What is this?

What is this?

Other urls found in this thread:


It's レコラブ Gold Beach.

Another """""""gold-standard"""""""" game for the PSVITA™.

Cuck simulator.
You have to do the annoying part of talking to the girls while Jamal gets to ram his dick into all their hole offscreen afterwards.
All the work and no rewards, perfect.

Murderous Chins: Gold Beach

Sounds legit

Jr. Idol video making simulator


Trying to shake water out of your ears is hard

It's a romance sim



Is there any decent lewdness on the NA sale? I don't care if there's real fucky fuck, just don't want to fall asleep

Why is this board filled with dudes who are obsessed with cucks and black dicks? You know you're fucking gay for posting this shit right?


>why is this board filled with gay american liberals?

Because black dick is the best dick you can get

Legit creepy.

Now we're talking! Wholesome family entertainment.

>Checks boorus
>Check panda
>Both Takeda Hiromitsu and Ootomo Takuji have lewd art of Mariana


>Jogging Simulator, coming this summer to PlayStation®VR

Thank you for leading me to Takuji user

>Dat Ayase in a lewd wedding dress.

Is that a randoseru? how can people get off to this?



oh so this is the girl in those doujins from




Generic kusoge that's overly reliant on fanservice to sell.

In what sick and twisted kind of world are we living in when this game can't even come to the west because of muh sexism. I NEED THIS GAME TRASNLATED NOW!



>this thread
Where the hell do you guys find these rare .vpks?

So this is the power of the PS Vita...

A deal's a deal user.

tits too big

it's still more female naughty bits than you'll ever see

>how can't people get off to this?





can you play the game without knowing jap?

You can play any game without knowing Japanese. You're just not going to understand it.

Why aren'

this game doesn't work on firmware below 3.61


Jeez, I haven't checked the scene since August of last year.
They still haven't gotten past 3.60?

I need this in VR with touch feedback

I've never seen レ with the round diacritical mark, what sound is that supposed to make?

pleasure of being cummed inside


I really wanted this game in the westacuck
I know the writing isn't anywhere near the original Amagami, but an actual 3D VN with sexy scenes sound cool

The blonde finnish girl is getting a lot of porn

I'm not sure it's meant to change the sound. It seems to represent the record button.

It's also the watermark on stills (upper-right in this photo)

>game was released just after 3.61

>game has 6 main girls + 5 DLC girls
>only ones anyone remembers are Titty McGaijin and the 10-year-old

But user, you won't get store bonus tapestries if you just download the games

I don't want to spend 5 years in prison because I bought a drawing.

>a fucking leaf

Is that mapple syrup what I smell?

Into the trash it goes.

Honey select give more options


>tfw i don't feel anything for ntr anymore.
Is there something more degenerate than that?

Not even, but close

I'm sure /d/ got you covered.

we idolm@ster now

Do these developers have any relation to the people who put together the recent Seiren anime?

>generic NTR shit
No thanks desu. This guy has somehow made NTR even more stale and boring.

Of all the threads they have there, the feet fetish thread is still the most disgusting.

Why is her ass that flat?

She's 10

Isn't that Takeda Hiromitsu one literally the same as his Musaigen no Phantom World?

I may have some feet-focused videos here somewhere, but I'd have to go hunting for them

>Charge into a girl
>Whoops I should watch where I'm going haha
>Scratches back of head.

Is there an Asian English version coming any time soon?

Pls no.

Doesn't seem like it
Also the developer went bankrupt

How about armpits?

How come?

t. futafag who shoves his disgusting gay fetish in everything

Now you're talking! Also this game actually looks pretty good for a Vita.

There's not a lot of details.
They seemed to be having some trouble meeting deadlines previously so something seemed to be up internally.
They said Recolove didn't sell well, though usually that's more of the publisher's problem and just some bonus royalties for the developer.

It clearly says レコラヴ, user.

That one in the black looks best to me.


Did she ask for a refund? That's clearly not the can she chose.

Mahiro a cute!




Silicon Valley billionaires already have it. They just don't want YOU (You) to have it.


do you masturbate to that?

This user doesn't seem like a faggot so I guess he does

"The game depicts your relationship with an abundance of attractive girls, from fifth-year elementary to third-year high school students, from your first encounter to your love confession."

The actual recording sessions are more stimulating than the videos, with their reactions to what you're doing, and touching and kiss mode and whatnot.
The videos that result are more of a side-effect.

Though maybe I'm not understanding your question.

