My cat just got diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and my mom and I were trying to scrounge up some cash to pay for it's funeral so I had her pawn all my vidya.
I have about 200 bucks leftover and I'm at Hardee's right now thinking of some 3DS games to buy. Could you guys recommend me some?
Condolences, dude. hope your cat comes out of it OK. As to reccomendations, depends what you like. Rune factory 4 is comfy as shit, the fire emblem games can be a challenge but are rewarding, the pokemon games are breddy gud, and personally I love the majora's mask redux thing. Chrono trigger for classic DS if you haven't played it yet is worth your time, and if most of this sounds like weebshit, then im afraid thats all I can offer, that's all i've personally played and liked. Cheers!
Mason Jenkins
>pay for its funeral
Just fucking dig a grave in the yard and hold your own ceremony. I hope to god this is a fucking bait post.
David Reed
Owen Wright
kill yourself fat fuck
Aiden Parker
Funeral for a fucking cat come on dude dig a hole in the garden fuck paying for a grave of something which if removed from your premise would forget about you within a week.
Adrian Anderson
You ever play Nintendogs?
Parker Miller
>he still buys 3DS games
Jose Brooks
you will 100% regret selling your games/spending money on a funeral for a cat.
Cooper Price
Henry Rodriguez
>Paying for any kind of funeral What is wrong with people?
But I'm sorry for your cat, I hope he/she gets well. And if yes, then STOP feeding them with crap.
Josiah Hall
Throwing a cat's corpse in a plastic bag into a canal is that expensive these days?
Jaxson Mitchell
>diabetes for your cat
honestly what are you feeding it
Jackson Powell
>funeral for a cat
I like it man, some low key bait you have there. Seems to be working well so far this thread.
Enjoy your (you)s man.
Isaac Peterson
>they paid money for a funeral
Maybe if you saved money on food by not fattening up your cat, you could have had money for the funeral, or even better not had to kill your cat sooner
Adrian Rodriguez
Just hack your 3DS and save your money for Hardee's.
Ryan Ward
>cat gets type 2 diabetes >have funeral for your cat Only in America
Brandon Wilson
When my cat died it was a very sad time. You don't know what you have until it's gone. He had some urinary traction. My only regret is that he had to spend the last 3 days of his life in pain because my mom kept saying he was just passing a kidney stone.
Jaxon Turner
And they say Sup Forums isn't good. Laughed my ass off and now I'm choking on my drink and coughing.
Cooper Campbell
Your cat was a faggot.
Gavin White
>he's so fat his cat died of diabetes
Andrew Thompson
>funeral Thanks op. I had a shit day but your autism cheered me up.
Benjamin Jackson
I seriously hope none you believe this pasta
Connor Hall
Laughing so hard
William Turner
wtf how expansive burying a fucking cat can be like take a shovel, dig a hole and thow it in, did you bought him a fucking golden tombstone or something with a fucking orchestra playing a sad song and a buffet
Ian Jenkins
One moment their eyes are still attentive, happy to see you, the next moment they're completely blank, and the body goes stiff, like they morphed into taxidermy.
Aaron Sanders
You might want to get checked for diabetes.
My cat had that. Bad way to go. Had to pawn all my DS games to pay for his funeral.
>Just fucking dig a grave in the yard Just leave it in a park somewhere.
Joshua Sanchez
I'm glad your cat died
Ryder Brown
I personally buried my dog in my backyard so he’ll always be with me. Why don’t you just hack your 3DS?
Samuel Taylor
Gabriel Reed
Etrian Odyssey and SMT IV are pretty good, hear Senran Kagura is pretty fun You can never go wrong with Monster Hunter, especially 4.
Chase Butler
Henry Thompson
>Buying 3DS games after your cat died >Buying 3DS games period. >With leftover funeral money that you are also spending on fastfood >Still living with your mom