Please discuss this faggot and his escapades

Please discuss this faggot and his escapades.


He's the ruiner of Bethesda, the corrupter of poor Toddler Howard. You can see he's a psychopath, just look at his eyes. It's all the proof you need.

His twitter drives retard insane.

I'm thinking you should look at his smile for some reason.

Dude I know family guy isn't that funny but Seth MacFarlane is okay

No, look at his eyes. One is menacingly squinting like he's enjoying the scam he's pulling on all Bethesda customers, and the other is open like he's just your avg. friendly guy.

that poor singular retard

He's trying to imitate Vault Boy.

In every picture he's in?

Are we talking about shit people and the ruiners?

I got one for you guys

Not interested in discussing how faggot people are on an anime image board w/ shitposters and troll


This guy deserves the rope

and konami deserves to burn

He is a person who plays video games but doesn't like playing video games.

I fucked up bad, Sup Forums, I fucked up real bad.
>want to help Pete Hines and his low intelligence
>get FEV
>"he has no exposure to radiation, what could go wrong?"
>ended up even dumber
>I mean like brain damage levels of dumb
>I pretty much removed sentience from a human being
I don't think I can go on living. This is a sin that shouldn't even be possible.

i feel like an ugly person would be more likely to understand what makes rpg games good instead of vandalizing them

Don't forget Tameem

childhood is blaming Todd Howard
adulthood is realizing Pete Hines is the real bad guy

Not interested in making analogies in a thread w/ stupid faggots and shitposters

He probably shouldn't be their PR guy since he comes off as a smug condescending asshole whenever he answers a question.

>5 years from now
>Skyrim 2: Dew it Yourself: Special Edition has been released for 70 USDollarydoos
>literally just a Skybox (TM) with all content to be filled in by modders
>modders do it for free
>bethesda takes a 100% cut
Explain to me again why this is morally wrong because I'm not getting it.


There is a good chance he will be here soon.