Its not fucking fair bros. She was supposed to make it into X3

Its not fucking fair bros. She was supposed to make it into X3.

Fuck the nips and their infinite shit taste getting that old hag in instead.

Other urls found in this thread:

She's ugly

Literally incorrect

Hopefully they release a doax3-2 with all the cut girls this year. Koei would be mad not to

>She's ugly

Can one person have so much concentrated bad taste?


She really is pretty ugly.
Her face is like, compressed vertically.
Is this how all Chinese people look?


She can't stop being ugly

She ugly. Using that hairstyle, more ugly

OG girls need more respect

>that fucking neck
Her father was hulk ?

Nice neck, ugly

X3 was a mistake.

imagine how much more impact these threads would have ever had if DoA5 was actually a good game

Get zacked white trash.

>someone mentioned DOA5
>wat, you mean HS ?
DOA5 is a joke now. KT still pumping DLCs, fucking bunch of clowns

I main her even if I don't normally use opportunistic counter characters.
Can't deny her thighs.
Shame everyone has a china dress now.

At least you have it on your console.


Are you kidding me? Mila didn't make it in and you're bitching about this literally who? Fix your own shit taste before talking about the nips

Lei Fang a shit.

A big fat shit.


>jealous hambeasts, faggots and landwhales


She not cute! She's ugly!

I would love Lei Fang if only she wasn't constantly lusting for a homosexual's dick

Says the Mariefag.

>it's a Tinafags ruining a DoA thread with the coalburner trash waifu episode

>it's a "cuck is projecting his desire for black dick onto pure girl" episode

>old CGI trailers still have better titty physics than modern games

Makes me sad.

Bump for lei fang pics

Already a thread up.