Go to my friend's house for a party

>go to my friend's house for a party
>bring my switch along just like the commercials
>get to his house, everyone is drinking and having a good time
>he is playing BotW on his TV with his switch
>I go over and pull his switch out of the dock, shove mine in
>grab his joycons and toss them to people
>everyone plays puyo puyo tetris with each other for hours

Holy shit this works just like in the commercials. I even picked up a girl from the party.

You want to know how I know you're lying?

Let's hear it user.

>The screen is a shota
>the Joycons are generic konosuba milfs

i've derailed a party with a laptop, street fighter alpha 3, & controllers

it depends on the crowd and really isn't a big deal at all.

If your 'friend' was holding the party why would he be playing BotW on his own instead of being a good host?

People wanted to see it?

It's a game literally everyone knows about and wanted to see.

would you prefer the reverse you sick fuck?

I made everyone play Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Society is becoming stagnant
Even people that should'nt be are becoming shut in or socially awkard
Lots of men say fuck you to women and they say sorry once the get cut off from the social circle

>Lots of men say fuck you to women
Watching MGTOW take off and evolve over the course of the past few years has really done a lot to restore my faith in society.

Change is coming and it's going to be great.

Sounds like an awful party.
Whatever happened to good conversation in the company of others?

you have to consider the likely scenario. when OP says "everyone" we automatically assume a full on house party full of strangers, etc. most likely it was just a small group of peoeple, most who know each other, and probably all equally autistic and ugly.

They was having conversations and shit, but (((someone))) ruined it

Normalfag parties sound boring as fuck

Does anyone wanna hear my thoughts on muslims?

>Karen is OP
>Karen picked up a girl at the party

They are, that's really all you do. Best thing to come with a normalfag party is getting any kind of connections, like job connections, gf connections....

A MILF surrounded by two shotas would actually make more sense, yes.

its funny because these days, normalfag parties also include a lot of glued on the phone


Last normalfag party I went to was 3 years ago. I'm 30 I hang with adults that actually have a lot to say. We all have 1 thing in common, we all would like to gas liberal journalists lol

>a full on house party full of strangers
Why the fuck would anyone invite a group of strangers to their party?

I'll beat the fuck out of any nerd that brings his gayass nintendo bitch to any party I'm at, don't think I'm joking. I'll fuck Karen up.

yeah man fuck leftists haha

That's what American teenagers think parties are like. They're not allowed to drink so they have to cram everyone into whomever's parents aren't home that weekend. Also involves the worst beer in the world and red cups.

I'd invite Karen to my party so we can play with her Switch.

Yea man, I wish I could wake up one morning and read on the news that new york times staff are all piled up and burning.

Not gonna lie, I'd eat Karen's ass and ask for seconds.

She's so flat it's cute

>tfw will never play with her joycons after playing puyo

Think she can handle 2DS?

Imagine if everyone at the party raped Karen.

Guys how do I make Karen my girlfriend?

>get together with buddies from online years ago
>just a week of hanging out and playing Guilty Gear, Smash Bros, Four Swords, Gitaroo Man, and the best party game ever Wario Ware on gamecube
>haven't done anything like that in 15 years

I want to go back

>mfw i get invited to a mates party to be introduced to his friends
>supposedly one guy that will really like me according to mate
>drink too much because i can talk to people a lot easier
>night ends with most people avoiding me and the one guy that was supposed to like me calling me a racist and going on a huge political rant whilst i just stare at him.

I seriously thought parties were like that. Like, just a house full of people you don't know. Also the entire point of them is to find someone drunk enough to have sex with you.

Yes, but only if you want to hear my thoughts on the jews

some of them are. contrary to what the other poster said, it just depends. but the majority of parties fall somewhere in between, where it may be intended for people you know, but it explodes with friends of friends, and so on.

parties, like gender, are on a spectrum.

Be honest, user, what did you say?

The reason you guys were supposed to like each other was because you could debate together. Instead you just stayed quiet. You gotta keep taking. If he calls you a racist, say that a code word for someone who's proud of their heritage, then accuse him of being racist against that. Or just punch him because that's a logical response to being called something you aren't.


What about two shotas and a big busty woman?

tv was on in the background and there was another terror attack on the news
i was complaining about muslims loudly for 2 hours because its not very often I'm in a place where i'm not fucking surrounded by them lol

i went to the party for alcohol and casual racism not political debates.

>western europe


You are dumb going on a political rant for that long. No one wants to associate with a perceived racist user. Learn to keep your Sup Forums in check.

i was overwhelmed by freedom and shots

Get a switch before Chad does.

I did it with a dreamcast, sf3 and rez in 2008

Implying normies even have conversations anymore. The last time I hung out with my classmates they were all just sitting there with their eyes glued to their cellphones.

>shilling this gay

but chad is sony, through to the end.
no lie

What I like about it was I could ask my Mum if she wanted to play a game, hand her a Joycon, play Snipperclips and she'd pick it up in no time and it was just fun.

The last time she played a game (unless you count mobile stuff) was when my dad and I got my aunts and uncles round to our house at 12AM one night and they all drunkenly played Jet Set Radio Future on my dad's Xbox until dawn. A one-off, but I remember it so fondly. Being able to replicate that kind of fun again on a whim is really nice.

I love shill threads haha