I was mugged on Saturday, and amongst my belongings was my Switch

TLDR: Got robbed, and lost my Switch with 70+ hours of BoTW. Awesome wife immediately bought me a new Switch. Nintendo Support helped me transfer active system to the new console, and we're back to playing Mario Kart 8 cups together.

Coming home from a Pokémon TCG tournament on Saturday night, three men jump out of a car with guns, and proceed to ask me, and my wife, for our cell phones.

They noticed she had my backpack on, and they asked her for it too.
Fortunately they didn't ask for my wallet, and I had a big bag with a a lot of my Pokémon cards, a cool new deck box I'd won, and a new router to replace a broken one at home.

My backpack, however, had my main Pokémon TCG box with my deck, and a new deck I'd just bought and built. It had my laptop (yay for FileVault 2 encryption and my paranoia with super lengthy, complex passwords), and my Nintendo Switch.

I'm super bummed about Zelda, and this only reinforces what we as a community keep saying, Nintendo needs to allow for backups, or do online saves like on PlayStation! However I'm also excited as I get to explore that fantastic world again, and so anything I may have missed earlier in my first play through.
I'm so glad I didn't have my copy of Mario Kart in the case. Just my JoyCon straps, a USB-C cable, and an iPad charging brick. I'll need to get a MicroSD again at some point, and another case.

My wife was so awesome that she immediately called up our friends at a local game store, and had them reserve the last Switch in stock, and another copy of BoTW. Nintendo support was super helpful, at first a gentleman said "This is a one time thing, and not something we will ever do again". When I told him I was robbed at gunpoint, and was sad enough I lost my system, and save files, he immediately apologized and helped me out.

Obvious Reddit shitposting, report and move on.

>Coming home from Pokemon tournament.

Stopped there. You're not 13 anymore. You're a soft target and I honestly can't blame the muggers for taking advantage of that. It's like you where waking down the road and found a hot girl bend over, ass and pussy oiled up with a sign saying "FUCK ME". What would you do? YOU might walk on by but those muggers? They took your invitation and fucked you good.

What would guys with guns be doing outside of a Pokemon TCG tournament

Do you live in a ghetto, OP?

I carry mine everywhere i go. Not a big deal.

I can't help but feel he replaced every instance of "mom" with "wife" to avoid getting made fun of


Thats kinda hot.

Was it niggers?

Not the issue here.

The issue is "gunmen" stopping by a TCG tournament.

Unless the tournament was hosted in a ghetto, I don't see "a bunch of dudes in a car" coming up to rob a guy who buys paper cards that whole little monetary value.

Maybe if it was 1 guy sure but 3?

Sounds like a group of poor people living in a ghetto.

This is why Europe is superior.


Do you even have to ask?

Getting mugged vs getting Allahu akbared.
I would prefer mugged everyday,but considering what the French just did
Rip Europe. I hope you enjoy more Nintendo censorship, showing legs is soon haram

Instead he would be ran over and have his wife raped. How is that better?

They were clearly Moster Rancher fans with decades of resentment.



Hate Speech, everything is fine here. 99.90% of immigrants integrate, a more multicultural society makes Europe stronger
>But Drumpf and Alex Jones said
Your car is Japanese. Your beer is German. Your wine is Spanish. Your democracy is Greek. Your coffee is Colombian. Your tea is Chinese. Your watch is Swiss. Your fashion is French. Your shirt is Indian. Your shoes are Thai. Your radio is Korean. Your vodka is Russian. Your Vidya is Japanese. Your Xbox, playstation and Switch is made by the Chinese

0/10 you're trying way to hard

>Your car is Japanese. Your beer is German. Your wine is Spanish. Your democracy is Greek. Your coffee is Colombian. Your tea is Chinese. Your watch is Swiss. Your fashion is French. Your shirt is Indian. Your shoes are Thai. Your radio is Korean. Your vodka is Russian. Your Vidya is Japanese. Your Xbox, playstation and Switch is made by the Chinese
all economically-driven, and the products themselves a result of either insular cultures (of which only a handful have been mass-immigration hotbeds and for less than one generation) or of sheer mass-production generic profiteering (i.e. $8 "indian" t-shirts at fucking H&M)

it's not hate speech to say that islam is a problem, because islam is not a race

>99.90% of immigrants integrate
[citation needed]


You sound like a man child

>"Pardon me, just pirating this Switch."

This is the most intensely reddit thing I've read all week. So much so that I think the OP(on reddit) was fake to begin with.

>be EU Court
>take down Nyaa

>at his home
>defending people that don't respect the lives and property of others, regardless of the lack of caution and preparedness

You, the muggers, and the other DINDUS of the world deserve death - either to get you out of the mess that society put you in, or to remove you and your inability to cooperate from the rest of the world.

>In 2013 + 4
Just natural selection doing it's thing.

>missiing the point

lmfao you Sup Forumstards cant even take a joke either


the last pokemon TCG tourney was in Virginia so its possible.

Reddit copypasta

>charitable individuals try to save faggot from his Nintendo obsession
>enabler wife fucks it all up