How do we kill the Dark Souls fanbase?

>character wears armor

Name a worse fanbase. I dare you.

Sup Forums

I really can't, Soulsfags are pretty horrendous.
>think the torpid, imprecise rollfest combat with terrible hitboxes and zero depth is some kind of benchmark that all other games should be judged on
Seriously, I don't get it. They like to bring up the amount of weapons with differing movesets as a positive, yet if you bring up something like, say, Dynasty Warriors, which has a stupid amount of weapons with differing moveset, it gets lambasted as shallow button mashing. It's not like Souls games require precision like Mount and Blade either.

99% of Dark Souls memers are PCfags.
Dark Souls fanbase is basically PCfags sub fanbase.

>thing gets popular
>other things reference it
>fans notice the references and will look for more

Didn't we have this thread yesterday?

Souls combat is trash, I agree. People really woke up to that when For Honor came out and what PVP community DS3 had migrated over. I'm not saying For Honor is great, but it made people realize you could do a lot better with a stamina-based system. That said, the main draw to Souls for me is its multiplayer mechanics. Invasions are the gift that keep on giving.

Definitely not, you can just see how the most pretentious obnoxious part of the fanbase comes from Bloodborne.

>dark souls invented dark fantasy
>dark souls invented the middle ages
>dark souls invented armor
>dark souls invented swords and shields
>dark souls invented arpgs
>dark souls invented hard difficulty
>dark souls fags actually believe this

I never anticipated that it would get this bad. I bought a PS3 just to play Demons Souls when it got ported to the west since I heard it was a 'hidden gem' at the time. Dark Souls comes out, and it's looking great, played the hell out of it.

Then, it went mainstream. Fucking normies latched onto every single Sunbro/Giant Daddy/AMAZING CHEST meme they could and it went to shit from there as far as fanbase.

I honestly wanted it to end at Dark Souls: Artorias of the Abyss, but instead we got DS2/DLC and DS3/DLC. Essentially, the same game catering to the fucking retarded overly vocal fanbase. At least BB tried something new.

The Dark Souls audience reminds me of the JoJo audience. it's fucking awful

>lists of things Dark Souls has done
What's your point


Your next reply is: Is this this a Jojo reference?

user go get some breakfast my guy.

Its not dark souls fantards, its redditors,

>Implying they're not one and the same

so fucking true

>now dark soul is reddit

you should really stop memeing kid

The fanbase-hating fanbase

You're actually delusional if you think For Honor permanently claimed the Souls PVP base and I'm saying that as someone that doesn't even particularly like it, especially in 3.

For honor is a dead game with p2p bullshit and awful balance and gear/stat garbage. Should expect no less from such a shit publisher

It's pretty funny how if a game has rolls they say it's inspired by Souls. Pretty stupid.

Worse? maybe not, but JoJo is right next to it. Both probably being worse than Sonic at this point.

For Honor didn't take the DS3 pvp base because it's a better combat system, it took a few cancerous twitchfags because they paid them to play it (and also because DS3 invasions are fucking miserable)

>op asks for a worse fan base
>see no mention of smash, sonic, or mlp

Sup Forums i am disappoint

dark souls is the contrarian meme answer of the month

Same, but only because it's something people here loved at first while it was still relatively "unpopular"
Bunch of hipster faggots

Nah, the fan base isn't autistic enough to attack someone over the color of a characters arm

still gameplay aside, the world and monsters lore is really interesting, i haven't played through ds2 or ds3, i couldn't really get into them like DaS1, but still watched youtube vids on the bosses and the lore around them.

I did really enjoy and finish nioh, that had much more depth to the combat, and thats what you are doing 90% of the time in these games anyway.

The Mayor is a strange person.

Better task: Name a single video game fanbase that isn't packed with cancerous retards.

Euro truck simulator. They just want to drive thier trucks.

Smash Bros. Melee, Undertale, Fire Emblem and Sonic.

Has nobody here realized in all their years that once the popularity of something hits the mainstream, the fan base turns into irreversible shit? Normalfags are eventually going to permeate everything you like, but that doesn't mean you have to stop enjoying it. Just remain aloof and take it in stride

are you comparing for honor to dark souls? how old are you 10?

>We thought that Dark Souls coming to PC was a victory
>We thought of winning a battle but we never realized the consequences

Does Sup Forums still pretend goblin slayer is good?

Armoured core
Any racing game
Little big planet

>play DS game
>never join any threads because it will always end up with meme, "git gud", and shit tastes

You probably don't realize this because you're a new fag but the memes he's talking about happened on xbox and ps3

>It's not like Souls games require precision like Mount and Blade either
This is bait, right?

Sonic and Pony fans are crazy autistic, but at least they aren't insufferable memesters that pretend their franchise invented everything ever made like SU, Undertale, and Soulsfags.

>You have to dodge enemy attacks sometimes

Wow another soulsclone

1 man is not a fanbase.


kill yourself

I used to think this was a troll but then I saw what happened when Bayonetta came to PC. Western games are fine but weeaboo PC gamers are such faggots.

They don't, are you stupid? The hitboxes are all over the place, and you aren't aiming at all. The animations are broad as fuck too.

Considiering how retarded and cancerous the Bloodborne fanbase is i have to disagree.

DaS fanbase was like monster hunter fanbase but a bit shittier before the PC port, then it became the biggest cancer on the planet, so yes.

Truly SMTIV is the Dark Souls of the Persona series.

>weeaboos are faggots
No surprise here.

named one

Thanks OP, you made me start reading this. It's pretty good.

Your own post contradicts itself

Shitty bait thread, reported, hidden, saged, and whatever else you can account for.
Get a life and stop posting the same shit thread every two hours jesus christ.

>Play every single Soulsborne game in whatever system I can.
>Don't care about the fanbase since it's basically a single player game and the little multiplayer there is doesn't even have a chat.
>Enjoy myself.

You are all like triggered feminists crying about someone ruining your safe space. I'm LMAOing at your lives.