Alright dorks! Tell me what your favorite game is or I'll kick your butt!

Alright dorks! Tell me what your favorite game is or I'll kick your butt!

I'll play whatever game you want me to play, just beat me up please.


I wanna party with her

Was Molly worst girl?

That title belongs to D.W.

Literally the worst girl in cartoon's entirety.

Im assuming thats the entire picture

Muffy and Francine exist

Except they have SOME positive qualities. Still fucking trash, but there's at least 5% good to their overall shit qualities.

D.W. is pure garbage with nothing good about her at all. Literally deserves to eat a fist every waking moment of her life.

the ass was fat

>Nope they don't want none

Somebody post it

jojo reference?

The one where the bad guy lose

You cant just post that here.
Now i have to jack off.

well i know where this is going

S-Super Metroid!

M-Metal Gear Solid 4 and Metal Gear Solid 3!

not so fast you bunny whore


Stop making me a furry, plague.

go on

So she was a lesbian right? Remembering Arthur as an adult I can't shake that vibe.

I will never get the apeal of a dominant female.

I was there for the original thread, good times.

what if I want you to kick my ass desu

Good, stay out


no, its an ace attorney one.