Open and non linear level design

>open and non linear level design
>meaningful and deep customization
>interactive environment
>mutiple ways to complete objectives
>great aesthetics
>top notch optimization

Why is everyone shitting on this game?

Other urls found in this thread:

fine I'll buy it already, just stop fucking shilling this 24/7 zenimax shills

>non linear level design

i dont wanna play as a fucking asian


Never actually believed in shills on Sup Forums but this shit is getting out of hand

In other words, OP get cancer

its less non-linear and more
>oh shit there is a shortcut from here to there if i have X neuromod that saves fighting 5 enemies
but then you backtrack over the other way to kill and loot everything anyway

>literally called Prey, just to give a big finger to yet another old IP
>ending is trash
>dares to call itself "a game like no other", when it's a blatant ripoff of half a dozen well known titles
>shit graphics. Seriously.
>Bethesda & Zenimax double-teaming, again.
I could go on

You can pretty much access 90% of the ship from the start, even complete quests before recieving them and the NPCs will comment on that with unique dialogue.

people wanted to it to be the next tor-tanic and then it actually turned out pretty good, now people are just shitposting about it.

>top notch optimization

Fuck off, faggot. I've been waiting since the game came out to continue playing past a bugged level, and they still haven't patched it.

The only reason why I am not buying this is because of the name.

I'll take an asian and a woman over any boring, old white guy.

>Halol crosshair

zenimax/bethesda is the absolute worst when it comes to astroturfing

when doom and fallout 4 came out, social media, all sorts of forums, Sup Forums, reddit, FUCKING EVERYTHING would not stop moaning about the games. I hate this corporate strategy of going all over the net and plastering everything with your shitty product. Yeah sure the game might be interesting but corps trying to start the "word of mouth" trend by themselves is nauseating

This. It's only barely non linear. A lot of the areas of the ship can't be accessed directly. For instance, having to go to the Arboretum in order to get to the ship's bridge. These are things that don't make sense in terms of functional design everything should be accessable by way of the main lift

this, plus

>lore and story were afterthoughts

It was the only way for them to make a convincing soulles protag

>boring, old white guy

You need to step up your shiposting Human Head employee

>only 3 types of enemies
>areas are all short as fuck
>massive amounts of backtracking just to pad out the game and make it seem bigger
>no weapon variety
>forced lesbo shit
>awful cliche villain
>abilities are fucking boring
>le it was just a dream ebin plot twist
>clunky floaty combat

it's fucking shit

It's about creating player agency. I swear every 15 minutes, I come across a new room that has like 3 separate ways to enter. It's just nice to have that freedom of choice. It feels so much better than your average shooter.

It's a very high-ranking entry in the System Shock / Dude Sex genre of shooters. You have the narrative and shooting from Shock games combined with the open design of Deus Ex.

Stop shitposting guys. It's a good game. Even if you're the biggest fucking snob in the galaxy, you should give it at least a strong 6 out of 10. The combat is a bit floaty and there's no strong repeat-playthrough value, but it's still a great time, especially if you can get immersed.

Seriously, if Prey doesn't even do it for you anymoe, it's probably time for a new hobby.

>>shit graphics. Seriously.
wow, get your eyes checked user.


get YOURs.
static lighting, fake reflections AND shit art-style = embarrassing as fuck.


All i have heard is good things... including by enlarge this site.

Not sure if this is marketing or not.

No, it's NOT a good game. No, I'm not shitposting.
No, I'm not finding another hobby just because the seal of shit games publisher releases yet another flavor of the month, over-shilled trash.

You forgot

>absolutely abysmal and obnoxious sound design, everything you SHOULDNT do.

*scare chord*

How is it a bad thing?

I'll take no mirrors and an interactive world over mirrors and a static world any day of the week.

it makes it feel completely soulless

i like the hacking complete noise though

the minigame itself is a disconnected chore

*scare chord* *inception horn* *scare chord*

Every. Fucking. Time. Anything. Happens.

...and we can't have both, because?
Oh yeah, consoles with their 2010-tier mobile components

Has there been a hacking minigame ever where this wasn't the case?

Nu-Deus Ex games.


the game is pretty fire, i just wish the combat was a bit better; i like using the wrench but it's a pain in the ass to kill mimics because they move so fast and it's so damn hard to aim.

anyone else find the scrolling acceleration on console to be a bit funky?

This is the game that makes you believe in shills! How new are you?

But GTA V is on consoles.
I'd imagine it's got more to do with priorities. Game developers don't have infinite time and only some autists care about working mirrors.

>complains about aiming
>plays on console

>game is simply SS3
>expecting neo-Sup Forums to enjoy a System Shock game


where are the rocket skates then

>Game developers don't have infinite time and only some autists care about working mirrors.
Render-2-texture tech is literally N64 era feature, and literally a stock effect even goddamn Unity allows as drag & drop solution.

And the lack of mirrors really ain't my biggest beef. The art style is horrible, lighting very flat, and the game is all around uninspiring.

More like a BS3, and if you think BS is anywhere on par with SS games, you need to go back.

>implying this shit even deserves to be compared to System Shock
>implying you ever even played a System Shock game
neo-Sup Forums indeed.


You can tell when "anons" are strangely persistent about convincing you to buy a game.

>Aussie McFuckface puts out review saying Prey is difficult garbage shit poop from a butt
>Couple days later he puts out a re-review saying Prey is not just game of the year but game of the past few years
What the fuck did he mean by this? Contrarian faggot can't even agree with himself.

This, even more when they use THE SAME EXACT FUCKING OP PICTURE, and then avoid criticism & questions altogether, maybe return with simple ad hominem attacks.

Quite surprised Zenimax didn't C&D posting of any footage this time around.

Nice hit opinions buddy.
Anyway it's probably not so easy implement in certain engines and it doesn't add much at all.

>damage control

Kinda like Persona and BotW

Yeah shills, they are even on steam!

>hurr neo-Sup Forums
Nice buzzword and lack of arguments fuck face


I don't wanna play as a cracker. Get over it.

Story wasn't all that great but I wasn't expecting anything from it. I just wanted to explore a space station that I could get immersed with and try a whole bunch of wacky shit to see if it worked.

Never bothered upgrading past leverage 1 because I found I could toss leverage 1 items at level 2 or 3 items to slowly push them out of the way.

Or if I couldn't find a heavy enough item, I could use a gas canister to blow it out of the way or use the recycle grenade to get rid of the object.

Really wanted to find a way to be able to kill something by barreling into it as a mug at high speed and maybe you can with some crazy combo with the other alien powers but I didn't want to go over the fucking spoopy alien tolerance limit and have all of my turrets I reinforced shoot me.

Also, don't fucking bother with turrets on hard or above, about the only thing they can kill without tipping over are mimics.

>more like a BS3
Except it's much more like SS. Have you played the game?

It is LITERALLY the fucking WORST with Neptunia. Where the fuck are these japs getting all this money to astroturf with??

Sounds like somebody got gud.

>people pretending to care about og prey

the hell, it's not even as good as Infinite

Your boss should have made sure you knew how to post properly before hiring you.

>Anyway it's probably not so easy implement in certain engines and it doesn't add much at all.
Did you even read a word I just said, or are you literally just here to shill your boss' game?

Secondary cameras projecting their footage to separated surface is literally 20 years old tech, takes a promille of the time creation of single 3D model requires, and no - it does not make "game to render scene twice & sap performance" like you'd prolly say next.

because there's no waifu bait that collects items for you

>Aussie McFuckface puts out review saying Prey is difficult garbage shit poop from a butt

But he didn't. He said it was "good" in his initial review.

Do people on Sup Forums really not understand the difference between shit, bad, average, good, great and perfect?

how do i scan poltergeists with the psychoscope boys

Spray it with semen and throw psi nullifiers everywhere.

>becomes visible when attacking

C'mon m8, it's not that hard.

Im enjoying it so far, currently doing a second playthrough using psi only mods

The sticky note room was terrifying.

At that point I had found the psychoscope mod that let me see greater and normal mimics so it wasn't that bad for me.

Although I kind of regret it because I ran around like an autistic fuck with it on for the majority of the game until I had cleared out the area I was in.

>hurr shill
Because everyone that disagrees with your dumb opinions is getting paid am I right?
Who even gets paid to shill games on this shithole and how do I apply?
What the fuck do mirrors even add to games besides requiring extra work to create proper 3rd person models? You're seriously a retarded autistic fuck face going on about some stupid shit.
Did your mom love you enough?
Seriously what the fuck went so wrong that prompted to moan and bitch about such meaningless shit on a taiwanese basket weaving forum?
Consider going out for once in your life you mouthbreathing autistic moron.
You're honestly sad and pathetic.

Crystoids are worst enemy ever they're just annoying...

Either you're a shill that completely and utterly lacks any self awareness or notion of subtlety or somebody doing a damn good job of pretending to be a shill for attention on the internet. Either way, kill yourself. Not even that user btw.

Just got the game, what's some recommended mods to buy ASAP?

security weapon upgrade, security weapon damage upgrade, leverage, hacking

It's one of those games that Sup Forums decided was going to be bad before it came out, and to make a u-turn after it turned out to be pretty decent would be too embarrassing. Even though it's pretty much exactly what people whine about wanting from AAA gaymes all the time on here.

>Not even that user btw
Great arguments btw, you sure showed me. Here's your last (You), don't waste it.

wouldn't mirrors be an interactive world?

>bioshock in space

The music is really weird but I dig it. Also, what era are the aesthetics inspired by?

Because not enough diversity for the west
The game is gonna be GOTY or very close.

>Game developers don't have infinite time and only some autists care about working mirrors.
Shouldn't Prey have them, it's considerably smaller than GTA V. In addition to having a lot of clean glass and metals you think that reflections would be apart of that.


>open and non linear level design
>meaningful and deep customization
>interactive environment
>mutiple ways to complete objectives

Art Deco (60s) and 70s scifi

In these types of games, I usually try and get the upgrades that will let me access more shit. I'd say grab hacking 3 if you want to access like 80% of stuff without needing to know the code.

Also, grab leverage 1. You can actually push leverage 2 and 3 objects with a leverage 1 object by either tossing the leverage 1 thing against the other thing until its out of the way or just smushing the leverage 1 object into the other one which usually pushes it away in some janky fashion.

I liked bioshock 1's pipes.

they have the Looking Glass technology which is pretty neat to be honest. So why couldn't they just apply that to mirrors?

You can turn into any object in Prey. Do you think they would waste time animate all the possibilities in 3rd person for 3 mirrors in the game?

GTA V had like a 200 million budget
And having mirrors doesn't make it a less of a shit game


>meaningful and deep customization
Why is it that whenever a developer says this it always means a bunch of useless skills with no real impact on gameplay?

I didnt even know it existed

It looks dull

System Shock is overrated anyways.

> when Sup Forums is trying to do game design

really stfu user. With the new tech its actually super hard to do mirrors easily. Really you are clueless. and yes, we had working mirrors with unreal engine or build engine, there's specific reasons why it was easily doable back then.

>caring about the character's identity over how they're written

Fuck is wrong with you?

Playing the first Prey right now.

Can't post the link for some reason, but it is on the iso zone called Prey multi2 repack

works on windows 10 easily, but best resolution i can get is 1600x900 and if you don't have vsync off it gets buggy. Alt tabbing freezes my pc

You don't. You play as an alien reliving the simulated memories of an Asian scientist, in an attempt to teach the aliens the concept of empathy.

I reached the Dahl part and still haven't visited the Station Bridge/Command area, does the story lead me there at some point or should I explore it now?
Moving around is getting a bit painful now.