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>Bunny Hop
wow where have I seen this

Are you pretending to be ignorant in an attempt to get attention?

A different, but similar, ability in another MOBA
Stop the presses

just got's police skin so i'm saying cya to Heros until the next nexus challenge

Her hearting animation while in pilot mode is her sitting down and pulling out doritos and mt dew.

How did this character get popular with such an awful voice? She sounds like a 40 year old woman trying too hard to sound cute.


>Weakness: CC and survivability
So she's shit unless everyone in the team including Dva are good

Basically this, she offers nothing on the table aside from being the bulletsponge in the mech mode.
Even Diablo can do a better job than her.

Are you going to pretend that ability didn't come straight from Warcraft 3? Just like 90% of Dota abilities?

>what is morales
>what is Li Li
>what is tyrande

>all the OW heroes are overpowered as fuck
>"but they're weak to CC so it's balanced"

I'm worried we're going to see an influx of heroes with point-and-click CC

Are all ults in hots that shit?

In League every ult is pretty gamechanging, this ult is basically Rammus with cc immunity, seems pretty garbage considering D.Va has no hard cc of her own.

Seems like the opposite, considering they're giving Tyrande a stun cleanse.

Don't worry, they'll just add Ana soon and all the other OW characters will become garbage :^)

HoTS ults are either big burst damage or stuns

>that fucking shy shy shy at the end

blizzard is filled with kpop fanatics AND weebs I see

that's fucking shit

>bunny hop

Haha holy fuck what a lame Heroic ability.

>Abathur's ult makes a clone of an allied hero that you can play as temporarily
>Valeera's ult creates a smokescreen that she can use to engage or escape
>Tyrande's ult makes your whole team invisible
>Auriel's ult resurrects a teammate
>Chen's ult splits him into three separate heroes

I don't think you're correct.

oh fuck you are right

You're a retard who obviously never played the game.

Fucking kill yourself

Nice list of supports there user. Please tell me when it's acceptable to have a support on the front line.

holy moly this game looks like dogshit

big shot is the good ult anyway

>you are right there
>removed in flavor to just self buff atk speed
>nobody ever picks resurrect
>split to just do damage
he is onto something

>What is LITERALLY Kharazim

Also does come out tomorrow?


Auriel, Kaza, cmmon man.

Whatever you're talking about, post some webm, now.

And I don't mean of D.Va doing it.

>brewmaster this is the power....of the HoTS development team

>Auriel in the front line

If you want her to die and or pop her stasis on herself then sure, throw her in with diablo and the other.

Okay that's one.

I don't have a webm but here's the actual dance it's referencing

Shadowstalk now only stealths Tyrande and gives her 50% AS for a few seconds after she comes out of Stealth.

I mean, if you're a shit auriel you will get instagibbed anyways but your job is to be as disruptive as possible, also you need to land your Qs to stack faith.


God that game has the muddiest aesthetic. It's painfully obvious Valve had never developed an isometric game before.

>Playing against literal retards
>wooooow look how broken this game is, defend it!

no user, you are the retard

Kpop win yet again. How can western hagsband even compete?

>Waah people can outplay me
Are you alright, user?

that's RTZ playing the fog you fucking retards

The map doesn't even look like that anymore. That bullshit blind spot is probably gone.

>Varian's literally changes his spec
>Uther's is a bubble
>Muradin's is a knockback
>Probius' is a slow field
>TLV revives the others
>Arthas' is either a building shut down or body blocker

>last hitting and line of sight are good mechanics g-guys, g-git gud
will dotards ever realize the valve copy/paste someone elses mod for free slavic bucks

The Rosh pit is now a raised platform. It's still a blind spot, but it's consistent with the uphill vision mechanics now.

Why haven't the fixed the middle mouse drag yet? It's still a fucking slide that doesn't stay relative to the position on the ground.

I've never played a MOBA before. How come this shit looks so janky?

All of the overwatch heroes have been enormously OP except maybe Tracer, and Dva seems the second most cancerous after Lucio

It's an old as fuck video

While I understand that height advantage is a thing going over a little step and becoming invisible is fucking bullshit no matter how hard you defend it.
Tree mazes are ok tho, you actually need to know how to traverse them.

looks actually super sick. im hype

It's an odd niche situation on an old map. You can still do stuff like that but it's more intuitive and easy to follow like hiding behind a tree, rather than just losing vision for no apparent reason.

Get the talents either the talent that increases qs range or cast speed. And you can get the talent that gives you more faith if the person crowned takes damage. No need to have a front line auriel.

>Roshan's cave in that spot

holy fuck how old is this

because it is. i played dota for years but i honestly enjoy hots way more now. much better ability design and cooler shit

I know you're baiting but for those who don't know, Dota is a through and through rip-off of the Blizzard product Warcraft 3 and blizzard should've never let steam to use their product and make a shitty cashcow.

I have mixed feelings about line of sight shit, but it's usually implemented poorly regardless. Last hitting has always been garbage, though.

To be honest - as a guy who has played mobas since DotA way back in the day - that HotS is the closest to getting the formula "right". The game actively encourages team interaction and laning is almost nonexistent, but you still have to manage it to get your experience.

HotS also has the greatest variety in heroes. I also believe that the exclusion of items is for the better.

The game is still grossly flawed as any moba, but to me it comes the closest to hitting the mark and I hope future mobas kind of go that route.

Snowballing and laning = cancer and not fun or competitive even. You don't generally have to be good to snowball in league for example. A lucky kill early on may be all you need. By simply being marginally ahead you can pressure very hard. Hell, as a jungler you can carry basically every game with just map awareness in soloqueue. That's kind of stupid in a competitive team game imo.

Wow, they made a mediocre looking character look even worse in a shittier game.

Pretty impressive. I've seen Garry's mod videos with better animation.

In terms of the rosh pit, it's more about balance. It makes doing rosh a little bit safer and checking if the enemy is doing rosh something that takes effort (using a skill that gives vision, actually walking into the pit) rather than just sticking a ward outside or strolling past at max vision range. I agree on some of the smaller staircases though, Icefrog just wanted to nerf the jungle even more and did it in a pretty lazy way.


>High quality Blizzard animations

No one tell him how Auriel can singlehandedly shut down an entire team's damage output by herself just by hitting Q over and over again.

>be blizzard
>icefraud begs them to make a full dota game
>nah but we'll let you port it over to sc2 custom tools
>fast forward 7 years
>p-p-pls play our moba, w-we'll give you free heroes, you guys l-like overwatch right?


> Blizzard copied Dota


I bet they regret it ever since. even fans and the community begged for it before.

Why are they still making bad decisions?

I know this is bait but
>dotos and lels make fun of hots since day 1
>people just kept playing their niche "shitty" moba
>OW happens
>blizzard says "lets port them to our dead game because why not"
>hordes upon hordes of people start moving into hots
>people are actually surprised the game is fun
>doto ports the talens who made fun of since day 1 with bullshit balance since doto is already a clusterfuck

I'll give you a guess.
>Mike Morhime

>hots is so shitty it needs hordes of shills to defend at every turn

Just wait until the Overwatch event ends, literally no one will care about your watered down casual fest.

Every time I see a new hero in MOBAs I remember Slark and how nothing will ever come close to him. Bless the illusive fish of free MMR of lmao 3 escapes.

Why does it make you upset that people are legitimately having fun playing HotS?

>finding a game fun is shilling

What's wrong with it? That's basically what the dance looks like.

Wait. People actually play this abortion? Did people forget it was an abortion? Do they need to be reminded?

You mean 4, right?
Since Lothar is a core on him.

Seems like was the first one to get upset, bud.

Presumable because it's sad to be reminded how retarded people can be.

Heroes of the Storm looks really boring.

Not really a moba player since i feel LoL popularized freemium beyond phones like no Korean MMO could have ever dreamed, but I like my little time in HotS well enough.

Whats the big difference from it and others?

I tried one other one on steam before (Smite maybe its been awhile), but couldn't get into it.

The motion is jerky as fuck. Looks like an okay SFM animation, not something from an actual game dev.

That's because they're on the dire side at night and the video is a low bitrate. It's obviously going to look muddy..

Are you in the front line doing that? No, you're behind all of the bruisers.

Individual performance does not matter. It's a boring shitfest compared to dota where it's way easier to fuck up and also the possibilities for making great plays are much higher.

I agree that snowballing and laning is cancer but the problem is that no MOBA that doesn't have this aspect is going to be considered "fun" because it doesn't have the skinnerbox of shitting on others from an advantaged position that others do.

My other issue with HotS is I dislike almost all of the objectives, I feel like the objectives in HotS maps are forced due to Blizzard's inability to create natural objectives like Dragon in League and Roshan in Dota.

>finally learn how to play The Butcher
>he's amazing, but only with a coordinated team
I have mixed feelings

Why does it seem like most of the people complaining about HotS in this thread sound like they've never even played one round of the game?

I've played a lot of HotS and still much prefer DotA 2. Ask me anything.

Smite is ok but balance is a mess, that I remember it's the only one from the third person perspective moba.
Dota is by far the hardest but also the most unfun to actually learn to play because of the sheer amount of active items you need plus all the extra mechanics. (anything beyond certain point is smurfs curbstomping you)
League was the middle point between dota and hots in which you had to learn a few things but you wouldn't get overwhelmed by it. (the game has a really rigid meta that moves around items having really bullshit synergy with certain champions making more than half of the roster useless or subpar to it)
Hots it's your light "casul" game in which you don't have to farm creeps nor gold and have no items but talents. (in which the gameplay is very simplified but tries to juggle gameplay with core mechanics like exp soaking or objective based maps)

Different strokes for different folks.

I'm kinda surprised HOTS isn't more popular just from essentially being Blizzard's Smash Bros

It's almost as if that's a 3-4 years old shit bitrate webm. Retard

no, nerf this

Mobas were a mistake

shoo shoo blizzshill.

Maybe the issue is just that MOBAs are just cancer in general.

I liked it back when DotA was a thing but it was new and I played a lot of Starcraft/Warcraft so it all felt pretty natural to me in the first place.

Hell, I even enjoyed the first two seasons of LoL. Maybe I'm just getting old and losing my tolerance for autistic shit/players.

If you think in that way, but you can get it on every here while he has innate 3 escapes. His active spells are amazing, all of them is something plus an escape. Pounce is gap closer, movement ability and an escape. Dark pact is amazing because it's an escape, nuke and a farming tool. Essence shift is't an escape, but it's both boosts Slark and weakens his enemies. Shadow dance is sustain, mobility and another escape that can be used to initiate.

The only thing close to Slark that I know is Fizz, but his only real escape is playful/trickster. I remember his dash is fixed distance so you can end up behind en enemy but you can't use it like pounce in any direction you want and need to be facing enemy limiting your escape. Altho his ranged AOE nuke ult was very fun when you disengage and trow it on fleeing enemy.

>Whats the big difference from it and others?
HotS has objectives, League and DotA do not. The objectives are added to create a more structured gameplay experience that's harder to fuck up. In DotA (and probably League, never played it) there isn't anything that tells you when to kill towers or that kills towers for you like when you capture a boss or make a boss spawn by doing the objective in HotS. These creates situations (in DotA) where you can make a game losing decision to not push without even noticing. It's incredibly easy to miss your chance to push after a well-executed teamfight because you want to farm or whatever, whereas in HotS completing the objective leads to something doing the pushing for you in most of the game modes.

What am I looking at?

It actually didn't you imbecile