Shadow Tactics thread. The game has no right being this good. Expansion when?

Shadow Tactics thread. The game has no right being this good. Expansion when?

No one here has played this?

Yeah, it's good.

The OP didn't exactly provoke a response.

I just wish there were more abilities per character.
right now most of the cast shares 3.

when you finish playing the old games.i am curious on how they will follow it up

>Expansion when?
I dont know but hopefully they'll do a better job with English VA. it was really bad.

Its good. It has no replayability though, and was a bit too easy. Problem was the whistle/trap girl, and a lack of enemy variety.

>Its good.
Its great.
>It has no replayability though
more than Desperados and Commandos. you can always do achivement run ,you can always try to complete the game in a different way.
>and was a bit too easy.
easy, sure... you can always bump up the difficulty.
>Problem was the whistle/trap girl
Ok, I'll admit. she was strong.
>and a lack of enemy variety.
More could be better. but dont forget that this is a small studio. I dont recall the exact number but less than 20 men. considering the tiny team the game was great.

Good game, I've missed games like this since Commandos. Hope it did well enough for them to consider a sequel. Yuki best girl.

>tfw no multiplayer

>get to one of the last missions
>want to do it without killing anyone
>driving me fucking insane

It's one of my top 3 games, I've played through it like 5 times. Expansion plz

There wasn't any way to knock people out permanently without killing them, was there? That kind of bothered me, since I usually try to play nonlethally if it's an option.

>There wasn't any way to knock people out permanently without killing them, was there?

Technically no, they'll always wake up. However, you can kind of work around that by having someone pick up and carry the unconscious NPC - they'll never wake up as long as someone is holding them.

Would like an option that restrained them permanently (unless they were found and revived by an ally.)

Satellite Reign have multiplayer no?

Not really practical though if you have to knock out more than a couple of enemies in a level, though.

Great game, unfortunately my save somehow got fucked on the last mission. Screen gets stuck after exiting the well, can control the characters but the camera doesn't move.
Other games got in a way while i was waiting for a patch, so still haven't finished.
Gotta replay it someday.

>every samurais have bad english accent (expecially from a german game)
Japanese VA are great for this game

There was a bug in missions with water wells. You could dump unconscious enemies into one and it wouldn't count as a kill.

this. Dont they have some sort of Japanese rope that's been folded a thousand times and making it completely unbreakable?