How do you feel about same-sex relationships in video games?

How do you feel about same-sex relationships in video games?

I didn't gave a shit until fucking SJWs started having an agenda forcing them everywhere

Only if it's between cute girls



They got into you!

>SJWs started having an agenda forcing them everywhere

What developer was forced to have same-sex relationships by SJWs?

I never saved ay of those Sup Forums info graphics and pics but I am sure they know plenty.
Also we all know they force the non sexualized small tits hero woman because of SJW bullshit.

Great as long as they're not Western games.

So SJWs bullying devs into adding same-sex relationships in their games riles you up, but you can't think of any instances of it actually happening?

Because I hate to see that Sup Forums bullshit
Literally where is Sup Forums when you need them

>taking anything Sup Forums says seriously

reminder that these are the only lesbians in Touhou

When they link to twitter posts you can't deny it though.

I think you should go back to /jp/.

>it's okay when Japan does it

Except Japan doesn't take homos so seriously.
Here people get "triggered" while japan mocks travestites and homos like nothing.

Wasn't Junko's whole thing that HER HUSBAND WAS DEEEAAAAAAAAD?
I'm not sure what some idiot SJWs on twatter have to do with characters in vidya, half the time they're just Sup Forums false-flagging anyway which should be a huge indicator that they're not the omnipresent boogieman that Sup Forums likes to pretend they are

fuck drumpf

What about these?

Fuck, misread that as saying there were only lesbians in 2hu, I'm retarded

Good friends.

If it doesn't have a penis it's shit

I remind you that both candidates sucked massive dick
Good thing """"democracy"""" works.

Its ok when Japan does it

Stop posting Kaguya! She's shit and nobody should love her!

drumpf is still worse and I hate hillary's guts, he isn't even trying to prevent WWIII like Sup Forumstards meme'd about the whole time

/u/ >>> /y/

/y/fags >>> /u/fags

And these two?

And fuck white people

Friends is all they will ever be~

Yeah sure faggot
It is all already pre planned from years ago
You people never believed in the tin foil hat people and they were actually right
This is your fucking fault

yuri is the purest form of love

I was pleasantly surprised when the Kotor II mod to get handmaiden as a female player turned the every relationship in the game into /u

That's disgusting.

Seek help you borderline pedo.

Why is this picture so arousing?

you act like the "tin foil hat" community has ever had a single consensus, the fact that you identify with them shows how much of an idiot you are for being unable to distinguish the truth from the lies

drumpf is a fucking disaster and so is his entire "movement"


t. Mokou

Purest form of love

But gay dudes are disgusting imo


So was shitllary
You don't get that they were both put there so you chose any of them and they would both do the same? it is a literal conspiracy retard
If shitllary had won she would have done the same shitdrumpf is doing
Because it has all been going according to plan
I hope the nukes blow quick enough so I can die and forget about your stupid manipulable ass

Love is impure.

Because you're a man of taste.

I don't because I'm not escapist enough to play games for romance or vicarious happiness but it doesn't bother me, though it's still lightyears behind in writing because it's normally pandering or hamfisted in a quirky way

or do gay people act like that in real life? If I were gay I wouldn't make it a personality trait.


The problem is that most western developers can't handle same-sex relationships except in the single most hamfisted way possible.

>refuse to have gay sex with ship pilot in ME3
>get renegade points

Is this the monthly secret /u/ age gap thread right?


Reimu and Marisa are pretty great

Your just that kind of grille.

Netorare is pretty great, too.

Doubly pure love



People shouldn't Cheat!

This is more ero-ero than I wanted.

Japs make them either cute sexy or both so it's fine

>The problem is that most western developers can't handle same-sex relationships except in the single most hamfisted way possible.
I can't really think of any developers that handle ANY relationships well unless you count VNs where that's the main focus. I think the problem is actually exacerbated by the fact that in most WRPGs you create your own character which limits their interactions with other characters to the things that happen during the game, while in JRPGs generally have a specific protagonist which changes the way they're characterized throughout the story and gives them more options with the character's background.

fuck off back to

Stop posting chinese cartoons and post cute vidya girls loving eachother

Ah, the classic "homosexuality is only ok when I can jack off to it"

Kaguya belongs to Mokou.

Only tumblrcunts and wannabe tranny /u/fags tolerate faggotry.

Shit I clicked on /u/ again.

>Not wanting to be a little girl while being in love with another (little) girl
Are you gay?

>relationships in video games
I don't have high hopes for them.

Video games are wish fulfillment in which you get to dictate everything, but relationships are give and take.

Same-sex relationships are even more difficult to write, because most writers are either fully heterosexual or fully homosexual, whereas most video games with same sex relationship will also have opposite sex relationship.

Yeah, that's right user, in the eyes of Jesus our Lord and Savior, homosexuality is a Sin against God. All homosexuals will receive their righteous punishment in the fires of Hell. That's what my daddy taught me. He's also my brother.


Biggie Biggie Biggie, can't you see
All I want to do is post more yuri

Maybe I should start browsing /u/

Who would want to marry this slob?

only if the nips do it
only if its girls

a guy wanting to fuck a guy?
how gay and not cute is that, its clearly a problem of brain wires being crossed wrong during childbirth.

>it's a Sup Forums pretends sjw's aren't real episode
fuck off back to neogaf. Eurogamer literally dropped P5's score because MUH QUEERS!

Hopefully no one

Are there any videogames with cute boys liking boys?

You are a fool

Oh no, a shit publication dropped their score of a game in an irrelevant review. Those gosh darn ess jay doubleyews ruining video games.

>what are fujoshi games

She is my waifu not even kidding.

>not liking the Cheeto-in-Chief makes you le ESS JAY DUBYA

>Caring about online scores in the first place
>Fucking Eurogamer's scores no less
You're a funny one.

Where's the Moon and Lillie yuri my dude
You've revealed yourself, now start posting that shit

>Eastern /u/
Purest love with cute girls being cute
>Western /u/
Moon over June

Really makes me think

Looks like I've been caught

What are some games where I can play as a cute lesbian?

Disg/u/sting. Remember that KissxSis OVA where the twin sisters imagined having sex with their stepbrother on his bed while kissing and groping eachother? That's the only reason girls should touch themselves.

I can hear the banjos playing

Pointless just like they are in real life

>She is my waifu
Ha, loser.

I read this one. Its a good one I recommend.

OC deviantart is not canon

Your shallowness shows that yuri is actually the opposite of pure.
Unless you genuinely think "ew men are all icky like me" is some kind of love.

Stop insulting me or ill be forced to post the sauciest pics I have in defense.

best friends help each other
its not /u/ though, just cute

Wrong, they are sisters and one of them is even glad that the other one was defeated. Fucking secondary.

Get a job you loser NEET.

Eh. I play games for gameplay not fapping unless it's a game made for that.

yuri is overrated, I'm all for hot girls getting lewd with other hot girls but it's not as good without a guy imo

I didnt think youd go through with the insult. Bully.

And take a shower.