What does Sup Forums think of league ?

What does Sup Forums think of league ?

Played it once.

I liked it, but I'm not sure I'd devote enough time to it to git gud.

Yeah I just got ranked bronze three. I need to git gud.

dota+hots is the superior choice

Saying it again is not even worth the effort

I tried it out but the laning was so damn boring for me, also I don't like moving with the mouse so I went back to Smite. It's good anyway because I've already spent money on and am pretty good at smite, I think lol would take even more time to git gud at and I've put nearly 2000 hours into Smite

Friends got me to try it once promising they'd help me, but they abandoned me and didn't tell me anything so I sucked. Smite felt like more fun anyway. Not that I still play that.

You don't have to lane. Just go kill people.

at the time, it was a pretty fun dota game, but as the community grew I could not handle such an autistic retarded and childish behaviour, they became cancer incarnate
fucking hell nobody can takes banter these days, everyone and their stupid hurt feelings
today I play only dota 2, honestly the better game
I miss playing with Ziggs brand, and tristana

It can be fun with friends, but otherwise League is more trouble than it's worth.

I'd much rather play Dota, but all of my friends adamantly refuse to play it with me,
claiming it's "too slow," "too hard," that "CCs last too long" or that they just don't feel like learning another MOBA. It's all bullshit, mind, but I don't care enough to waste my breath anymore.

League = You have friends

DOTA = You don't

It's as simple as that when making the decision, one is geared for solo play the other really is not.

if you try and take it seriously as a competitive game, it will piss you off

its when you realize that its a mindless party game that it gets fun

Hm... why is there an urge to get better at this game... it's so bad...

>turn speed
>awful shop
>most characters able to initiate fights from 2-3 screen lengths
That's why dota is shit game, your friends are right

Git gud

but you're wrong meme loving fuck

Diamond 2 here
who wants a cheap boost in europe servers
u can pay me midway

It was fun and addictive, I wasted more than 1500 hours on this game. Too many people started taking it too seriously tho and most matches devolved into bunch of guys blaming each other for their own mistakes.

So league is shit, and there are better competitive games?

What should I play instead? I feel i would miss the champions

It was enjoyable 5 years ago

I like the Yordles.

Stockholm sindrome game, apparently everyone hates Riot retarded decisions but can't manage to drop the game

It's fun to play from time to time when I have almost everything unlocked.
But I would never recommend it to a new player.

Well first, HoN is superior.
Second, that sounds like literally every league player's complaint ever about DotA/HoN.

never played it
never intend on playing it

terrible game, glad i quit

Been playing it since season 2 and absolutely hate it.
But I can't stop playing it because dropping a game you've put a few thousand hours into is the same as admitting it was a waste of time.

100m normies can't be wrong

Why people always dismiss this argument?
What is wrong in wanting to have controls that flow good and not having characters turning around like they are trucks?

Never played it.

Porn of the little blue girls is pretty good.

>lots of autistic tryhards
Everyone takes themselves so seriously in this game. The only people who i could play this game and actually have fun is with one of my cousin and brother.

Turn speed is good for gameplay.

>me not liking something you enjoy is a meme
I was playing dota when you were still shitting yourself kiddo. Enjoy playing with chinks and russians on your remake "hipster" moba. Everyone else realizes the genre is for teens and spergs

Battleborn is the next step in the moba evolution. Battleborn is the future. It even has its own official Battleporn subreddit.

This game had been out for 10 years and they still use the same map.

They would rather release failures such as Dominion.

It's basically the "main" game I play these days. Sometimes I love it, sometimes I loath it. But I always come back.

Just got my 4th champ to level 7. Feels good.

I liked it back in season 2 but don't like the direction they're forcing the meta in.


If I wanted to play casual Dota I'd just play Hots

how is league still the most played game in the world

t. shitter

The two new tank items they added this latest patch are pretty aids.

wrong use of the word.

7, 3 maps, but theyre all pretty bad

I think meant for regular 5s when it comes to map count.
I wish they never cancelled the 6s map. It might've been neat.

Melee heroes have high turn speed, ranged have slow. This allows melee heroes to have more roles than just "tank with gap closer"

It's good game design, you league shitter

I actually liked Dominion.

Shitty fucking moba.
Mobas are for normalfags and autists, LoL is the Overwatch of Mobas meaning it's for super-normalfags and super-retards.

>being a hipster about use of the word hipster

>LoL is the Overwatch of Mobas
that would be HOTS
LoL was the most shallow Moba of all time, until Hots came around

I want to sell my account but i still like some of the champs. Kindred, Nasus, Illaoi, and ya boy swain.

could make a nice 250 off the account at least since i have og champ riven.

I don't really understand what people see in it.

HoTS is the Battleborn of mobas.

Chinese, game is owned by china, Chinese play it because they don't have much else. Anyone else who plays it is a retard who loves slurping up chink knock offs for whatever reason.

There's no reason not to sell it and just make a new one my dude. Think of the money.

I prefer Dota overall, but League does have a handful of characters that I legitimately enjoy.

At this point, I primarily jump between Jhin, Aurelion Sol, and Illaoi. I wanted to like Azir as well, but I could never git gud.

Its 7 years old its like sentimental value. im going to though i guess...just goddamn.


Azir is pretty cool, but some of his advanced moves are just too hard for me to do. Jhin though is still one of the most fun ADCs.

not really

How much could someone get if they sell an account with every champ and rune unlocked?
Plus at least 1 skin for like half the heroes?

Isn't Faggot Burch working on it? Like Riot hired him as a writer or something?

It's good for game balance, absolute aids for gameplay/fun

yeah, critting 500armor 3.5k HP Malphites for 1k with your last shot at 15 minutes is fun as fuck

Dota2 ez-mode

>pretending something is cool or exclusive when it isn't
nah, I nailed it


Yes really. Argument over I win you lose.

>huge amount of diversity and power
keep trying

Tbh you should only play this game casually. The grind, the teammates and the little rewards you get is not worth it. Also, Riot is a terrible company and phreak should khs.

Dota repackaged for xbox generation

are you implying that he's overpowered?


Is that supposed to be the logo? I don't remember that at all.

>teammate instalocks Invoker
>starts speaking Spanish

>Melee heroes have high turn speed, ranged have slow.
That's not how it works

Riot just redesigned the entire launcher.

Surprising absolutely nobody, it's shit.

>most scaling is mechanical than numerical
how daft are dota players?

I'm in it. Like.. so deep into it there's no point going back.

I follow NALCS religiously, I've been to World's the past 2 years, I try to get to Split Finals, but the travel is a bit much for me and the people I go with.

I know the game inside and out, and have gotten to Plat 4 on knowledge alone, as my mechanics are absolute garbage. But I can list so much raw information about the game it's almost pathetic. Luckily there's this whole amazing community full of attractive people so I fit right in even though I'm incredibly average looking.

Game literally changed my life, dunno if it's for the better. I met my current GF last year during Summer Split at a bar that airs the LCS games. She's as into it as I am. We treat League like most Americans treat football.

It's like Riot actively tries to suck the fun out of the game.

Haven't played it in years, don't know anyone that's played it in years except one friend who's exceptionally good at it

People will say they aren't jealous, but they're jealous.

>Riot: Actively sucking the fun out of the game.
I think that's been their slogan since like 2011.

What server?

Its true, dota power scales off the effects of items and not numbers. Certain items are numerically better in terms of power but mechanically weaker in terms of its effect. Part of the depth is choosing between damage or utility.

Probably close to 200ish? There's sites to show that got you too, I used a couple to get a ball park.

Fell from my grace a long time ago.

It's just not fun anymore. Maybe it's because I already played more than I should have. Maybe it's because you realized that LoL is still flawed to the core and can't be balanced/pushed forward with their Spaghetti Engine.

It's just there, sitting on my HDD.

Yes it is faggot

It has the same issues all ASSFAGGOTS have, the information barrier at first is massive, but it also has the retarded grind for levels and champions.
They push major changes quite frequently, making it so that if you don't follow the changes for a few months you fall behind and don't know anything anymore, and if you have a longer break you basically have to re-learn everything because every season is so different from the others, wich is also a pain in the ass.
It does keep the game somewhat fresh for active players, but even for them the changes can backfire and feel terrible.
Don't play these games if you don't have a active group of +5 players, because randoms are all fucking retarded and if you don't have enough friends you end up sitting 3x longer in a lobby with 3-4 people and waiting hours for the last one to join.

season 1 and early 2 where the bomb. no meta was enforces. team comps that are bannable now where not only played but actually viable to win with. incedentally i stopped playing once i got my dota 2 beta key. i occasionally dip back in to see whats what but it aint good anymore.

if you want good league of legends. look for the torrents of the cybercafe version of season 1 or 2. it has all champs unlocked but only works on lan.

you didn't come up with one single argument in order to support your claim

Glad you found a girl my man. Wish my 2k hours in league got me laid, although I've never been to any major league events because i dont live in those states.

Six heroes in the game have the highest turn speed of 1.0, three of them are ranged.
Twenty heroes have the slowest turn speed of 0.4, six of them are melee.

Everybody else is scattered pretty randomly between that range.
You're wrong, homo

Look for a bar or something that airs the games. They're all over the place.

league is for reditors


Why are french people SO FUCKING BAD at this game, like jesus christ, they are bad and rage like crazy for everything.

People talk about russians and BRs in online games but frenchies are so much worse.

2011 called it and wants your picture back

>buy +75 damage sword
>buy 2x crit modifier
christ how in denial can you be?

>failures such as Dominion
Only failure was that meta ruined it in like amonth

Me too for your first point. Wish I had more friends that played dota

I jump between xayah, fiora and ashe most of the time.

I used to play camille but the ult nerf was too much, she's lost almost all of her early game kill pressure because they almost halved the duration.