ZUN fucked up big time with this one.
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Yeah, we knew that the gimmick trivialized the game from day 1.
But hey, when everyone is broken, nobody is.
Only Fall has this shit. Spring, Summer and Winter have alright balance.
Fall has the easiest time performing exploits, but they're completely open to Summer too.
Winter can kind of do that stuff, and even if it can't do it as well as Fall/Summer it makes up for that in sheer firepower.
Poor Spring.
I mean DDC was even more absurd with this sort of abuse, and at least this time it's an option for everyone.
DDC only has this problem with MarisaB and it's not even as broken as people want you to believe
You have to know where to bomb and you need to play on lunatic
Oh, hey, you're the guy who keeps pushing this meme of MarisaB not being hilariously busted.
Honestly, if I cared more, I could probably route out something similar on Normal difficulty. All you really have to do to exploit her bomb is place it on top of patterns that release a ton of bullets from a single point, which is fairly common on boss patterns.
>He thinks the entire game is like the extra
Next time try playing the game instead of spreading misinformation you dumb idiot
I really like the new touhou designs, they feel slavic/celtic inspired and that really tickles my fancy
>but they're completely open to Summer too.
[citation needed]
I know of exploits with the Summer release, none of them include getting over a fucking billion points.
Winter sucks, I don't know what you're talking about. It's good only if you use it as a supplement to your main shot.
And fuck off, Spring is good.
I never said anything about them getting a billion points, I'm just saying that it's easy to cheese patterns with Summer too, you just have to route it out a bit.
Winter kind of sucks, but you can still use the release to decent effect by placing it preemptively on a pattern.
Spring is awkward, the release is more or less just a screen clearing pseudo bomb that doesn't last long enough to exploit like the others, and the shots are too weak to really be relied on as well.
I mean Fall is the strongest, don't get me wrong, but it's not like the others don't have things too.
Read my entire post before posting.
Play the games before posting.
I'm almost tempted to do a quick run of DDC normal just to make (You) look like an idiot and to stop your shitposting once and for all.
But let's be real, even video evidence won't stop you from acting like a jackass online.
Plus I'm eating right now anyway, and that's more important to me.
Wow a Touhou game is bad what a fucking surprise who could have ever seen this coming
>I'm a retarded secondary
>I keep shitposting pretending to know shit about the games
>Just you wait until I play on normal
Ok, that's fucking bullshit but that was just too hilarious not to love.
ZUN really has to fix this for the full release.
He won't, though.
I personally don't see much problem with it. Just don't exploit it I say.
Isn't that just ignoring the problem?
Kinda. But I also like how retardedly broken it is on some level
Dumb marisafaggot
At the very least, it shouldn't let you cap cards after using releases, that's a little silly.
Another year. Another Touhou game.
Is this gimmick this time some kind of bullet absorbing shield thing? Boss characters are a little weak looking as well. I bet the story is that someone stole Gensokyo's seasons/messed the seasons up or something.
>expecting a series to stay fresh for 20 years
It's a miracle 2hu lasted as long, now you have shit like a circus clown and nigger Cirno.
When you select a character, you can also choose a subshot that basically gives you a mini version of another character's shot (or your own) along with a unique bomb that uses up the power that the subshot runs off of (which is a bar that fills as you collect flower petals)
It's pretty fun.
>I bet the story is that someone stole Gensokyo's seasons/messed the seasons up or something.
I mean that's pretty obvious, user, just from the title of the game alone.
>Lily White finally uses a spell card
>doesn't even have an art cut-in
what the actual fuck ZUN
>Another year. Another Touhou game.
There wasn't a Touhou game last year.
Gotta continue the tradition of Lily White being a nobody.
>Aya is finally playable in a mainline game
>doesn't even have wings drawn
ZUN is lazy
Maybe the full version will have it.
So, what's the gimmick this time. I don,t know what the fuck is going on.
Literally 6 posts above yours.
>even Kisume and Shizuha get art cut ins
>but not Lily or Momiji
>you pick one of four shottypes
>you can also pick one of four sub-shottypes
>each one is based on a season, has different properties (spring is homing, winter is laser, etc) and has a different sub-bomb (called release)
>also you better be good at the game because life pieces are gone and score-based extends are back
I remember someone saying Marisa's shot with Spring was OP as fuck.
They lied.
I remember someone saying Marisa sux
He was right
ZUN literally said he wants to reel back the story and dificulty a bit after the grand arching plot in LoLK
That person was an idiot.
Just like the person claiming that Cirno with Summer was op.
Or Cirno with Spring.
I think everyone just thinks that the thing they chose is op because that's what they have a personal bias for.
>grand arching plot in LoLK
Guess I just gotta find what I think feels good.
meme story filled with meme character
I miss when it was just about deities being shitheads.
Cirno in general feels pretty weak as a shot type. Which is fitting, but the strongest (heh) season for her is definitely Winter's Laser.
The actual most broken shot type is probably Reimu + Winter, Homing AND a Laser? That's just plain unfair.
Honestly that's for the best. This game is good for that sort of mindset.
So like 3 games?
>Samefagging because nobody took your bait.
kys yourself autist
Good thing you never shitposted and just wanted to talk about videogames, eh shotty?
Good job user, you can use ms paint. We're all really proud of you.
Maybe if your parents told you that on occasion, you wouldn't be here?
sorry but your boyfriend is not here fagtron
I love the demo
>slow as shit
>main shot is pathetic
>sub shot is terribad except for the multiple releases
I thought Cirno was ZUN's daughteru.
Yeah, it's a lot of fun. It's a shame that the Touhou community on Sup Forums has been mostly driven out by shitposting secondaries.
Which shot combo did you use?
>Joke character is weak
You don't have to be like that, either.
She's not really underpowered enough to be a "joke character", she's underpowered in the traditional sense.
>It's a Curvy Laser spell card
>I thought Cirno was ZUN's daughteru.
That would be either Aya or Mamizou.
Aya is ZUN's waifu
Mamizou is ZUN's wife's OC Donut Steel
Cirno is ZUN's daughteru
Maybe this is what happens in HSiFS. Some star goddess likes a season, but there her constellation wasnt visible so she combined them all. And thats it.
>OC Donut Steel
That's sumireko
That card is nerve-wracking despite being damn easy. Fucking curby lasers, man.
I never get Sakuya. Her humanity is one of the thing she likes to flaunt about, but she works as a vampire and thus helps prepares food with human ingredients on them. Talk about race traitor, huh?
>Talk about race traitor
How about Byakuren?
Nope, Mamizou is his wife's self insert.
>Her humanity is one of the thing she likes to flaunt about
When does she do that?
Why is it Shad gets shit for his art but ZUN is treated like a god?
ZUN understood his limits and his fans knows that he sucks.
Shad on the other hand..
Not drawing something risquer each installments and hold edgy opinions helps too really.
Is there a chart like with SMT on how to get into Touhou? I don't want to be a secondary
Alolan cirno?
His art his edgy sure, but his opinions aren't.
Unless free speech is an edgy concept to you.
ZUN is literally a god, though.
Just play Touhou 6 and branch out from there.
There is a chart but honestly it kind of sucks.
You can get the downloads that you need from Moriya Shrine.
>All those disk drives
I don't even have one.
Always thought the zun art was ironic. It's so bad but the characters are cute and varied so whatever.
Marisa + Spring
>tfw I will always be a secondary because I can't beat MF
>muh free speech
Not trying to meme here, but the man is literally fucked in the head. Wanting to fuck children and his own mom isnt healthy
>Marisa + Spring
That must have sucked.
Anyone know how much he actually makes? Motherfucker could have been rich if he sold out his girls
For those of you who like Touhou:
You mean MoF?
Supporting Free Speech =/= Unable to criticize dumb and edgy opinions.
>muh free speech
Underage detected.
I'm asking you what edgy opinions does he have?
Its not ironic. He just tries his very best and everyone just laugh together about it and then make their own version of it.
From what I understand, he makes a good amount of money. His games don't make much, but from what I gather gets money from the occasional licensing deal, enough to have his own brewery with another business partner apparently.
Hi Shad! Hows the house arrest?
I think ZUN owns a brewery. I don't know how cheap those are.
>Motherfucker could have been rich if he sold out his girls
No joke. It takes a special kind of person to not sell out for that amount of money.
>He just tries his very best
He admitted that he literally never practices and hates drawing or doing any kind of extra work like updating sprites
ZUN art being shit motivates actual skilled artists to fix it. He knows this and is OK with it. Hell, you could say one of the rwason of touhou's popularity is how motivate the fandom gets to redraw ZUN's art.
It's in a weird state where ZUN has gotten to the point where he can technically do better now, but the style that the games are known for is so iconic among the fans that he just keeps doing it that way.
Is the only game so far I didn't beat
Did you know that the 2hu General on /vg/ was started by the 174M on /vg/?
*where he can technically do better now, but doesn't because finishing the actual game and going back to beer is more important.
Not that there's anything wrong with that, mind you. I like ZUN's art.
Meant ironic with the worship stuff, calling him a god etc..
I have never heard someone worship ZUN.
Who else but the strongest?