Wow so this is the power of 2017

Wow so this is the power of 2017

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Reminder that the original Prey was in development for a long time, mostly because 3D realms was involved or somehting, i don't fucking know.

>Prey ran on the Doom 3 engine
>Which comes from a series now owned by ZeniMax


Modern devs continue to embarrass with their unprecedented laziness and incompetence

Nailed it.

Whats weird is the technology is there to do it, those scenes with the holographic images on the screens is similar to mirror effects.

No shit when graphics get more detailed, there is more detail needed to be reflected and therefor reflections are more difficult. It then stands to reason that they wont be prioritized because its ultimately a detail that doesn't affect anything, unless the mirrors are relevant somehow.


Lets be honest. Prey (2017) is a meh game overall thats enjoyable because its actually polished unlike most AAA games. That alone makes it a goty contender. The industry is in a pretty sad state.

Most common way to do a reflection is having to render everything twice

Hence why you rarely see full reflections in modern games

>reveal trailer has character looking at himself in the mirror multiple times
>the mirrors don't actually work in the game
What did they mean by this?

don't buy our game


To be fair you are playing a game inside of another game. They're too busy trying to imprint human empathy on an alien to add reflections to their sim.

No Prey (2017) is a good game because it has actually good level design, world building, progression system and challenge. That's all there is to it.

there must be some kind of other janky way developers can hack together a way to give the effect of a mirror besides flipping the whole map around in 2017. it doesn't have to be perfect, just something that shows your character in front of the mirror when they are at least...christ. these fucking nonworking mirrors are a disgrace, are we humans really this fucking barbaric still?

story is ok, progression system is amazing, level design is top tier, world building is meh.

Its one of the better games to come out in a while but something doesn't pop. I just cant put my finger on it.

8/10 hope there's a sequel with Tommy

Mirrors in games are a fucking meme.

No it's not 'simple'. The concept of reflection doesn't exist in games like it does in the real world.


fuck, I want some McNuggets now.


>The concept of reflection doesn't exist in games
It does though, if the developer implements it. But instead of doing that, he just buys and uses some crappy engine that someone else created for him, so he can't do that.

Older games did it fine it is irrelevant if it's difficult or not.

Mirrors : 1
You : 0

Newsflash: older games looked like shit.

The more intense the graphics are the harder it is to do things like this. Most developers have correctly calculated that it's not worth having framerate drops just because the player goes into a fucking toilet

If I was playing a game where it'd let me take a shit in the toilet in front of a mirror you bet your ass I would want the developers to actually let me see the frontal view of my character taking a shit.

It's the little things.

>reflection isn't real

mmm okay

Modern games have low and dipping FPS anyway lmao

Mirrors : 2
You : 0

prey doesnt even look good. Facial animations are way worse than crysis 2 in 2011. Even tho this uses cryengine v4. So fuck off you retarded faggot.

>It's not easy to make a game guys!!

No shit sherlock, that does not mean that we should not have standards for them

Does it really require hundreds of millions of dollars to pull off a working mirror?

didn't deus ex just have a phantom room with an npc moving in correlation to the player's movement? sheer puppetry.

what if mirrors are real but our eyes aren't

fuck you fags developers cant fucking afford mirrors dont make fun of them

Video games are an artificially created image. There is no naturally occurring reflection

Prey's engine was written by John Carmack, and there is no one like him working on engines any more. Don't expect things like working mirrors or good optimization or whatnot until he gets tired of VR and goes back to engine dev.

Looks like that mirror is working quite well to me

>graphics are more intense
But both hardware and software improved significantly too.

>it's not worth having framerate drops just because the player goes into a fucking toilet
But we have shit framerate anyway.

You don't render everything everytime you retard

They just didn't bother to animate the player model.

The short answer: Modern video games do not do raytracing.

The long answer: How does a mirror work? It works by bouncing light. Light comes out of a source, like a light bulb or through a window, it strikes the mirror, and it bounces.

That isn't the way light works in video games.

This is quick and overly simplistic, but to get a sense of how light works in video games, think of it kind of like a glowing fog that fills a space. The “light” in a video game is not made up of rays that leave the light source, bounce around, and then enter the cameras. Instead, “shaders” describe how the light interacts with the surface the shader is mapped on to.


Because even modern computers with high-end graphics cards are not powerful enough to do ray-tracing in real time. They can trace rays of light from a light source, have them bounce off of or refract through objects, calculate how they strike the camera, and compute what the scene looks like, but this is a lot of computation and takes a long time. Depending on the resolution, hardware, and complexity of the scene, it's not at all difficult to create scenes that require hours to render per frame.

So video games use quick and dirty techniques for rendering scenes that don't involve raytracing. Like treating light kind of like a fog rather than like rays that travel from the light source to objects and then to the camera. But if you're not tracing light paths, what you give up is a simple way to create reflection.

That's what I mean. GTAV had a budget of around 250 million dollars if I remember correctly, and it has proper mirrors in an open world. Is the reason other AAA games and game engines can't do it because of better-looking graphics overall?

no, it depends on the dev's priority. even free engine aimed at indie devs can do reflection by simply ticking a box now.

Nigger, older games ran on hardware that's not even 1/10th as powerful as modern hardware.
The fucking most powerful SLI'd setup in this image is at best on par with a Switch in terms of actual performance and capabilities.
Shit, the 7xxx GT series doesn't even have unified shader support.

>literally just put a camera facing the opposite of the mirror and display the output
>hard to do

fake news

And bear in mind, most of these GPUs have 256 MB or less of VRAM.

that shadow is fucking abysmal. I hope you're playing on low settings or something. I remember them being half decent in the demo

>those weird 4:3 resolutions
Takes me back

nope everything on ultra except AA because i cant stand vaseline on my screen. shadow looks good or bad depends on the areas.
also, steam (((screenshot)))

>I can't stand the vaseline
Wait, wait, is it seriously only post-processing AA shit like FXAA? No MSAA or anything?

>Tfw I didn't even get rid of my 1280x1024 monitor until almost 2013

instead of TRYING to sound pseudo-intellectual and justify blatant laziness with IRL physics and shit, how about you do research on how we've managed to have PERFECTLY FINE working mirrors in games for well over 20 years at best.
I just happened to write a report on the rendering pipelines too, so here goes:

>Room with a box in it
>Finds all the points on the box
>Multiply by World/View/Prospective matrices
>All of the points are pushed around into an arrangement that when you then colour (render) it looks like a view of a box in a room

>Takes up portion of the screen
>For what is in that portion of the screen, flip back to front and make a second frustrum pointing the other way
>THEN you render

You only render once, and rendering is THE taxing part of graphics. There is zero reason why there is no reflections in games beyond hiding terrible 3rd person models/animation (since it's a shit ton of effort to make always FPS player/always TPS NPC look good when suddenly viewed from the alternative) and how you might get yourself confused when you think about occlusion with mirrors on the scene. Generally if a mirror lets you see past a wall, you're rendering more scene and what do you know, most games either are open world and are struggling already on consoles OR they're optimised to run well but only in a cramped area that can suddenly be doubled awkwardly when reflecting around a corner.

Generally the worst a mirror does is force a game engine to render what's in front of you and what's behind you, since normally you only bother trying to draw what is in the direction in front of you. If you view a mirror close up you only have to draw what's behind you really.

No lighting simulation needed, you just use existing data and draw it differently, elsewhere, in the virtual space.

It's really not that bad. At least it isn't jagged like in a lot of games.

Working mirrors are a barometer for the quality of 3D games.

Real mirror = cool and fun game made by smart people

Fake mirror = nu-game for nu-males

This is why I gave up on the GRAPHICS! meme, because I rarely see any differences in games that came out 5 or 10 years ago. It doesn't matter how pretty it looks anyway. It's about how fun the game is to you specifically.

system shock 2 and half life are shit then :^)

Yeah, it's called just rendering the stall that the mirror is in, not the entire map.

Half-life is shit though, don't fool yourself.

>half life
is half life actually good though besides nostalgia? I haven't seen any people who played it not as a child actually enjoy it. it's just a generic fps with frustrating jump puzzles


this is correct. way to be redundant user

I went through a phase of not liking Half Life 1, but came back to liking it again

HL2 is the real bad one

>system shock 2 and half life are shit then :^)
Yeah, more or less. I thought this was pretty widely known by now.

There are, and has been for over a decade. It's called render-2-texture, using secondary cameras and optimized output.

Max Payne 2 had lots of those already in 2003. Fucking Alien VS Predator from 1998 had them. All the water planes and surveillance camera monitors in HL2 utilized 'em.

Half Life was originally going to have mirrors, and plenty of other great technically groundbreaking features. It was rushed and much of it was cut.

Where can I get the first Prey?

from the trash


I remember when the Lawbot HQ in Toontown just rendered a copy of the area to make it look like the floor is reflective

Next time, try googling "why are mirrors bad in games" instead of shitposting and telling the world how much of a mouthbreating retard you are

Did the PC version of Mafia 3 have mirrors this bad? I rented the game on PS4 for a day and I couldn't believe it; they shouldn't have even tried.

yeah sure todd

Half-life is overrated as fuck.


>t. lazy dev

lol nice try faggot

>FPS game
>entire game is in first person
>devs should spend time and resources to create a third person model of the character with all the various animations that would be required for movement and any possible action the player could perform in front of the mirror
>all of this has to sync with the the first person view you still have while playing and looking in the mirror
>all of that because 0.01% of the playerbase gets their autism triggered by there not being a working mirror

This is why you people aren't put in charge of any kind of budget

You can't do a google search and you're calling others lazy?

>it's hard 2 make mirror

You don't want it. It's a very mediocre game.

If if makes you feel any better, I hated HL back in the day too. Hated HL2 on release as well.

>comparing a game that has absolutely fuck all to do with the original that just had the name 'Prey' slapped on it.

Mirrors aren't hard to make, they're hard to run. Your video is a good example of that: when he has a decent looking mirror it runs at 25 fps and there's absolutely nothing else going on in the scene.

*tips respectfully towards you*

Oh God, not again.
What is this with modern games and mirrors?

Doom 3 engine is truly the best ever made

It is simple enough to do. Devs are just too lazy to optimize and often are talent less monkeys on top. I know this because I have done mirrors in Source Engine when I was like 18. Render to texture is not the newest shit you know.

Except they did spend the time and resources to create a third person model of the character, because you find visual recordings of your character. They could have used the same system they used for the Looking Glass screens for mirrors.

ever tried googling the answer to that question?

No, but you can greentext me the story.

that's in invitation to mom's house

Nigger, Halo 1 had real time reflection, and no third person model viewable from first person. Don't tell me it's that hard.
>"Alright there you go so I have 80 frames per second now"

you're just a lazy dev.

Mirrors in games are only ever used as gimmicks. They'll put one mirror in a bathroom somewhere where they don't have to render much more by adding another camera.

someones butthurt about their own incompetence

As lighting and shaders got more complex, reflections got much more expensive. You can make close to perfect mirrors, but good luck getting them to run at an acceptable frame rate unless you ahve a Pascal.

>What is this with modern games and mirrors?
modern codemonkies are hacks and they can barely get to work what is expected of them by their higher-ups on most modern hardware as it is

working mirrors fall into the realm of "extraneous bullshit" which comes long after "shit needed for the game to function" and even longer after "teh graf-fiks"

I love how all the Prey-fanbois are sucking this games dick, defending every minor detail that most people wouldnt give a shit about.

>"Damn, what's up with these mirrors, is this 1994? Better go post about how hard it is to render a mirror on Sup Forums before someone else shits on the game."


>Halo 1 had real time reflection

Its not hard to make a mirror, its hard on the system running it.
Its a large performance hit for a not very large payoff. You would have to have an idea of where to place a mirror then design the layout around it, take as an example, notice that theres barely anything there to mirror

wew lad and yet some literal who can make this in unity
kill yourself