BotW Link Was A Dumbass

Friendly reminder that Link lost due to arrogance.
He would have won if he hadn't been too proud to carry a shield.

What happened to the chosen hero being humble and prepared rather than hot-headed and rash?

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Link inherited the Master Sword from his dad but not his shield. He also died from fatigue, not a Guardian

The master sword chose Link, there's no indication of how he got it other than that

Why does link literally protect a tease? Why even bother.

One of the memories had Zelda explain Link's constant training was from trying to keep up with his dad who was part of the Royal Guard

>BotW Zelda
>a tease

She's more likely to get friendzoned than he is

But she probably jumped his cock right there in Hyrule field

You're an idiot, that doesn't mean he got the master sword from his father that just means he trained a shit ton

>due to arrogance
That's your head canon OP. I didn't get any sense of arrogance from Link due to him being a blank slate mute that is designed to be me self inserting into the story.

It seemed by the cutscenes that Link was literally fighting the guardians literally all by himself one after the other being more or less the last line of defense for Fort Hateno.

>Needing a shield

Link lost because the champions were ambushed, and because he was more concerned with protecting Zelda than defeating Ganon. She was a liability up until that point.

Link couldn't defeat Ganon without Zelda

In a lot of the flashbacks, he wields the sword with two hands. Maybe it was too heavy for him at the time?

Still don't know how he fucked up all those Lynels

He didn't even defeat Ganon's first form

I thought he wasn't given the shield yet which is why it was locked in the castle?

What would you do if you were in Link's situation?





Every single thing would have gone better if they just all fucked off and left it all to Link. That goes for Champions too.

Not a single Champion can deal with even one of Ganon's blights, and they all try to go solo against that shit and die individually while losing the Divine Beasts, and Link is left with the least helpful task of escort mission.

Even though Link is capable enough he could kill every single Blight in a row and then Calamity Ganon all in one encounter, without even using the Master Sword, just typical shit found in the castle.

At least Urbosa sort of had an excuse since Thunderblight can wreck shit but people like Daruk (who had an invincible shield) and Revali were jokes.

I like how Link can skip the magic mcguffins and legendary weapons and defeat an ancient evil like a badass normal. You just have to be really good at dodging or be batman prepared.

>girl getting friend zoned
Is BOTW anime now?

>Kass' teacher was a pedophile

yes. it certainly has some common tropes for it.

>Not being so confident in your training and abilities that you fight without your shield to give your enemies a chance to hurt you.
Confident and cocky Link a best

Who cares about Link being dumbass. I just want a fireplace and a item storage chest for the house.

This isn't relevant to the thread but I'm not going to share this anywhere else. I am conditioned to max out my wallet before I drop any Zelda game as part of 100%ing. I am still on the road to truly 100%ing the game, but after many hours I've finally done it. I decided to gather the rupees entirely legitimately and without using the snowball mini game or Talus farming. Much of it came from selling star fragments and lynel guts.


The other Anons here will probably demean you, but I'm actually pretty impressed. Good job. Hopefully you won't be too fatigued with the DLC comes out for both the summer and winter.

Well thank you, user. Next on my agenda is to gather every single treasure chest in the game, which I've mostly neglected due to having to get rid of my own weapons to unlock them all.

I don't know about fatigue, but this is the most hours I've put into any game. Much of it has gone into gathering the Korok seeds myself.

I have to say that finally seeing what Hestu's gift was made me laugh harder than just about anything in the past decade.

Have a nice night, user.

just fuck already fags

Holy shit, I though 99,999 would be the limit, not that. Anyway congrats user, I hope you enjoyed every last moment.

I'm saving my 100% run for Hard Mode. Nicely done, user.

But he won in the end.

Thus, he's better than Wind Waker Link, who loses no matter what.


Self inserting needs to die. The definition of a self-insert is the writer writing himself into the story.

A character should be relatable, yes, definitely. Height or gender don't do that, and muteness definitely doesn't. That's the case with Hello Kitty, she doesn't have a mouth so that 3-year olds can imagine her happy or sad or whatever emotion they'd like.

Am I supposed to relate to Link just because he never reacts to anything? That isn't going to fucking do it. The only thing I can perceive from him is that he's probably intellectually handicapped in some manner, or that he's a psychopath. I don't feel empathy, I feel uncomfortable and weirded out when I see him standing there like a bad actor.

Nintendo missed an opportunity to make Zelda a playable character with her own storyline. Like she's wearing an adventurer's garb and she doesn't do jack shit with it.

>What happened to the chosen hero being humble and prepared rather than hot-headed and rash
What do you think you spent the entirety of BotW being?

Me too. When I saw the counter tick to 100,000 instead of 99,999, I simply sighed to myself and started murdering lynel.

And I did enjoy it, so thank you for your well wishes.

Thank you, user. I wish you the best of luck.

How do you only have 3 hearts?

Because he upgraded the fuck out of his stamina.

a faggot?

a cute faggot

>823 hrs
>68 days since release
12.1 hrs per day, every day. Jesus Christ user.

that's not what that scene was about, his dad was a normal soldier
It was about if he WAS the son of the royal guard, raised to be a knight, if he would keep on the same path?
i.e. Zelda's dilemma.

what are you? a casual?

It caps out at 3 wheels but it looks like he still spent all of his Spirit Orbs somehow.

>t. english major dropout
You infer your reactions onto him. THe reactions you don't get to do are because it's rated E10+ and there's no karma system.

spend them on hearts and have the Evil Statue steal them?

Probably sold them all

After getting the Master Sword, I sold all of the heart containers to the statue in Hateno because I prefer to keep a sense of danger. Speaking of the Master Sword, the 13 heart requirement was quite clever of a reference: wielding the magical sword in LoZ requires 12 hearts, and the sword requires you to be one heart stronger than you were 100 years ago.

I have fun, user. It's what I do in all of my spare time when I'm not sleeping or in class. It's a world to get lost in.

More like Zelda was a bitch and didn't give Link the tablet so he could use the shrines.

It's not that he had to protect her, it's that she wasn't able to help. Lately Zelda's been pretty key in getting weak spots open.

I'm an engineer and English is my fourth language.

>You infer your reactions onto him.
This is exactly my complaint. We don't need Hello Kitty, we need a character who is relatable. A blank slate isn't relatable. You don't need a dialog wheel to relate to a character, either. Just write a fucking good character instead.

This shit is like designing the protagonist as a stick figure so that you can infer your hair color and body shape onto him. It's laughably terrible design and has absolutely no place in the modern video game industry.

I'm making no value judgment on you for what you do with your time. I'm just astounded that you, or anyone for that matter, can find that kind of time. Especially since you say you're also in school.

It's so people playing can say "I did this" instead of "He did this". That's pretty timeless. You're focusing on the story of the game and then completely missing the point of why Ninty writes him this way.

>tfw I realized those fields of dead Guardians was from Link just trying to keep Zelda alive.

I'm in uni, so attendance isn't mandatory for lectures. I spend about 6 hours a day in lab or writing papers, and play through the weekends. I have no social life outside of vidya and occasionally posting on Sup Forums.

I don't feel like I saved Hyrule. I don't even want to save Hyrule, the home region of some autistic gnomes that I feel absolutely nothing for due to how badly they're written. Why would I care about saving Hyrule? I don't live in Hyrule. No favourite character of mine resides there, I'm not invested in any manner.

What I did was cook some stew and fight some goblins. I feel like I did that because I actually controlled the character to do it instead of watching him do it in some badly acted and terribly written cutscene. I also fought some pig demon, I guess, and they showed me a short film afterwards. It wasn't that memorable, but I guess it showed the handicapped elf saving the day and going home with the princess or something.

Jesus fucking Christ, perhaps I should try Micrie's games instead.

You're having a crisis of immersion, not a crisis of poor writing. Did you actually find all the memories?

Don't be mean.

>the goddesses preserved Hyrule so it could be rescued by a brave hero!
>whoops we drowned Hyrule
The moral of the story is never trust a talking boat.

>He would have won if he hadn't been too proud to carry a shield.
Nice head cannon fag. His shield constantly breaks in combat and is always on the lookout for a new shield. Unfortunately, unlike 100 years in the future, shields weren't lying everywhere and he had to accompany the princess on her long journeys.

All the shields he attained were random mob encounters in which case the shield also broke in the battle, so he discarded it and always appears to never have a shield in the cutscenes.

>Nice head cannon fag. His shield constantly breaks in combat and is always on the lookout for a new shield.
God this game is such a shitshow in terms of combat lol

>trying to find logic in a video game specially made for little children
basement dweller are at it again

>forgetting graphics, story, puzzles, dungeons, enemy variety
this game is garbage in every term

Lmao nice try

Wow, I didn't know you could sell hearts after maxing out everything.

Gotta try that. I hate the asymetrical life bar.

make her clip my fingernails

But he isn't trying to find logic, where did you get this from?

How does shields breaking make combat bad.


The point of the scene is that Zelda had grievances about not living up to her legacy. She proposed a scenario of how would Link be able to live with himself if he were a failure of a knight trying but failing to fulfill his own legacy.

She wanted him to see things from her perspective.

remember when this was a joke?

But my dick says otherwise

>Surely I won't regret this decision in time

He's already posting on Sup Forums. He is lost. We are lost

I've been here a long time and I regretted decisions like that. Its not as bad once you gain a little perspective and well - grow up, but those dumb decisions hurt.

I heard there is a shrine in Hyrule castle

Is that true? Is it a blessing or puzzle?

>Is it a blessing or puzzle?



Isn't Urbosa immune to lightning and given she's described as moving like a dancer I assume she's fairly nimble. So she's immune to his most powerful attack, has an AoE attack of her own (although he may be immune to that), has a good sshield to parry attacks and a decent sword to deal damage.

Wichever way you slice it she lost just as badly as the others and her excuse of him just being too fast doesn't excuse her because the youngest knight in Hyrule should not be so much faster than the best Gerudo can offer that he can counter someone who blitzed her

people forget that past link was essentially Cutscene dante tier in power level

he lost because he had to deal with with all those shits while escorting zelda from a fairly large distance

and the broken ones scattered about was all his doing

please critique mario now

Kek I forgot about that cartoon. That's some funny shit.

Give the guy some slack he wanted to impress the princess.
I sure would want to impress such a princess too.

This. He could have wrecked those guardians without Zelda

me too.
we need a dlc for it.

>I want to pay for it

Link has ALWAYS been a hothead that jumps head first into danger. If it weren't for the old man in LoZ and Mido in OoT, he was more than ready to venture forth into Hyrule not only without a shield, but without a sword either. In Wind Waker, Link LITERALLY jumps to his death trying to catch Aryll and Tetra has to hold him back.

>samefagging this hard

kill yourself faggot

Link lost because he never did the Shrines. BotW did all of that shit with only three hearts and one stamina bar.

I did. The cutscenes were terrible, as was the bonus for watching them all.

Does writing not make or break immersion?

actually, wanting to pay for something is the opposite of a cuck. A cuck would be the person who wants something for nothing.

No a cuck would be someone paying for something so that someone else can use his thing for free.

buyfags are therefore the emulator people's cuck.

Kass says his teacher was around the same age as Zelda. So he was not a pedophile.

He did get cucked hard either way

It would have been better if Link died to Ganon. That way, the final boss would have had a revenge/rematch energy to it. But he just died to a bunch of Guardians which is anticlimactic as fug

Congrats, you played BotW on Easy mode. Having only 3 hearts in this game is actually easier than having a bunch because as long as you keep all 3 full, you can't die in one hit (with some exceptions). Get hit? Eat a quick bite and you're back to being 2 hits away from death (and having sword beams too).

It's almost like how rings work in Sonic games. In comparison, keeping a bunch of hearts full to get that same protection from 1-hit kills (and sword beams) will cost you a lot of food.

If you want a challenging 3-heart run, you'd have to only allow yourself a set amount of healing items, or not allow yourself to heal when enemies are present.

Somebody correct me if I'm wrong.

m8 do you seriously not remember all the one-hit kills that happen to you early on in the game?

You're right. No cooked food is the true hard mode