals. Hidetaka MIYZAKI "A team" is not my idol, he hack chink and probably jew as well, ALDIA and vendrick not aldia and SEN ok. praise kaathe

>that last sentence

The origin of Humanity.

Basically, all bits of Humanity are fragments of the Dark Soul, and Gael at this point has been collecting them all to put it back together.

Something something abyss.

So why is the MC killing everyone and everything?


None at this point. If you tell your name she supposedly names her painting according to you. If you don't give your name she tells she's going to name the painting "Ash".

Probably cut content, or I'm hoping there's going to be a later surprise patch. The painter finishes her painting and you can interact with it in some way, maybe a cutscene or even a small explorable area.

Or it's actually some stupid in-game advertising campaign for From Software's new upcoming Totally Not Another Souls Game Souls game, and the game takes place inside a painting.

i only care about the gameplay anyway

A fine Dark soulsTM to you

Because he is cursed to do the opposite

>A cold, dark, and very gentle place
>A land of gray crags, Archtrees and Everlasting Dragons.

It's bloodborne. The painting was painted with blood. The girl has weird ass fetish.

>all those knight armor is deeper chalice

It's fucking Bloodborne.

>tfw the cycle just restarts again

>Infinite worlds inside of infinite paintings
>A cycle inside a cycle inside a cycle, going around and around forever
Good lord

Dimension Souls WHEN

Gael's is literally the best greatsword in the game for non abyssal opponents.

>DLC comes out
>Race to the end
>Transpose Gael's Greatsword
>Revel in the confusion and panic the weapon art incites
Even outside of PVP that fucking greatsword is fun. I love flipping around like a retard

>strike damage on R1s and thrust on R2s
>insane range
>540 ar when fully upgraded
>weapon art always true combo's if you mange to connect an R1
What the fuck where they thinking?

We must go DEEPER

Is it really that fun? I just got it but I only like Ultras.
>mfw I like Ringed Twin U. Greatswords but people use it's broken combo all the time

it's really not broken. Slow weapons are shit, no exceptions.

It is really fun to flip around like a retard, and if you time it right you can use it to dodge attacks. If you get gud at using it, you could possibly be untouchable, except maybe on the recovery

I still like FUGS though. Been using it my whole playthrough

I remember the fear I felt when that cunt Tsorig invaded me
I also remember running like a bitch until my stamina wore out and he ran me down
Fuck that was horrifying at first, seeing fucking Tarkus coming at me with Raime's slab of iron

Ultra weapons are the most fun. Just don't expect anything but frustration if you try to fight players with it

Gael's greatsword may be fun as all hell, but this is still my weaponfu

I know how to bait people with it. Hyperarmor helps a little too.
>inb4 no poise

Working as intended.

>Still no Silver Knight Straight Sword
>Still no Fume Sword
I like long, slim swords, and DS3 just doesn't fulfill that

What is the Deep
What is the Profaned Flame
Why is everyone trees
Why does everyone hate DS"




>Made breakthroughs that allowed Aldia and Bearer to live outside of the cycle, and search for ways to subvert it
>Ran out of time, and hid his stuff in the Shrine, posted Velstadt outside his room, and hid his ring from Nash until he went hollow
>In DS3, since Aldia and BOTC failed to find a way to break it completely, Vendrick is remembered as a failure

The TTS version is better, anyone got it? Voice fits perfect

>having 99 Gael souls in every consumable slot

Greatswords are op as fuck now
Did you play the game in the past months

They're okay, probably the 3rd or 4th best weapon class. Not as good as smaller swords.

Really Fromsoft? Goddamn...




you've already got one, faggot. don't be greedy

I almost wanna call it out for being too generic and dumb but fuck, why in the holy fuck did DS3 invent the "profane flame" out of god damn fucking nowhere so we have ANOTHER "flame thing" in the story!?

One of the four primordial Lord’s Souls from before the Age of Fire. Four creatures found them and got superpowered because of it.

Gwyn – Light Soul – Leads rebellion against dragons, founds civilization, gives big chunks of the soul to those that helped him out. Concentrates power amongst a few heroes.
Witch of Izalith – Life Soul – Tries to manually reproduce First Flame, creates the race of demons.
Nito – Death Soul – Deals final blow to immortal dragons, doesn’t do much after.
Furtive Pygmy – Dark Soul – Keeps out of the spotlight; rips off little pieces of his Soul to give to other creatures like him. Distributes power amongst a ton of people.

The creatures with little bits of the Dark Soul became humans, with the piece of the soul being Humanity. But the pygmy lords kept the central piece in the Ringed City.
Supposedly, Gael killed and ate all the pygmy lords that had the soul inside them. He then notes that you also have a substantial amount of “Dark Soul” as a uniquely powerful human.

>still waiting for Vaatis second lore video

More importantly is there any proof that dark is inherently bad?

All weve seen of it is either from a tortured pygmy, kaathe and his kings of lifedrain, or the dark after countless ages of unnatural fire.

>He then notes that you also have a substantial amount of “Dark Soul” as a uniquely powerful human.
I think he's just insane at that point and will take however much of the dark soul that he can get


I need some loremasters in here asap

No, it's not bad. Humans even lived in the abyss before Gwyn pissed his pants.

i dont know man, i mean the abyss wasnt fucked up at all, and artorias was actually having fun being a mindless monster when you kill him. Come on dude...

How is this different from dark exactly?

It's just pure darkness


Yeah torturing manus until he rapes your entire town is totally the same as natural darkness like firelink gets in 3


Dark and light are opposing forces, yet the abyss exists eternally despite gwyns rule over light.


Flameless Shrine is comfy desu

Yeah, so? That would mean all human should be dead whenever Gwyn was ruling, since their souls is made of darkness.

*crestfallen laughing*

If the dark is so evil and full of corruption why is flameless shrine so peaceful and without threat aside from the champ who gaurds it.

I guess the abyss is a location the fire cant invade no matter how strong it is then, which REALLY makes gwyn not only seem a pussy but weak as fuck as well compared to the "stories" of him literally using everyone else to do his bidding.

The only thing we know the dark and humans never build anything in the Souls world literally everything was build by somebody who was a God or who had soulpower from the Gods.

>lets just blame Gwyn for everything lmao

>If the dark is so evil and full of corruption why is flameless shrine so peaceful and without threat aside from the champ who gaurds it.
It isn't you dumbass that's the point. Humanity represents strong feelings like love and envy. It is calm and soothing to humans obviously since the human souls is literal darkness, but acts like a poison to gods. See Artorias for reference.

Gwyn was a coward who tried to fuck with nature

Except its explicitly stated gwyn did jack shit.

He used the other lords, pygmy included to defeat the dragons. Lightning didnt kill shit.

He propably used the workforce of the pygmys to build all his shit too

Gwyn did NOTHING wrong

Same. I think I'd find this funny if I listened to the dialog.

They fucked him up the DLC.
Gwyn was an alright guy before they decided to blame him for everything. I guess they ran out of time and had to tie some loose ends