Immaturity is being unable to seperate the art from the artist

Immaturity is being unable to seperate the art from the artist


>I was only pretending to be retarded


you aren't nearly as funny as Quentin

Strawman arguments only make the "right" side look dubious.

>Sup Forums boogeyman

why does anyone think Sup Forums is somehow any different from Sup Forums?

Sup Forums literally invented gamergate

>ignore the opinions of the artists and focus on the art
>art is complete hogwash anyway


There was definitely some intermingling between both boards for that particular incident, as there has been since.

Anyone who calls Andromeda Bioware's Magnum Opus is clearly a fucking moron and should not be trusted.

What is this shitty Quentin rip off?

everyone wants to be the new quentin. Such is the man's legacy. I tip my fedora to him.

I bet that image would've killed in Reddit too. Why not try it there instead?

is this the new quentin?

I like it


Fuck you for making me nostalgic for old trolls like quentin and lancedjack. These are not things I should miss.

>asian women
you dont have to use it that way

i mean
you are racist too.

You could've made the image with a game that had decent writing.

Why is america obsessed with black people and cuckholding

>not pol fags

This is actually pretty true. ME:A was a 7/10 but it's treated as a 0/10 because Bioware has a different political leaning than what neo-Sup Forumsv/ has.

Because they're overrun with blacks and feel insecure about themselves

Why is europe obsessed with brown people and cuckolding?

It's hard to know who comes off worse in that cartoon.

Oh wait, I know, it's the person that made that picture.


>The writing was awful
>The menus were awful
>Glitches up the ass
>Horrible voice acting
>Horrible movement and physics

Nah it was alright 7/10 Sup Forums just wants everything to fail

From the thumbnail I tought polguy was James Rolfe


its not art. and if an art has a political intention, its just treated as propaganda or a political activity of the artist

>keep giving your money to people who hate you
Nah, I'm good.

It isn't funny at all.

What political intentions does ME:A have?

See, that would've worked if the game didn't suck

Why are conservative countries so obsessed with MLP?

>Doesn't even post the number

This is like a Quentin comic without the humor.

You sound dull and just as retarded as the hick OP.

I honestly miss him.

>you aren't allowed to vote with your wallet anymore
wait a minute, that argument...


man, this "comic" sure opened my eyes
made me think, if you will


Best meme genre