What do you guys think about this game?

What do you guys think about this game?

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walking simulator


I like the girl

it was ok, but i got mad at the ending, everything was pointed to some twist or supernatural shit or something crazy. but nope.

Fuck that ending

>nothing really happens: the game

>"game" starts with a bunch of choices that don't matter, painted by an incredibly forced sob story
>both the guy and the girl constantly talk in sarcastic quips like you see with all terribly written sitcoms these days
>literal walking simulator
>horrible ending, no replayability

>the point is that video games are dumb and you shouldn't expect cool or crazy things to happen in real life stupid.
>thank you for the money

>think you're getting caught up in some secret government experiment
>lol nah it's just some guy that's been living in the park cause his son died

>reject all her advances and stay true to my wife
>game still goes forward with the exact same story as if I flirted with her every time

literally the brothers karamozov of video game writing

It's shit and you can hardly call it a game.


The story with the prepper dad and his son was crazy though.

I call those "holodeck games".
Games that don't feel comfortable where they are right now, but instead are just blueprints for technology thats yet to come.

>walking simulators
>flight/racing sims
>"immersive" rpgs like skyrim
Everything that ultimately would thrive in a holodeck scenario and its current iteration, is just a test run. Can't say the same for many other games that rely on actual gameplay that isnt supposed to be "immersive". Like Bayonetta or Disgaea.

Oh yeah. What I mean to say is that they're shit and not worth playing. Sorry but I wont pay you for your test runs.

Shit "game" with a worthless story. Get pic related for a better outdoorsy game teaching us that not all leafs are fucking faggot, latte slurping cucks.


Have fun clicking on a million drawers just to have a loading bar.

honestly the only survival game i can properly stomach is subnautica. there's a very thin like between survival and busiwork and the long dark just feels like busiwork and chores.

I like turtles.

Oh boy, Firewatch. The story of a wimpy, fat loser that ran away from his dying wife to get bothered over a radio every fucking day by an attention-whoring slut that loves nothing more than friend-zoning virgin fedora lovers like you. Along the way you find a dead kid's body in a cave. The forest burns down. The end.

Great summary buddy. Can you do one for Hamlet too?

But don't you feel fucking euphoric when you realize you're pressing buttons to watch a mediocre lifetime channel movie and not a mediocre syfy channel movie?

video games are art now

no you dont because thats a tortoise


julia was cute, couldn't see her face so I used my imagination

I bought 20 copies of this game just to support the devs, they litearlly lived like pigs while making this game and sacrificed so much.
$20 is nothing compared to what they've gone through, that money is literally like eating 2 pizzas.


Literally nothing.
Are millennials the worst generation?

I went in with low expectations and enjoyed it quite a bit. I'm a sucker for star-crossed lovers though

Reminder that they had a paid marketing team. It was right in the credits. I remember a dozen threads popping up about it in the catalog when it was just released.

The protag having Wreck it Ralph hands killed the drama.

Not a game.

>Wreck it Ralph
*Team Fortress.