What the fuck happened to online shooters? My last online fps was Quake 4 and I played a shit ton of Allied Assault back in the day. I recently fired up Doom multiplayer and the amount of customization is insane! I was so confused and my ocd is was not helping, I just had to make everything look just the way I wanted. Has this been a standard thing while I was MMO comatosed?
What the fuck happened to online shooters...
Pretty much every game has a billion customization options nowadays
Players are proven to come back when there is progression, cosmetic progression is the easiest because everyone wants to look cool and it doesn't effect gameplay.
it's a progression system, which is there as an anti-consumer practice to keep you away from competing products
you are supposed to only play one game, their game
>he plays video games
Your viewpoint is fucking asinine
>devs wanting the player to want their game is anti consumer
the method is irrelevant, this sounds retarded.
will quak champ have no-champion servers?
What's the point? Nobody gives a fuck about how you look, and won't spare you a second glance when playing.
Woah, you got me. Since I cant see myself IRL either I guess I might as well just wear a plain black shirt and pants every day because fashion is objectively pointless. You see yourself in between games, other players are forced to look at the best players at the end of the game, your viewmodel, what you actually see changes, these things create incentive for customization. But obviously you're to intelligent for cosmetics so no one else can like them either. If you just want to play as doomguy you can do that.
>plain black shirt and pants every day because fashion is objectively pointless
This is exactly what I do kek. I bought 5 of a good cheap fitting black tshirt, and alternate pants depending on the weather/occasion.
Thats the most retarded thing i've read today, you're an edgy guy.
People look at you and judge you by those looks IRL. People don't look at you when they're breezing past you at 100kph while shooting you with a rocket launcher in a video game.
The most they'll see is your gibs.
>D44M multiplayer
One day before you kill yourself you will remember this post and you will wince in agony. You are a fool.
I legitimately thought this was Halo or Destiny or something, how did they manage to fuck Doom up this much?
And so I gave examples where people are forced to look at you, you look at yourself, and you can be completely generic with no customized features at all. And any time you are killed the other guy's armor is shown on your screen. And even if none of that was the case, it has no effect on anything so if you dont like it then by your own standards its not a flaw.
What I love about Dooms MP is they have different armor styles that you can mix match. UAC armor is the most generic, but I would like to see what other games have Cyberdemonic, Evil Cultist, or templar styled armor.
Chill lmao Doom 4 is a great game just the armor customization had to be optimized for maximum shilling
>What the fuck happened to online shooters?
Consoles + generic streamlining & casualization.
>but I would like to see what other games have Cyberdemonic, Evil Cultist, or templar styled armor.
back in my days, we had a cast of CHARACTERS to choose from. Most that were vastly different in design, even totally different species.
>Doom 4 is a great game
kys Zenimax, kys
>fashion is pointless
yes it is. the only people that care are faggots and they need to be gassed
>Since I cant see myself IRL
we're onto you
No, user, an anticonvulsant practice is one that limits your ability to consume. These sound like just a way to keep you hooked, and has nothing to do with buying habits.
You're like a fledgling Sup Forums kiddo finding his way and inventing conspiracies wherever he looks