>tfw no switch
Tfw no switch
>tfw not a console pleb
>tfw wiiu
Lets get all the WiiU re-releases out of the way, then I'll just buy the New™ Nintendo switch in Black Friday 2018.
>Be idort
>Can't help poorfag anons because if you give them vidya then you can't afford vidya for yourself so you feel regret bu t now even if you gave charity it is a fucking sea of anons and impossible to help them all anyways
>tfw i own a pc, xbox one, ps4 and switch
>mfw MH keeps getting released on shit consoles
Why would you get an xbone?
>mfw its yuri shit
to skype with his friends duh
>forgot pic
>friend gave me a PS4
>had massive expectations for ir after PS3 became one of my favorite consoles with how many JRPGs it had
>PS4 library is anemic as fuck
Crushing disappointment.
>Actually wanting a switch this early in it's lifespan.
>Not PC, PS4, XB1, and 3DS.
>tfw you built a gaming pc
3DS too
I guess you needed something to do after beating BOTW for the 12th time.
>tfw switch arrives today
Now you can sign those petitions in 4k
>even considering for a split second in your entire lifetime of getting a switch
The hybrid concept just looks so cool to me.
>unironically hating video games this much
lel i have MK8
Lucky bastard.
Man, Ramsey sure was an ugly baby.
>New Nintendo Switch
>has a third joycon and more shoulder buttons
sign me up dude
You know what's not cool? Having no games for the damn thing
But it does have games.
>breath of the open world and Mario bart eight hundred
1 2 Switch is GOTY.
>lel no games
>here games
Every platform has "no games". Switch just has a bit fewer for the moment, as expected of a console on launch.
I'm even considering getting the new 2DS because I can't wait any more.
Well those games aren't for me
I don't have friends so mario bart is eh
And Zelda is open world memes so no thanks
If you like them good for you user.
>my Switch arrives this week
I've never owned a console within 2 years of its release date before
Wonder what it's gonna be like
Unless you really like to replay mario bart, zelda and bomberman over and over
>own 20 consoles
>the only relevant one is my 3DS
I do have enough games to keep me busy, I assure you.