>t-the vita is d-dead, guys! T-trust me!
T-the vita is d-dead, guys! T-trust me!
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Wow, it gets the port of a shitty phone game.
Neck yourself, Vitard.
I thought that was Wind Waker
Still more then the 3DS is getting this year.
Let that sink in, both are dead but one is deader then the other.
>touchscreen icons taking up hud space on a device with physical buttons
>b-but Nintendo
I really don't give a shit about any handheld.
well it is dead
No that I don't love my Vita, and there are still game coming!
Oceanhorn is a horrible example of good games tho, with games like Blue Reflection and the new Digimon Cyber Sleuth gaming coming out
We just got the vita exclusive Caligula Effect too, which has suuuuch a good soundtrack
Wind Waker came out 14 years ago.
>literally a phone game
Vita is compatible with PS1,2 and PSP games right? You dont even need new games at this point
It doesn't at ps2 games
it has persona 4
its a port
>It doesn't have ps2 games
>it has persona 4
>its a port
Oceanhorn is a really low quality Zelda clone though.
>PS2 games
Unless you mean the various PSP/Vita ports or remakes, no.
But yeah, you have more or less 3000-4000 games to play, and this is without considering emulation for third and fourth gen consoles.
There's tons of games being released for vira they just aren't in English.
However many are translated.
>Still more then the 3DS is getting this year.
>FE game was just release
>New Culdcept game in october
>Ever Oasis
Are you retarded?
It's not a ps2 iso or eboots or vpk of the game. It's a Dev ported copy with enhancements. How is that "it plays ps1 games"?
>>New Culdcept game in october
Does anyone on Sup Forums even know what Culdcept is?
Even in Japan it's super niche nowadays.
>"Vita is compatible with PS1, 2 and PSP games right?"
>user points out it's not compatible with PS2 games
Is Sup Forums losing braincells?
Expect a call from Tingle's lawyers.
eh no
> new fire emblem
> dq 11
> mh xx
> oasis
> new ace attorney
games with tons of content now neck yourself
I do and I like it, I also don't understand why they are even bringing this one to the west though
welcome to r/gaming
It's a fucking sloppy, ghetto version of Wind Waker.
it looks like watered down Wind Waker with shittier graphics.
Never owned a Vita, never will at this rate.
>Is Sup Forums losing braincells?
Do you even have to ask?
>I also don't understand why they are even bringing this one to the west though
Considering it's super low budget I think that they'll recoup localization costs even by selling three copies.
Wasn't the PS2 version of Culdcept II localized too anyway? And I think Culdcept Legends for the 360 got a localization too for some reason.
I know of the PS2 one but I didn't remember the 360 one, also I just remember but isn't this one a anniversary so I guess they wanted to bank on that too
2017 upcoming Vita releases:
Akiba's Beat
Danganronpa V3
Root Double- Before Crime * After Days
Touhou Kobuto V: Burst Battle
Fault Milestone One
Tokyo Xanadu
Bad Apple Wars
Collar X Malice
Period: Cube ? Shackles of Amadeus
World End Economica
The Longest Five Minutes
God Wars: Future Past
Hakuouki: Kyoto Winds
Mary Skelter: Nightmares
Cladun Returns: This is Sengoku!
Operation Babel: New Tokyo Legacy
Fallen Legion
Summon Night 6: Lost Borders
Valkyria Revolution
Demon Gaze II (asain version confirmed for english subs)
Utawarerumono: Mask of Deception
Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth
Accel World VS. Sword Art Online
Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana
Tokyo Tattoo Girls
Warriors All-Stars
Drive Girls
Yomawari: Midnight Shadows
this list doesn't even include what the vita already got this year
Yeah, that might be the reason.
Well, it's a good series anyway so good for those who can't read moon, also, I just remembered, it's Culdcept Saga, not Legends, still have to play that.
Sup Forums is r/gaming
Why doesn't Sony remarket the vita and actually enable HDMI out with a proper dock?
Because sony of america is fucking retarded. They abandoned it too early.
Ps3 had the same launch issues but they stuck with it until the end and it turned out well. Vita on the other hand they abandoned too fast.
Quality > Quantity
wow nice way to back out
They won't be able to make it in the west with that, the Vita is six years old by now, Japan is fine because it became the platform of choice for niche stuff, it's never gonna work in the west where nobody has any interest in anything but multi million sellers.
all weeb games doesn't count
the dead console for weebs doesn't have games if they're only for weebs
god I hate Sup Forums
Nintendo has neither :^)
>it's never gonna work in the west
Then why have companies continuously ported shit to the vita over the past 4 years of its "death"? Surely there's money being made or they wouldn't bother.
>Japanese console, company and obvious focus on Japanese market
Fucking leave normie trash
Sup Forums will always have a jap influence, go back to leeddit and talk about ur xbone exclusives. Oh wait...
Because it's cheap and they sometimes make a bit of a profit off overpriced weeaboo special editions.
Yeah, you keep on believing that.
I think you meant to say
>t-the vita isn't d-dead, guys T-trust me!
>b-but Nintendo
Come on goy, you have your nice shiny PS4 which sold nicely. Why can't you accept your one failure and be happy with the success of another?
>Why can't you accept your one failure and be happy with the success of another?
Yeah, Nintendo fans are reeling too.
Because there's a really strong customer base despite the low numbers, that guarantees some profit but as I said, it's been six years, the console isn't powerful enough to compete now.
The Vita will be supported for another two or three years but it's nearing the end of its cycle, as much as I would like it to keep on going for more time, all things come to an end.
Speaking of the vita and HDMI,found these awhile back when snooping through the vita's registries,that mystery port on the top is actually called a "Pictbridge",it very like had an HDMI cable that was going to be made and never got sold to the public because of poor sells of the vita,plus from what i understand of it panasonic and sony had a marketing deal going on around the time of the vitas release,well sony was looking for a simple video out solution and seeing as that cable could transmit up to 490MB/s,it would done fairly well,sadly though the deal fell flat after the vita was seen as a flop in the US,but hey least we know if there is a way to maybe make an AV cable we can possibly do it with the help of the said registries and homemade cable
The Vita is dead and the only people that say otherwise are weebs grasping at straws.
t. Guy that owns 3 vitas
>waah is dead because of muh sales
The Vita's library is great and the hardware is awesome, for it's time of course. Sadly Sup Forums is full of nintendo underage redditors so the vita will always get attacked.
You just listed weeb shit you fucking moron.
Actually it's just USB.
A console isnt dead if it still gets games. When it has a more busy schedule than the Switch, that's saying something.
I'm really itching for an RPG to play on the Vita, and I'm torn between Digimon Cyber Sleuth and Trails of Cold Steel.
Anyone have any opinions on either?
(the visuals of digimon definetly appeals to me more, but I'm not sure if the gameplay is solid)
i just found a vita at a yard sale the other day. what good games are there for it?
im still waiting on that new vanillawere game for huge titty girls to draw
Do you know japanese?
i always wanted a vita but i feel like i would regret it as soon as i bought one
Nah, gomen.
I have no issue with moonrunes tho, as long as the game is playable with minimal knowledge of japanese.
Imported some games before
i streamed it back in 2012
no one showed up for 4 hours and i was just chattering on like 1000 people were there
>huge titty girls
>in huge mechs
also looks like girls doing lewd thing is actually of some story importance
I legit thought that was dolphin running on vita and was legitimately impressed.
But wow, it's fucking nothing.
>very positive on steam
did they fix the game or something?
>know no one is there
I don't really know then, given you only listed two games.
There's Oreshika 2 which is a neat game, but you probably have played it already, then there's tons of dungeon crawlers like Demon Gaze or Stranger of Sword City, if you want something more visually stylish there's Ray Gigant, then there's the Atelier games if you like more cutesy stuff, Natural Doctrine and more., the west recently got Caligula too, if you can bear the mediocre performance it could be a good game for you to dig into.
Of course, if you knew moon you could get some really great exclusives like the SaGa games but they do require good moon to read and play through, especially Scarlet Grace.
I personally don't like Kiseki, so I'd tell you to go for the Digimon games, but that's my opinion.
If you like action RPGs there's stuff like Ys, but I assume you're just talking about turn based stuff.
Ah, I wasn't listing games I've played and enjoyed, but the two games I'm considering starting.
Hoped that someone could chime in on them.
Already played most of what you mentioned, and enjoyed it immensly
Anything non Moe like trails in the sky and I am setsuna? Really enjoyed those but don't play much jrpgs because I don't want a play more oni-chan uguu stuff
Can I emulate PS2/Cube games on Vita?
Can I play at least PS2 Classics on it?
If no, I will keep with my PSP as an emulation station.
No. K.
Yes and it can also emulate PS3 games too.
Well, considering there's upcoming stuff like God Wars and Summon Night 6 you might want to wait a bit then, I also forgot about the SRW titles, SRWV got an english release for the SEA regions too so if you like /m/ stuff it's definitely a must buy, Underwater Ray Romano got localized too.
But I guess by now you played most of the turn based stuff on the system, time to wait for a bit so that new games come out.
The Vita died long ago, it's strictly a containment handheld for kusoge now.
yeah no, more like just commentating on the game and stuff that was happening
>trails in the sky
>non Moe
You lost me there.
But yeah, try Natural Doctrine if you haven't already, it's pretty good, it's an SRPG though, but with some quite unique mechanics.
Don't throw around words you don't understand.
ultra BTFO
Actually according the yifan lu,when he did his teardown,he believed that there may be traces running from the port to the GPU ( PowerVR SGX543MP4+) that may have led to being able to use a custom HDMI pictbridge cable,as far data goes,the proprietary port on the bottom is only data out no matter what,hell it's not even fast enough to do display out from a few hackers have discovered.
Also here is yifans dicussion about it yifan.lu
its all i want
fumbling with buttons and controls due to huge tits not meant to pilot the giant robot
I don't consider it now as it's not a panty fetch quest with overly weeboo shit like that Hatsune game or Valkyrie bikhini or whatever
>Monster hunter alone outsells every single game combined X2
>the proprietary port on the bottom is only data out no matter what
I'm no speciallist and I might be talking shit here but you can use the proprietary port on the bottom to transfer files from your PC to the Vita. Vitashell even has a function for that now.
Sony blatantly stealing ideas from Nintendo. Again.
>muh sales
Funny thing is that the 3ds only has monster hunter, have fun playing the same game over and over again.
That's what some MH fans have been doing for over a decade.
I would know, I'm one of them.
>I don't consider it now as it's not a panty fetch quest with overly weeboo
More and more buzzwords, well this is Sup Forums, so I couldn't expect anything else.
Fifa and GTA also outsell all 3DS MH combined, what's that supposed to mean?
Digimon has good visuals, but has little depth to it's grindy gameplay and an awful translation. Play oreshika
>Only had monster hunter
And dragon quest, and Pikmin, and fire emblem and another monster hunter and etrian Odyssey
Vita has 50 "Literally who" games made on a budget of a dirty pair of anime girl panties and 2000 yen
OceanHorn 2 is coming out for the PC and Switch.
It means the Vita is dead sales wise, dead in terms of big games since at least 2012 and dead in terms of getting anything not insanely niche and weeb pandering.
Isn't this on Steam and phones why would I get it on a Vita?
I don't see anything about HDMI? Just USB.
Also Vita was never decapped iirc, since everything is in one package it'd be hard to tell what goes where precisely.
About "PictBridge" IIRC it's a standard for photo printing (my old canon camera had it).
wiki says it's just a USB.
USB 2.0 is 480Mbps, might be enough with some tricks and a external device.
HDMI 1.3 is like 10Gbps.
>And dragon quest, and Pikmin, and fire emblem and another monster hunter and etrian Odyssey
None of these are hunting games. You can play Monster Hunter Freedom 1, 2 and Freedom Unite as well as Monster Hunter Portable 3rd and a shit load of clones like God Eater Resurrection, God Eater 2 Rage Burst, Toukiden Kiwami, Toukiden 2, Ragnarok Ace Odyssey, Soul Sacrifice Delta and Freedom Wars. On the 3ds you only have Monster Hunter and that's it.
Also the games you listed are pure garbage, pikmin? dragon quest on a 3ds? fire emblem?
Seriously? At least the Vita has quality games like Dragon's Crown, Odin Sphere, LoH Trails of Cold Steel, Persona 4g, etc.
>all terrible games
And no Danganrompa is not a good game.
I'd imagine it costs next to nothing to port certain games to the vita that devs would do it just for some extra cheap $$.
That said I really hope the switch becomes the platform form niche and weeb stuff. Getting things like 2Hu is a good start.
>At least the Vita had quality games like [Ports that play better on another system]
Lol. Yep you're right.
So you get a worse vita port of an already mobile game that you could play on your pc with fucking integrated intel garbage better than you could on a vita..
American's don't play portable games.
Tell me, does the cast in this game ever get better? I've only seen right after the first boss, and the only character I can enjoy is Kensuke.
Yeah, because I'm going to buy a PS3 to play Dragon's Crown, a PS2 to play the old and crappy version of Odin Sphere, a Wii to play Muramasa without the extras, a PC to play Cold Steel, etc. And none of them are portable either.
It's also funny how you say they play better on other platforms while you defend the worst console currently available, your shitty 240p machine is literally the worst possible way you could play video games, my 20 year old windows 98 PC is a better platform to play games than your shitty 3ds. Stay salty nintentoddler.
>literally and unironically excited for mobile game ports
It's just sad. The 3DS shouldn't have destroyed your minds like this. We took too much enjoyment in your demise.
you legitimately beleive this and then support lists like that include every game that will go on to sell 3K copies?
First, I didn't post that list. Secondly, the ammount of sales a game has is not indicative of how good it is. Only mad fanboys like yourself care about sales.