Wake up

>wake up
>can't irl today, got banned for 24 hours for being swatted a few days ago
>decide to stream some league
>lose the game
>everyone in twitch chat is calling me a retard
>telling me to kms
>"expect a knock on your door soon"
>oh god, they've swatted me again
>swat team bursts down my door
>ive been swatted so much we're on a first name basis
>chat is PogChamping
>my viewership has been decreasing lately.....maybe i can use this situation to my advantage
>grab airsoft gun from behind desk
>get shot twenty times
>banned from twitch for self-harm

Other urls found in this thread:


Is she /ourgal/?

Stop putting yourself in those situations then.

Rent some other place where nobody knows where you live and stream games like you used to.

Stop being retarded, Twitch ban was only the begining.

Can someone give me the lowdown on what has happened to this faggot recently?

someone called the police when he was on a plane and said he had a bomb and he got banned from twitch

>again with this thread

He was a huge faggot and got banned, so he moved to youtube. He doesnt deserve shit.

One of the very view things I like about Twitch is it managed to confirm my suspicion that Runescape players are retarded.

he got swatted on an airplane and twitch banned him permanently because of it

Holy fuck. And after all of this he still continues to be a streamfag? I guess the money must be really really good.

it makes him like $75k a year though. i dont think he has an education to fall back on either so not sure if it's too worth to just stop.

I feel bad for the dude and think twitch is both in the right for banning him but also in the wrong because there is fuck all in terms of guidelines to streaming IRL. So they just ban whatever is bad for their optics and irl dies. Look at fucking Cho who just got fucking banned for "Other" category in her email from the staff. This not even mentioning the fact that the SWAT forum has doubled down on Ice with the goal being to get him off the internet completely ruining his life. So yeah twitch maybe in their right to ban Ice but fuck they set a horrible precedent concerning their streamers that if enough bad optics come your way even if its nothing you control yoyr getting the boot. Tbh fuck twitch senpai for given the autist on the SWAT forums power.

It's literally his business model
He baits his viewers to fuck with him and then they do and everybody has a good ol' time, he makes money and the audience gets to laugh at his dumb fucking ass and mess with him while being equally dumb for donating

>plays dumb and makes the occasional wisecrack for a few hours every week
>each stream nets her about $200-300 (Up to even a grand on a really, really good day), with people literally throwing five bucks at her to call her a fat slag or paying money to try awkwardly flirt with her
>does this anti-micropenis shtick every so often, causing more insecure losers to view her stream and spend money so they can make sure she reads a pop taken off at her

I'll never understand this. Like I mean, good on Kaceytron, she's found her niche and whatever, but how does her act piss people off to the point where they'll throw money her way just to try and be scathing?


another day of life of a useless piece of shit

nope, couldn't do it

people donate like 3 dollars to him a minute

>buying a house on a youtube career
This sounds really really stupid.

>how does her act piss people off to the point where they'll throw money her way just to try and be scathing
She wasn't the first and she isn't the last

Is that the guy that streams EU IV while wearing silly hats?

It's funny she incites the kinds of reactions she does, but I'm still a bit surprised that a pretty obviously overweight girl (albeit one who's good with angles) with a reasonably nice, if not somewhat unremarkable, face managed to get as successful as she did. I know she's well past her prime as far as popularity goes, but she was fucking huge for a while back around mid-2013 or so.

What ethnicity is Kaceytron, anyway? I've wondered that for a while, since she's obviously not 100% white. Some hispanic or SEA background?

>What ethnicity is Kaceytron, anyway? I've wondered that for a while, since she's obviously not 100% white. Some hispanic or SEA background?
1/4 (I think?) native. explains her good hair.

Does he have tourettes or something?

What's with the arm thing he does all the time

How much is that an hour?


This isn't video games.

Multiply by 60 faggot, it's not hard.


5 just Mike my 5.

The delivery is just fucking perfect, I could never be that deadpan while I'm fucking with people.

How much would he make if he streamed for a whole day?


People understand it's an act intellectually but they get caught up in it emotionally, it's essentially like paying for a roleplaying experience, insecure losers get to act out the fantasy of 'sticking it to all the dumb GURL GAYMERS' and kaceytron gets a monetary reward.

I think you can tell sometimes that it's actually getting to her though, if a specific joke goes on too long or hits too close to home she seems to get genuinely annoyed, though of course that's precisely when she's getting the most money so it's a bit paradoxical even for her.

jeez idiot, it's not that hard

20 hours in a whole day so he'd get about 360 bucks if he did a whole day stream from 8am to 8am

How much is that per month tho? And what does it average to in a year?

Did you fail math?

well he obviously can't stream like that everyday idiot

Shit man no need to be rude.

131k a year if he does it constantly everyday at that exact time without any breaks and it's always a dollar a minute

But what about a decade?

Stop it.

fuck off with this eceleb garbage already

does anyone know which way lea was going to kill herself?

Guess you ain't so anart than you thought than anob if you cant do simple math

Three dollars a MINUTE, fool. Not an hour

>Someone lied to the police and claimed he had a bomb on him
>So the victim of this prank was banned from twitch for having been falsely accused

I'm sorry, what?

he's attentionawhoring while not being a girl, ofcourse he got banned

He does this shit on purpose, he outright told people when, where and even his flight gate.

Controversy gets you views.

I used to quite like Kacey, but I've noticed a few times that she often has quite dirty fingernails, which is in strange contrast to the fact that she otherwise looks very clean. Funny now something like that completely changes your perception of someone's attractiveness.

Real kicker is that she chews really loudly and with her mouth open, too. Even when she's out of character.

And constant threads on Sup Forums.

>He baits his viewers
It still takes a real retard to actually call the swat team.
Look at the IRL section in twitch. It sucks. Everybody is now too scared to get out of their rooms, in fear to be swatted AND banned. And that's thanks to twitch's retarded policy.

Last time I checked there were 24 hours in a day you fucker

bad table manners are up there with cheapness as the worst and most unappealing qualities someone can have

fake news, police only shoot black people.


cho banned again for apparently harming a fish

Fucking how? Fish don't even feel pain.

no one knows

shes on YT now

yes we do, idiot.

go fuck your self idiot what chu mean

literally who

Listen dude

mo fuggin ass

TriHard ?

i dont know why this destroys my sides


KFC Manager