ITT: Gamer Fuel

ITT: Gamer Fuel

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I use it as a reward. Yay, you retook Karak-Eight-Peaks, now you have 100 grudges but easy army upkeep. Time for a hoot.

Remember, weed isn't bad, weed culture is.


whatever you say weedhead


I drink a homemade white wine I recently finished bottling. I have sips for at least 6 months.

Yes I require alcohol to play online games

>allowing a jew to rape your ass is not degenerate
>What is degenerate is to enjoy the rape
american logic.

just got high, about to play some HotS


Dude no way my eyes are so red right now I'm like looking through my arteries lmao

Yoshi's Story is the perfect game for dude weed lmao'ing.

>Gamer Fuel thread
Guess I'll start

I wish i could hold you fags down and make you smoke weed



I honestly prefer this as my fuel


For me, it's a modest hot dog.

Trying weed for the first time this weekend, what should I seriously expect?

I like furries with my weed.
Fapping feels sooooo fucking good while you're stoned.

i like water meself

water and carrot sticks

My fuckin nigga I just cracked open a bottle of this.


That's what I thought too, tea does sound good though.

Bash the fash

A dry mouth, possibly a large appetite, laziness, and a very smiley mood.

I guess you're right

>no snacks in the house
>kinda want to go to corner store

but it's kinda cold out, would have to put on pants and shoes, god what a fucking chore.

Depends on the strain and quality. If you're a nervous kind of person try to do it at a time and place where you don't have to worry about anything; otherwise, just enjoy the high. Don't go in expecting anything crazy hallucinatory, either.

American toothbrush.jpg


order pizza, domino's has 2 medium 2-toppings for 5.99 each deal, if you've got a friend or just really strong munchies



cannabis haha


You got talent

But I was talking about booze man I don't smoke weed.



What are some games with cute girls?

Russian activist/singing group Pussy Riot,
they get regularly shutdown by the Russian Government.

degenerates receiving proper treatment from people not infected by socialist ideas

Die retarded derpibooru poster

You missed

fucking kill yourself

Expect to like all the thing you already like, just heightened. also expect to be thirsty the entire time, and to find food tastes incredible.

>Remember, weed isn't bad, weed culture is.

I agree. Also, stoners are fucking bad. My two roommates, who I like as people, complain all the time about their life yet all they do after their shitty jobs is run home and get high and go into their rooms and play videogames. One rants all day about politics and acts like I should care yet all he does is get high and hole himself up in his room. What's funny is if they stopped smoking for a week they'd realize getting high constantly is just a mental habit and all it's doing is making them content with their shitty existence.

I like to get high on the weekends or on rainy days when I have no obligations. Otherwise it just becomes a crutch for boredom. Work out, go hang with friends, get a new hobby....fucking something besides smoking and sitting around doing nothing.

>seven years
>still mad

No, barneyfag.
You are the autist.

does barneyfag smoke weed?

Their shit still isn't allowed outside of containment and rightfully so, faggot

>is just a mental habit and all it's doing is making them content with their shitty existence.
Have you stopped to consider the fact that they get high because they don't feel like they have any measure of choice or control in the matter?

I smoke daily and it's because I've totally given up on deriving any sense of accomplishment or happiness from life. Weed's all I have left.

Post Barneyfag's Facebook.

Fuck you, Lee Goldson.

>rightfully so
Do you really feel this superior for not liking things? Must have a really shit life. Kinda feel sorry for you.

>tfw too uncool to get dude WEED LMAO
how to help 26 y/o kv alcoholic?


do you think when you poop it smells like it haha

this but 23

Go find a dispensary in your town and see how hard it is to become a member.