How did games look so good at low resolutions?

How did games look so good at low resolutions?




devs made efforts to fully exploit the full potential of what they had to work with.




smaller displays


Real artists. And japanese artists interested in creating good visuals, not shoving normal map crap everywhere.

art style.

reminder that this also ran at 60fps

Not really. Uncle had some big ass CRT when we were young and games looked great on RGB.

consoles can run games at low resolutions, bump the display resolutions to 1080+, and now consoles shit themselves to run games at 900@30 (nevermind running games at 1080@60)

back then, consoles were more powerful than PCs in general, too, but nowadays they can't hold a candle to actually good hardware with proper cooling


>emulate GC/Wii games at 1080/4K
>they look better than PS360 games

thanks, Nintendo art style, and because of that, no racing game will ever, ever surpass F-Zero GX

>back then
>like, ps2-era
No, consoles were stronger than PCs when the NES was around, sure, but not after.


interlacing and low expectations

PS360 on release were still pretty great, and even after that when Crysis came out, they were still great price/performance

from 2011 onwards (maybe I'm bumping the year foward, but it's just to make sure), consoles have been sad excuses and exclusives containment boxes

That's completely absurd and not true.



They used to hire real artist that just happened to make games. and not game school artist fresh out of education.

>those textures

Because they're so far from realistic that you subconsciously judge them with a different criteria


game still looks great, dumb frogposter


Wow yeah it's almost as if the game was released 15 years ago what gives?

>game still looks great


yup, watchu gonna do about it, smugposter?

wait, is this that rare breed of retard who can't play a game that is older than 5 years?



>wait, is this that rare breed of retard who can't play a game that is older than 5 years?
>he thinks just because a game doesn't look as good anymore means it can't be played
Dog I replay GTA AS and Shenmue yearly





Halo had some nice particles.

They tried harder, since people weren't jerking themselves off over well-rendered 3d faces yet

GOAT games.

this is not real life, this is a game from 1994!

Cinder always looked like orange Dr Manhattan in this one.

Your cherry picking. Most PS2 games looked like shit

Graphicswhoring was always a thing.

Marvel vs Capcom 2 looks horrible and plays horrible.

Marvel vs Capcom was a gem, but 2 is total shit.