Other urls found in this thread:


>we will never go back to the lithe, athletic, dangerous Elites of 1, 2 and Reach
>343 will continue their retcon to make Elites big, burly brutish Klingons

Hurts in some ways more than anything else.

how do you think halo would have turned if it was released on just mac?

macs would actually be useful for once

they started getting bigger and more brute like in reach but at least their armor looked nice

what does a female elite look like?

>shoot till shield is down.
>Elite stops screams and draws sword
>miss headshot
>elites shield recharges
>shielded elite with sword rushes you from accross the map.
>Grunts join in the charge
>all enemies rally to the charge.

Halo was cool.

It's more of the armor than anything. Look how fucking bulky and massive the newer elite armors look compared to OP's image.

Lethally large hips





would never have franchised, but would have a dedicated core of lore nuts/multiplayers/OS partisans like Marathon

>the only reason why elites are even still enemies is because 343i knows that prometheans are and always will be shit.

and to this end, they made this bullshit narrative starting with the books where ONI basically makes them ISIS

can we have a serious conversation about how bullshit and shitty the flood are? why when you have perfectly fine game about shooting aliens put some bullshit parasite zombies in? sure the concept is neat, until you spend the last 4 hours of the first game putting down the same stupid assholes you've already killed 3 times

Prometheans are a fucking chore to fight. They also look like shit and ruined the story.

So just have the same assholes for the whole game instead? You just ruined your own argument retarf

I like

except the covenant are actually fun to fight and will use other tactics that "run up and hit/shoot him" they use cover and try to fight creatively.

4 Prometheans < Flood < 5 Prometheans < Covenant

No they dont lol Just kill the leader and grubts run away wow so varied and Elites you destroy shield and they go wababa and headshot em and hunters wow they kill up close and shoot at range WOW stop being a 3v4 shill

>doesn't like flood
>clearly a 343 shill
nice strawman faggot. all those behaviors are still more more varied than "RUN AT CHARACTER, PRETEND TO BE DEAD

Like pic related


Because apparently it was easier and more logical to the forerunners to build a weapon to kill everything in the universe Except the Flood and to, after nearly eradicating the Flood, use aforementioned weapon as a zoo for Flood.

It's cool and hadn't been overdone.
It's also a pivotal plot point.

Finally, seeing the AI (covies vs flood vs sentinels) deck it out mad me fucking hard.

>enter an area where Covenant and flood are fighting each other
>even though you are a thousand yards from the nearest NPC they all stop and start chasing you
Why though.

It was a good sub-plot between the already present Humanity vs Covenant war, also seeing elites fight flood and sentinels while you ran for your life was cool as fuck

because fuck you, that's why

Halo kills neural systems, destroying everything but flood spores which then deteriorate.

They talk pretty well for having such fucked up mouths

This happens only if you attack. Flood go for the closest foe and covenant go for the flood mostly. Play CE again




We Mass Effect and Star Wars now?


Not canon

tfw you cannot play as the superior elites in Halo 5

tfw MCC armor customization is shit

How did they ruin the customization?


They made everything single sets of armor

link me to full pic please

I wanna sniff sweaty sangheili cock

For all the games?


Fuck, I thought it was a chick.
Still gonna fap though

Yeah, for 3 and 4, there was a set for every armor instead of letting you mix and match. Although 2 Anniversary added two armor sets for both spartans and elites.

Why would I talk about cock and then post a picture of a female, who do you take me for.
Also that's degenerate, stop it

That sucks I liked wearing the security shoulders with the EOD helmet

>tfw this series is still going

Is it any good?

Original trilogy
>Slim but very strong
>Vaguely Xenomorphic
>Black and matte
>Well proportioned
>Power-level somewhat equivalent to the Spartans II's
>Intimidating, idealistic, honourable warrior race

"Reclaimer" Trilogy
>Doughy and weak
>Ugly and uninspired
>Brown and slimey
>Almost hilariously out of proportion
>Almost effortlessly beaten in combat by the "Spartan 4"'s
>Insane, deformed, unintelligent, incompetent terrorists

343i hates everything good about the original trilogy.

>Build up villain in Spartan Ops
>Only 343 character with any potential
>lol kill him off in first Halo 5 mission by nig in armour

Fuck 343

The original BGC series is good and I guess the season after that. When they started doing CGI it got pretty bad.

I always wondered if they did it on purpose because in the end, they were jealous of Bungie in there writing and being able to hold a story, compared to the mess 343 now produces.

I wonder how the Promethean's would have been written, designed, and used if they where made by Bungie

I haven't played 4 or 5 what are the prometheans?

Basically 343's own original enemy for the new trilogy

They are poorly designed, strapped down with glowy bits, and take the spot of the covenant for the remaining games, and boy are they bland

>kills "neural networks"
>destroys everything except flood spores
>including the entirety of life that doesn't have neurons (plants, bacteria, fungi)
What did he mean by this?

Looks like something from mass effect doesn't look very halo bungie's designs always looked simple to me at least up until reach

>tell people Wort wort wort is actually just 'go go go' put entirely backwards
>no one ever believes me
Fuck people.

Boring as fuck Forerunner bullet-sponge Bionicles made from humans, which look nothing like the Forerunner aesthetic that we've seen in actual Halo games.

Bungie Halo had

343i Halo has
>Bionicle knight
>Bionicle dog

>implying its not a mating call
>implying the elites arent gay af

Seriously, those three way (4 way if you jump in) were fucking awesome.

>running into flood with only plasma weapons
>rocket flood
>those battles on the suspended bridges where they lept from bridge to bridge fucking up everything in sight

God the memories.

Then why do they do it during combat,

Do you think Sangheili women lust for Spartans?

Does anyone have that image of a Knight with the original Forerunner aesthetic? It looked pretty cool, and I could easily imagine fighting those in earlier games next to Sentinels.

Because they have no concept of privacy

You know the creator of Halo went to 343 right? I doubt that jealousy is a factor when so many important people came aboard

Considering pretty much every single sangheili male had to serve in the covenant military for a long ass time they probably all turned lesbian

343's original enemy faction to try and mix the gameplay up like how Bungie used the Flood. They look like a horrific mix between Bionicles and the Space Pirates from Metroid. They're also 10x more tedious to fight than the Flood because the Flood couldn't go "lol fuck you" and teleport away when they were about to die.

No he didn't, unless you mean Staten but he actually works directly for Microsoft.

>running for your life
>not joining the battle and eradicating all in sight

kek, you fucking scrubs actually have trouble with prometheans? They are fine for the most part except for pic related, now that's pure cancer.

They're fine now. They were cancer in 4.

The covenant from the orignal trilogy felt alive and communicated.

The Promethean just feel like a worse flood when you fight them. each has a role and does little else to change how they act

I havent played 5 since 4 was bad. Is it worth it or should I wait till 6 and then do both.

i dont care about the online as much anymore, will just check out whatever the newest is probably since all my friends dontplay halo anymore



Which is ironic since all of them are suppose to be connected to each other lore-wise as part of a network

If you already have a Xbone then sure, it should be cheap now but don't expect too much from the campaign. It has good gameplay but shit story, worst in the series hands down.
Multiplayer/Customs/Forge is the saving grace fro Halo 5, give it a try.


I do not have one.

This is the type of person who defends 343i's absolute mishandling of the Halo series

What is your completely honest opinion on the Arbiter?

Literally every sound direction after CE was a mistake

Oh i'm so sorry user, what are the Sup Forums-approved words i should use? Fuck off with your shitty non-argument.

Would date

Which arbiter? That's the halo wars one

Well i honestly think Halo 5+TMCC are worth it but if you waited this long, you should wait a bit longer in case there's a big Xbone discount after Scorpio's release.

Reach Elites sucked

I hated elites in Reach. They were too strong.

Best character next to shipmaster

That arbiter? RIP in peace i guess.

these fuckers were actually scary during the original game, coming at you shouting shit in alien tongue

and then they went and humanised them, shame

I didn't like how much they were bigger than spartans

Both Arbiters were good.
Whoever complained about the Arbiter's playable storyline in H2 is subhuman.
It was a great contrast with the Master Chief's storyline and didn't detract or undermine it in the slightest. If anything it complemented it.

And the Halo Wars Arbiter was interesting as well.

>Power-level somewhat equivalent to the Spartans II's
Not according to Bungie. Master Chief is a hyper lethal vector, remember?

Everything with enough cognition-capable neural mass. Some alien florq could have this. It doesn't kill "dumb' fauna.

I always thought they were saying:
>Ahh warm him up