This is the best platformer ever

This is the best platformer ever.

Limit it to 3D Platformers and maybe you can have a point.

Otherwise DKC2 pisses all over you

me and the rolling stones

God damn that game has aged badly. I remember it looking a lot better then that.

And that's an emulated version with AA, imagine it on a 480p resolution with shitty blur and texture flckering

what do you mean it aged badly, are you saying you prefer the remake.

It looks like shit. Mario 64 was the best platformer.

Crash Bandicoot has always been mediocre.

this is how the game is meant to look like

>Not even the best DKC

yeah that title goes to DKC3.

>behind the camera mario with collectathon elements

Not even close

Both wrong


Why did you post an image of the worst level in that game?


I remember this game being a lot easier as kid... I'm getting rekt'd on most sections, and that's only because I'm not used to utilizing the PS d-pads for everything and movement.

>that's only because I'm not used to utilizing the PS d-pads for everything and movement.
No it's because you're a pleb and this is how you're trying to rationalise it to yourself

damn my nigga, read me like a card.

I use the Dual Shock controller for Crash 2 and 3, and I am really good at those games using the analog stick. You just need to read the levels like a grid because very rarely will a platform or pit be misaligned to it.


Should use a crt filter to make high resolution rendering and low resolution textures blend together better.
Go to /vr/ instead of Sup Forums, they'll help you better.
If this was just a shitpost thread, then please stop, you're ruining it.


N Sane Trilogy looks pretty damn good but I wish they just made a new game instead of repackaging the twenty year old shit.

I had a tough time playing those games as a kid because I couldn't into depth perception. Remarkably, it was limited to games like Crash and Quake 64.

like this?

Slightly too strong, or if it's from an actual CRT TV, use higher brightness, or even an old CRT monitor.
Also use very high resolution when doing CRT filters since you need to render the filter itself at a much higher res to get rid of the screendoor effect.