What went right?

What went right?

Everything that wasn't changed due to kneejerk uninformed opinions.

Kelley is one of the best loveable asshole villains in videogames for years.

The complex mechanics rewarded you as you learned them.
However, they were not required to just play the game at all.
This allowed you to play at a sub-par level, but slowly add in more and more advance techniques to get you better at the game.
That was beautifully done.

The enemy variety?
Literally the reason I stopped.
The fact that I got really intimately involved with a single weapon meant that I was doing the same fucking thing over and over and over and FUCKING OVER again to the same stupid enemies.
The loot barely made a difference anyway.
I dropped it after that beyond shitty centipede boss.
Buyer's remorse for sure.
I really need to stop buying AAA games. It never works out for me.

>didn't just try using a different weapon when the game gives you more skill points for using them

>The loot barely made a difference anyway.
I dont have a reaction image for my confusion

the bosses were fucking awesome especially the frog he literally gave me a boner

Also, William was great.
Hanzo was also great.

Maria a shit though.

The core combat, gaurdian spirits, leveling up, equipment, bosses

I can use a different weapon, sure, and eventually I did because I was just so damn bored of the weapon I mainly used.

In the beginning it largely doesn't. Eventually you get that lightning gear that just takes away all gear for the rest of the game because it's simply the best.
I used a poison build for a while just to try to spice the game up, but again it was just the same shit to the same enemies.

They copied the best franchise in the gaming world

You don't like her Ken-sama kimono and her twin Spanish Armadas?

Pretty much. Sold 1million with the lure of scratching the Souls itch, which it baaaaarely achieved

I don't like her flghty-ballerina bullshit.
Look forward to round 2 where she absorbs so much Amrita she turns into an abomination.

Why are mages such massive dicks in this universe?
She's a qt, but holy fuck does she need to die.

Loot stops mattering early on for NG.

It's only in NG+ that you want to put some thought into your gear.

Everything aside from enemy variety and soundtrack.

Only the first half of the game.

>Magic is unfun tier
>Bosses feel like they need more polish
>enemy variety fucking sucks
>Axes are shit tier weapons

yfw this is what William would've worn at home

>The loot barely made a difference anyway.
And that's where you're wrong, very wrong.

Honestly I still own the game.
It's right there. I could play it.
Give me a reason why I'm wrong and how loot variety is going to breathe new life into the game user.

Not going to breathe new life into the game but, played the dlc? change your weapon and difficulty and try tweaking your gear (wind/poison/fire).

>haven't played a game for more than 100hrs since Fable and Battlefield 2..
>Nioh 150hrs

>Uses 2 spirits.
>Still and punk bitch and can be slaughtered with counters.

How are the DLC?
Do I have to do NG+ to play the Hard missions they added?

DLC is kind short, fun boss battle tho (Maria) new weapon is also kinda fun.



One boss only?

I haven't played the DLC. I assume it's not free.
I used the ksarigamas for most of the time, then switched to the double swords and the single katana. I tried playing with ninjitsu a lot as well.

I started with a paralysis build, I think it was, with that one bat-girl's helmet that massively boosted damage when they were paralyzed. Then I combined that with Ninja stuff to get them in a sort of stun lock that destroyed them.
But most bosses were almost impossible to paralyze so it didn't really help where the game was actually hard.
So I grinded that one guy who gave you the gear set to compliment that one lightning katana. It was by far the best weapon/gear in the game, and so I didn't really feel the need to try to get anything else to work.
And maybe I could have, but it wasn't really such a big change to be worth it, like I mentioned before.
By that time I was just bored with the game. It was the same enemies over and over again.

Probably not much since the game has entirely faded from anyone's radar pretty much as of its release day.

The great combat.

No, there are four.
Maria is the final boss of the DLC and sets the next stage for the story.


alright, this game isn't for you then.

It came out after I ditched Sony, so I didn't buy it :)

There are more, but Maria is the most fun imo.

Senji Tome.

why is he so perfect? will we ever see /ourkelley/ again? putting his conscious in another body, maybe?

What I'm saying is that the game was awesome.
Except for the enemy variety. Which was so piss poor that someone like me, who really put effort into the game, got bored.
Maybe I could finish it now that I haven't played in a while.

>still havent been able to push myself to finish this

Whoever thought it would be a great idea to fill every level with the same sword spongey demons with the same weapons and the same moves over and over and over again should've been fired. Then when they came up with the second great idea of having sub missions that take place on the exact same map with the exact same demons with the exact same weapons with the exact same moves with the exact same ridiculous fucking health pool they should've been hung drawn and quartered.

Some things changed a lot with updates, and I agree.. The enemy and music variety is shit

Don't forget the same old " enemy hiding around a corner" nonsense.
Seriously if I didn't fall for it the first time, how the fuck will I fall for it the 30th time around?

>people actually complain about enemies having relatively decent health in a more combo-centric game with a deep combat system and multiple stances, one of which specifically prioritizes damage, and extra tools to use
>they complain after enemies had their health nerfed twice from prerelease builds, when it wasn't a problem even back then because of aforementioned options

5 bosses ( 4 if you count human and yokai form as the same dude) . Maria is the hardest but Date is probably my favorite of this DLC. His gimmick was simple but it was fair, balanced, and the most visually impressive of the DLC

>tfw you get enough glory for her
>get watch her run around in her black tabi socks

What's a decent way to get Glory? I need as much Tome in my life as possible.
I've only recently unlocked the Teahouse so it's still a foreign concept to me.

Very little.

Team Ninja wasted their combat talent on a mediocre Souls clone. They desperately need a good director.

clan wars.

There's a stupidly large clan and always seems to be on the winning side.

And how exactly do the clan wars work?

kill revenants on benkei's bridge or consistently win at 2 on 2 pvp, which you won't.

You pick a clan
Anytime you earn glory, it gets added to the total amount the clan earned in the past week
Clans are either on the Red team or Blue team (and it can change after a war is done)
The team with the highest Glory earned wins and gets a lot of extra Glory.

Cheers. I'll see what I can do.
I just want dat Tome, hopefully I can achieve that goal sooner rather than later.

I agree with you. I'm still playing it, having gone back for the DLC. But the random loot hurts this game immensely.

People bitch a lot about the level design, but I honestly don't think it's bad. There's plenty of nooks and crannies to explore. But when you get there, there's never anything of interest, just more random shit, which makes no impact.

The loot grind for divines is also completely baffling. Give us a straightforward way to level weapons, otherwise it's just bloat.

There's no need to comment on the enemy variety. All that needed to said about it has already been said.

also if you join a red clan, you'll get more glory by killing a revenant from a blue clan and vice versa.

You got a couple of options so it depends on what you like to do. If you can win PVP consistently you get a fairly huge stream of glory, benkei's bridge is the usual go-to spot for revenant slaying if you're into that or if you prefer helping people out as a random visitor I'd recommend the spirit stone slumbers mission which while a little long nets you at anywhere from 5-7K glory even if you're only summoned for the second half, the other main missions are also fairly good for visiting and you can get at least 4K per successful cooperation

I assume the Revenants have like a symbol or something to indicate what side of the war they fall on? Again, this aspect of the game is completely new to me.

yeah, when you walk over their grave or whatever, it will show the clan name and it will either be colored blue or red.

Neato. I'll keep an eye out next time I boot it up, thanks for that.
I also assume there's no solid way to earn it offline either? I noticed I got a bit along the way while offline, but I have no idea what triggered it.

At least the DLC are bringing in unique enemies, the will probably double the variety by the time all the DLC hits.

there are offline revenants you could farm but they aren't anywhere near as numerous and you won't get as much glory out of them.

Ah ok, well at least it'll give me something to do here and there to break up the monotony while I wait to renew my PS+

>YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO in the loading screen of the alpha and beta demos
>removed for the final release

Wasn't he just a clone? Aren't there other Kelley's with the same personality?


he is but the difference is he got to experience life outside a tube for a long time before getting killed. he seemed to actually be different from the others that you fight in the lab. now, i know his characterization is pretty much "i'm an evil magic dick" but when he says the hollow man line, he kind of sounds sad he is dying as opposed to the ones you kill in england who repeat it joyously.

but on the subject of kelley, there could be an original true human one. john dee's profile says he "met" kelley when he was studying magic shit. though one could assume by "met" it means "made" but you never know.

There probably was an original Kelly. I mean, he was probably far more gone with Amrita and way more powerful in terms of magical bullshit than the Hollow Men Kelly.
If Dee indeed met the first Kelly when he began looking into magical shit then it's possible that the Kelly then is still alive

I assumed they share something of a collective consciousness and that they were all patterned after the original Kelley, who died in 1597 (Which is when he died historically).

>finish DLC and start helping people with Maria
>literally everyone that beckons me is Fuku
I don't mind observing those thighs, but some variety would be nice.

everyone wants to be a slut and flaunt their asses