>already at bargain bin price
What went wrong?
>already at bargain bin price
What went wrong?
Other urls found in this thread:
Feels too much like an expansion to Human Revolution than a sequel
Every single Square Enix game gets a 75% deal in two months at most.
It's been out for a while friend
it's honestly an incredible game, even better than HR. i can't explain why it didn't do well. just one of those times when a fanbase lets down a great studio.
OP started a shitpost thread, that's what went wrong.
What about Automata? I aint buying that shit till it's 20 dollars at least
Remember how HR was leaked here and played and discussed to death?
Afterwards people bought the legit game and everyone was happy.
And then they went out and put Denuvo on this one, killing all possible discussion while people who considered purchasing were repelled by filthy microtansactions and poor performance at launch.
Publisher fucking over an otherwise great game, really sad.
eidos montreal is a shit dev. Thankfully now the Deus Ex IP will be shelved so they can't piss on its grave anymore. HR and MD will soon be forgotten.
>denuvo and microtransactions are the only problems with MD
no. It's a complete shitfest.
it has been out for 9 months, its normal.
All of the people whining about Denuvo and micro transactions are overreacting about these "problems" and have never even played the game. It's basically everything HR was and more, except the game seemed to end at the halfway point of the story.
>All of the people whining about Denuvo and micro transactions are overreacting about these "problems" and have never even played the game
People have not played the game BECAUSE of these problems, they never gave it a chance.
Why should they when they get a kick in the balls at the door?
It's a nine month old game - of course it's in the bargain bin, with every other game older than 3 months.
I am seriously considering buying this game
now that i see this i want it even more, I played human revolution but never got a chance to finish it. Is this game good?
desu it just feels like it ends halfway through the climax.
>"It's a long way to climb"
>Walks off camera
Great gameplay, the Prague hub is fantastic, story falls a bit flat but the side missions and shit are still engaging
>adding microtransactions to a singleplayer game
How is this not horribly wrong.
only last generations games should get a discount since they are for older technology , there is no reason to lower the price of a current gen game, EVER
artwork is awesome.
but it suddenly begin ending.
And it ended abrupty
They did a good job converting the artwork into the game.
Felt like an expansion pack. HR wasn't even great, just ok, I don't see why this game even needed to be made.
Every game hits bargain bin prices after 6 months. Even the best selling ones. The only game I've seen that never ever gets more than a 25% discount is GTAV.
Nothing went wrong. Its a good game, people are just retarded.
Is it worth a tenner? I see it on CD keys for a tenner and I liked HR
Cyberpunk setting.
Any other questions?
Storage has a cost, shelf space is very valuable, and it's better to have fifteen bucks now than who knows when
it was poorly marketed and got bad press so sold badly. shame it killed the franchise, it was a decent game.
because they're literally not even needed, at all. praxis kits are fucking everywhere in game, they only exist to jew complete retards.
I had everything I wanted upgraded halfway through the game, and in NG+ everything was maxed within 2 hours.
Other than the characters and story, it's an improvement on HR and worth playing if you liked HR.
Eidos Montreal is working in a Guardians of the Galaxy game, Deus Ex is dead.
>Deus Ex is dead
feels bad honestly
>HR wasn't even great, just ok
contrarian faggot
I haven't played i, but they didn't seem to advertise it as better than HR.
>create HR
>it's a prequel but doesn't really bring in any loose threads that need to be resolved and the franchise is relatively 'complete' story wise
>HR does well
>decide to pour money into a whole cross-media franchise
>flagship project it a sequel to HR which introduces new plot threads which are left for another game to resolve
>completely fuck up the marketing at every turn, including getting it horrible press when it has just released by revealing totally pointless single player microtransactions
>it sells way below expectations and you cancel the franchise on a cliffhanger
the game sold pretty well on steam
Still priced at 59,99
feels good. it was dead since IW. The entire series is absolute garbage except the first game, which is almost a masterpiece.
Steam's prices being up isn't particularly reflective of sales. In fact after the initial release the big price point is generally just there to make the % off during sales look more impressive. The sales price is the de facto real price.
Deus Ex HR was bad and I don't understand why it's praised here. I've tried stealth and combat and it's one of the worst games I've ever played, good atmosphere isn't enough to redeem it.
according to steamspy it sold 600k units
not bad . That is if steamspy is reliable.
so controversial, buddy
it's because of the reddit influx. Happened right around the time when the whole Sup Forums culture cancer rolled in (jimmies, tfw, pizza tipping, 4am, etc).
Redditors say how highly praised Deus Ex is on/v/, but never actually played it. So they instead circlejerk over HR as a substitute, even though it's not Deus Ex and is a shit game.
it went on sale pretty quickly, and consider SE wanted something like 3 million because they're stupid
that's the gotcha with sequels, if your game is worse in many ways it's gonna get shit on
obviously there is otherwise the people involved in AAA game publishing wouldn't be doing it.
Stop baiting
I think the plot kills it all, Its development phase coincedentally took inspiration from the BLM took a foothold
>Aug lives matter
>Muh Equality
Instead of giving us a more fleshed out story on how the near future will impact our lives. Feels like the game is trying to make a strong statement here while disregarding its previous titles. Aslo the transition period between HR and MD isn't very clearly stated which a matter of fact seems more intresting then this "aftermath"
£9 in sainsburys
>Aug lives matter
Still will never get over how cringey that was. Jesus Christ, how awful.
Wait wait wait.
I played HR and I wouldn't say I loved it but I certainly enjoyed it. It was my first Deus Ex if you don't count the time I torrented the original but couldn't get it to run very well (I was like 12). You guys are telling me they actually had the words "Aug lives matter" in Mankind divided?
Holy fuck.