Dropping a code for PRAY to the person who solve this first. Leave your steam name with your answer card.
Dropping a code for PRAY to the person who solve this first. Leave your steam name with your answer card
Other urls found in this thread:
the only time where math is important
this faggot used this site
What software did you use?
No shit. He never said I couldn't. Didn't use my own steam profile either.
yeah no fuck this faggot for using software
op post the code here
You're just mad because you're slow and I "ruined" it for everyone. Even myself. I don't think OP was giving out a code anyway.
Pick one
>h-haha it's your fault that I cheated
Cuck logic.
Oh for the love of fuck.
Here do this in ms paint instead you faggots
Didn't say it was your fault that I used software. I said your loser mentality and speed is what is the cause of your anger. You're the guy who doesn't want to use block or fireballs in fighting games because it's "cheap".
>expecting a fair fight
>on Sup Forums
what a load of faggots
You don't know how this game is played do you?
Blocking and using fireballs are parts of the intended game mechanics.
Cheating using outside software isn't.
A more competent comparison would be
>using cheating software so that you're invincible
>beat someone
>call anyone who doesn't like you cheating a loser with loser mentality
OP never said it had to be solved by hand, just "solve this". Someone did.
But you didn't solve it, software solved it for you.
OP didn't say "post the solution", he said "solve this".
Did somebody hurt your feelings?
Do you need somebody to hold you and tell you everything is going to be okay?
OP here, y'all niggas are gay af, I'm dropping the code on Sup Forums instead in an image
It's okay, you don't have to make excuses just because you can't play fair.
If you're gonna cheat, at least don't be a faggot about it.