Post video game pixel art
Post video game pixel art
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Is there more of this?
Yes. Check the filename and have fun user.
Why did pixel art die? Is it too expensive to produce or what? Stuff like metal slug.
Good one take a long time to make and it's expensive.
Dunno if it's expensive, but it takes a lot of time and talent, something your average indieshit doesn't have.
Is there a translation
More like it requires a lot of very talented artists and animators. It's why indeshit will go back to Altari stick figures when marketing to 90s nostalgia, despite the 90s looking more like
>Is it too expensive to produce or what?
>More like it requires a lot of very talented artists and animators.
Which costs money, you stupid fuck. You don't think people were working for SNK for free do you?
That makes me sad. I think there is a huge market for good pixel art games, the market is obsessed with how a game looks these days that people would soak it up.
is this "art" ?
Owlboy already released and no one cared about that game
Of course it does, I wasn't implying money wasn't a factor. But at the same time money doesn't get results if it's used to hire shitters. Case and point: 98% of Kickstarter.
i gotta post the gif
how do birds chew up food for babies if they have no teeth?
Edie was my first waifu
Heaps bought it.
funky fresh do the bartman
They don't chew it, they melt it with their gastric acid.
if you've ever "changed" waifus you've never had a waifu, you just had a crush on a skank, which is fine, but not god damn love
What's up, FUCKER?
Surprised to see me?
Aww yeah.
God, I love this game so much. The bonus stages were amazing.
That's it, man.
I divorfu years later
It's crazy how a couple of pixels can make you feel so disgusted.
the game plays like kuso but it has so much style. Yes those bonus stages are incredible. I wish the whole games were the bonus stages.
I love that the game has this weird funny but slightly-dark-and-melancholic feel to it. All of this guy's games were kinda like that.
That Engrish. So profound.
"All tragedies became his comedies."
Taito, the masters of the craft.
japanese pc games are always sooo edgy.
Metal Black's WTF ending (same director)
>tfw want to learn moon so i can read all the japanese vns but it's so hard
bitch looks the stay puft marshmallow man
No Mado Monogatari?
namco you kinky fucks
Because people use pixel art to cover up for the fact they CAN'T draw.
They can't be fucked to make drawings for an ideal art direction first and try to work them out to grid paper to get a feel for how to pixelated it.
very cool. dithering is one hell of a drug.
Dithering is an effective technique
Gotta strut fast
Why do you do this? Why do you make these kinds of threads to post these images?
You don't like Sonic?
>Pixelart then
>Detailed and lifelike because of the limitations of the system
>Pixelart now
>Low effort trash done because the developer/artist has no talent whatsoever.
The second crash cannot come soon enough.
It's low effort trash because the people doing it aren't artists and try to play the Grandfather Clause card to get by on very little.
There's something I really like about Ib's relatively simple aesthetic.
I suppose it's because it makes the detailed art pieces contrast with the world.
what is this from? looks very familiar
reminds me of signal from streets or rage
It's from Porkchops and Applesauce.
Isn't it from Cadillacs and Dinosaurs? One of Capcom's Arcade gems that never got a console release ;_;
best combination honest, cadillacs AND dinosaurs
>Dat cat jiggle