Xenoblade Chronicles 2

Expect the MMO-styled cool-down combat system to be replaced by a real-time action combat system.

Game will probably be shit like X.

That MC design is shit

What's wrong with it?

Assless chap robotlegs is by far my favorite jrpg protag in years for the sheer fact that he actually stands out as a unique design

Yeah, this. Plus his grappling hook, helmet on his back, gloves, belt, pouch on lower back... He looks geared up for adventure. I also like the colour scheme.

Good. The MMO combat system is the weakest point of the series.


He's not assless though

Source? I'd be happy if that were the case.

>it's good as long as it's unique
Also his face/hair is generic as fuck.

XC cooldown-based arts mechanic has nothing in common with any MMO I can think of.

That would greatly help it.

>Interviewer: Continuing, I’d like to hear more about this game’s battle system[s]. With the arts pallet and seamless encounters and all that, it seems similar to Xenoblade’s battle system[s].

>Takahashi: It is similar, but the sense of speed is much different. In fact, an increase in action was something I wanted since the early days of development. But, as I said earlier, this game (Xenoblade X) posed new challenges for Monolith Soft. Because we feared we might fail if we crammed too many new things in, we decided to lay the foundation[for the game] with what we were familiar with. So we started by upgrading the previous game’s battle systems, and I think the increased sense of speed reflects the desire of the staff to make a more action-y game.

People have generic hair. Not every JRPG protag needs to have a hairstyle typical of a fucking Japanese boy band member.

Nice strawman.

Shulk's design was also pretty much every other JRPG young boy protagonist you could think of, save for the slightly more realistic art style the game had going for it.
But even then it screams "every other final fantasy after VI".

What made him stand out was the writing and his development in the story.
Granted, we've not been shown anything to be excited about as far as the writing go, but that's because we've been shown virtualy nothing at all up to this point.

X had better graphics

Shulk doesn't look like a nameless stock NPC. The XC2 protag does apart from his gay pants which you will probably be able to change anyway.

As long as its not just a full action game and requires some skill

Is this a fucking joke? It literally says in that paragraph that he's talking about Xenoblade X.

>Expect the MMO-styled cool-down combat system to be replaced by a real-time action combat system.

there is so little info, some faggots try to build shit out of literally nothing.
only thing we know is that reveal trailer and music info. That's it. Everything else is speculation by faggots.