First time playing dark souls 3 Ringed City

>first time playing dark souls 3 Ringed City
>decides to summon 2 phantoms for the demon Prince on his try

Shiggy diggy

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Were they NPCs or just rando folks?

They were the NPCs right before the drop.

They also are super tanky and take off aggro.

I'm not surprised.

He always summons NPCs in case it has some kind of quest progression involved.
But to be honest I don't know if that's ever actually been a thing in the Souls series as I've only played BB and DaS3 base game and most of the time I just kill any NPC I can.

very comfy playthrough

Not really. Especially when you have Twitch shitters that ruin the surprise or spoonfeed them where to find shit.

It was in 2, it was terrible

I think what they generally go for is entertainment value from both the game and commentary. they don't want to fuck around with a "big dick OG DarsydePhill EPIC deathcount run" as those need to be edited.

In 2 the only way you could proceed in Bernhardt and Lucatiel's stories is to summon them for boss fights, which I always thought was shitty.

How you can be surprised after the "blind" dark souls 3 lp is beyond me.

to be honest I haven't seen that one. Just finished DS1 and kind of disappointing how guided it was for Woolie. Also reminded me how OP poise was in that game after he started steamrolling everything with heavy armor.

DS2 was alright.

Bernhardt can be summoned? Bernhardt has a story?

Yeah, you basically tell him that his Moonlight Greatsword is a fake.

Fuck your complaints, how do you fuck up the tutorial for LA Noire?

He wants to fight big tough dudes, so you summon him to do that. He gives you his fake MLGS as thanks.

Yeah, maybe at first. When Pat ran up to the door and just mashed through the dialogue to force the story to progress, I honestly get the feeling that he just wants to get this playthrough over with so they could wash their hands of the Souls series permanently. I don't blame him either after reading some of the cancerous comments the Souls community leave on their videos. Like, holy shit man, he gets a few obscure character backstories jumbled or misses an item, and suddenly there's a witch hunt out for his head. Same with Woolie, poor guy just wanted to rep the Ornstein and Tarkus sets because he liked the characters, but he gets strong-armed into the Stone Golem set because DA STATS R BETTERER!!!1.

Bunch of children.

I told him on twitter that you can pick Lie and then back out if you don't have evidence and there's 0 penalty, but that Doubt is permenant. Hopefully he read it or this game will be impossible for him to beat.

I don't care for e peen shit and just said fuck it and summoned the phantoms. I died to those two fuckers more than any other DLC boss. My scythe only did 150 damage to them and I got tired of the bullshit.

>you can pick Lie and then back out if you don't have evidence and there's 0 penalty
You should really do that in every conversation anyway or there's dialog you'll miss otherwise.

>Pat summoned
Really? The guy who was at level 60 by the undead settlement is a shithead? Imagine that.

I think overleveling is much worse than summons, becaus a summon is not a guarantee you'll win. In some cases it's ridiculous how much more hp some bosses get with more people there. Plus there's always the case where the other player is just zero help.

But overleveling is just turning on god mode.

>wah, he's not playing the way I want him to

Worst fanbase.

Whats worse is that he actively mocked the fanbase and acted like a petulant child the rest of the playthrough when people complained. By the time he reached the boss he was NG+ endgame levels.

The hilarious part is he STILL had a hard time with bosses a lot of the time. The best part of the BB playthrough was him hitting orphan of kos and listening to his crying about how it wasn't fair that he couldn't just face tank the boss like he did with maria.

Not at all. The whole point of the game is to learn about enemy patterns and not just cheese your way through.

Woolie drops some nuggets of obvious info

>obvious info

Yet Fan Game Creators keep fucking it up.

>New Woolie vs video

Better then anything on their main channel right now

Are they gonna subject us to another million part Dark Shits LP?

I'd rather watch Woolie play a tabletop with some people online instead of their regular LPs. Though this better end with just a straight up physical tabletop session being filmed one day.

Nah they're streaming Ringed City, part 1 gets them a good way in.

>Dude just play the game and figure everything out yourself
Souls fans are cancer.