>Risk of Rain 2 is our first fully 3D project! We think that 3D allows for much deeper design spaces and more possibilities for cool gameplay. Feelings of scale and atmosphere are also much stronger. We are really happy with the core of Risk of Rain - and we’re finding it plays even better in 3D. It just won’t crash anymore.

>There’s a bunch of other things I want to talk about, but I’m anxious and nervous about writing this so they’re all escaping my mind. So uh, yeah. There you go. We’ll be spending the next few devblogs talking about all the awesome systems we have in place (unified character system, item proc chains, etc) with future ones talking about our progress through development. I promise that we’re doing all these things because we think it’ll make the coolest game. And to all our fans - thanks for sticking with us. We hope you’re all as excited as we are.

> Hopoo Games Team

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Watch them fail and make it 30fps again

Hey this looks nice

dead on arrival

oh just fuck off, you don't like videogames



looks like shit

Better be 60 fps and online mutliplayer. Only two things they need to do other than bring back HAN-D and Engineer.

3D makes me wary, but I'm optimistic, just hoping the multiplayer doesn't suck

this is a 6 months build, They said they tested it to make sure mechanics are actually fun in 3D to prevent a Trine 3.

give them time. I just hope they don't do some early acces bullshit and just go straigh for release or at beast a beta build to clean bugs.

Looks neat. I'm not entirely sure if the enemy design or art direction in general will translate well into 3D. The sprites were decently animated for how basic they were. I feel like it would lose a lot of its verticality too. It could be good, but could also be garbage.

>indie shit
Fuck off shill

Let me guess, game will be COMPLETELY different and won't satisfy current players.


>risk of rain shilling is back

Woah, truly like going back in time

>ruin one of the decent 2D games with an unneeded 3D change
What's next? open world?

Will the Loader's electric towers damage enemies inside the whole cube though?

I can't wait for Sup Forums to set up matches, put it on the highest difficulty, and die repeatedly on the first stage.

Hopoo's blog

I don't think the old Risk of Rain is going to be patched over as 3D user

>it's real
>it looks decent

Am I... A little enthusiastic? What is this feeling?

Yeah by that logic why play any new games or sequels right?

it doesn't look too bad i guess, but i would have much rather had the same game as the first but with more areas, items and characters
time will tell if this is any good or not

Just saying Risk of Rain 1 isn't going to go anywhere if you don't like it homeslice

3d melee is going to be aids.

That's pretty impressive for 6 months work.
Will they set up another kickstarter to fund it?

and I'm saying that sequels should be better than the original. Your half-assed logic is flawed.

Trust Hopoo. RoR was good but fucked thanks to game maker.

Deadbolt was good enough, nothing too big or special, but did his job.

They are no tripple AAA but they don't aim to be one or make stupidly high promises like 2D animation, some expensive composer (they better bring back RoR and DB composer) or anything.

Also Low poly is probably the best way to go for RoR artstyle

All Risk of Rain levels and encounters played pretty much exactly the same because of the flat, 2D design. 3D adds way more variety.

We don't know how good this will be.
All we have is some gifs and pics from 6 months into development.

I actually have no words for this abhorrent post
(you) really didn't try at all

You said the first Risk of Rain would be ruined, I'm telling you you're wrong. I said nothing about sequels not having to be better than the original. Don't project.

And your condemnation of an unreleased game based solely on them adding another dimension isn't?


>finally manage to stop playing RoR
>RoR 2 announced
I'm going to pray it will be shit so I don't waste another few hundreds of hours.

I hope they're doing something smart and devving it with Unreal or using a proper language this time like C++ w/ SDL2 instead of making it with Unity or GM...
Also yes if Chris isn't on this I'll be mad

>you will be raped by magma worms in 4k 60 FPS

Even if it's shit, it might be one of those cases where you still pour 100 hours into it and then leave a negative review.

>dev didn't make the announcement here
what the fuck bro I thought we were close

But will it have multiplayer? Ever since my router stopped letting RoR through i've been missing out on all the Sup Forums fun times. I need my RoR fun time Sup Forums I NEED IT.

>50% more dimension
that's a VAST improvement user

>game maker studio lost another developer to unity

will they ever get their shit together?

>tripple AAA
>AAA AAA AAA studio

>Risk of Rain 2 in fully 3D
>imagine playing this with Sup Forums
I can't wait

Maybe netcode will be better this time around.


I haven't even played the original

am I missing out?

as someone who's used both
unity is basically as good as unreal
it has a bad reputation because it was free before UE, which meant a lot of people with very little drive made a "game" using it, since it was free anyway

>20 players spite magma worm only

had the idea of making a RoR clone but in 3d

oh well

well some games have a REALLY REALLY big budget I guess...

IT's a fun time killer that becomes great with friends. Don't expect too much out of it but definetly worth it's price.

>a proper language this time like C++


Just pixel shit.

Shit I just realized I never played this and have had it forever (Got it from a humble bundle)


Looks like that's what it's aiming to do, exactly. People who can't aim for shit might be put off, though.

Oh no, Mr. Ideas Guy will have to conjure up some more "ideas"

>nasa announced their new project is a game
>7 billion USD budget


How hard is this game going to burn computers ?

They want the Overwatch PvE events audience

No, the whole series, any series not just RoR, should have enough differences that you can go back and play any game in the series without feeling like you took a step backwards. All the games should have something distinct to merit being able to go back to them and I think this is a good example

it'll probably be some fucking unity trash but if it captures the spirit of 2d risk of rain i'll still buy it

Move out of Sudan and maybe you can play with the rest of us. The netcode is entirely p2p and works great when the host isn't shit.


unity isnt as bad as people make it out to be, but unreal is a lot better IMO


I wouldn't mind more of the same but I gotta say this is some exciting news

I'm iffy about such a big change, but I will at least be looking forward to more jams from their composer.

>low poly
Finally indie devs move on to the superior graphical style, very excited


All these coop walkthroughs, imagine.

Don't fuck this up Hopoo, you better give us multiplayer and Christodoulou

Is Risk of Rain better with a controller or mouse?

Anyone wanna play some now?

>funballs now have 3rd dimension
>50% more bandwidth needed to send object coordinates

>made in Unity

Guarantee its being made in Unity or some equally shit program. If so I'm basically not gonna give a fuck.

>tfw risk of rain dev copies your tweaked clone idea

Fuck off with this garbage
It was fun because it was a nice 2D sidescroller with a neat aesthetic
Now it's just gonna be another garbage looking 3D shooter with garbage graphics

I mean, if you're playing on an i3 with 4gb of ram and a 500 level card, I guess you'll have problems.

>take casual game that neo-Sup Forums thinks is hard, make it 3d, call it a second game

why couldn't they just patch risk of rain and give it actual difficulty? they ain't getting any money from me now


Why the fuck do so many people shit on Unity when it's a perfectly serviceable engine?

Why the fuck do so many people shit on this game being 3D when they're trying something new instead of just making "the same game, but now you have to pay for it again to play the updated version"?

These devs are doing everything right.

As long as it's not snowball carryfest this time around, I'm hype.

Chris is on board, just check his twitter.


where the FUCK are you people reading that it's made in Unity

Dude, nice meme. I get that meme.

>have something good that works well and that people like
>change it completely
>"lol why are people giving them shit for trying something new???"
If they want to make something new, make it not Risk of Rain 2.
Risk of Rain should stay Risk of Rain.

And here I was thinking I can't get hyped for vidya anymore.

Same reason as RPG Maker.
It's popular with kids and teenagers so a lot of trash comes out, and that means it can never have a good game made in it.

A bad case of idiots and misinformation. Unity is powerful in the right hands and accessible for everyone else to make their shitty asset flips in.



we can smell unity from a mile away
games just act a certain way when built in unity
it's the way the lighting and terrain looks that makes you know that it's a unity game

>core gameplay is the same
>just one more dimension added
Are you a casual?

How about instead of bowing to what you want, they keep their franchise going and innovate it? Why should a developer have to create the same game over and over again? Did you also cry when Metroid Prime was created and turned out to be an outstanding game that deviated from the previous formula?

I've tried to play the first one but i couldn't enjoy it. The concept looks fun but it's way to hard and a lot of rng. Is it possible to unlock all characters solo? In coop it's playable but solo it was a nightmare for me with default class.
