Modern games can't compete

Modern games can't compete.

It is a modern game.

>can't shoot and walk at the same time

>2005 is modern

It's retro, son.

What's the threshold for retro?

SNes came out in 90 and by ps1 was considered retro.

Wind waker for GC came out 16 years ago. Wouldnt it be retro?

>and by ps1 was considered retro
no it wasn't you retard

that's barely 10 years ago

05 isn't retro, kid. How fucking old are you?

It's 12...

>Tank controls

I fucki g hate buzzwords and marketing lingo

Has to be a minimum of 20 years old to be considered "retro" however most consider 30 years

Jesus that's a fantastic body

can't have everything ez mode

I wish I could still get enjoyment out of this game, I can barely make it to the castle before losing interest.
Great game, but it's time has passed in my eyes.

hello underage

It shows you live with awfully ugly humans beans

I'll allow Gen 5 to be considered retro.

>2005 is retro
My fucking sides

Whos that qt3.14

Holy fuck cody you piece of shit

tbf what really is "retro"

do we have a concrete metric?

I think it'd best be established as 3 generations back. So N64/PS1/Dreamcast is retro.

In 2020 when the PS5 is announced we can call the 6th generation retro.

it shows you like to get dick blasted in the butt

Retro is "long enough ago that shifts in the genre or technology become notable in their absence"

I wouldnt call re4 retro since games are still made in its vein. But re0 is retro because nobody makes that kind of game anymore and todays youth would be nonplussed and frustrated by the nigglings of it

rather that than shove my dick into bones and skin my dude

>literally made QTE mainstream

It won't feel retro unless a lot of genre shifting games happen in that period

Re4 defines modern games to this day, kids these days would "get" re4. It isn't retro unless you can point to it and say "this couldn't be made today."

>dark souls is shit because it spawned shitty clones

Sorry bruh