Oh yeah, guess "switch will take over japan" is not just a meme.
Oh yeah, guess "switch will take over japan" is not just a meme
>march 2018
the wii u 2 will be dead by then
>next tales of exlusive switch
I really doubt that.
Phantasia SNES VC release
I'll get it
>three ports
It's fucking nothing.
Pic related
It's you
Wasn't dragon ball set to real ease this year, holy fuck anyone that the switch has games is delusional. I have one and I haven't used it since I finished Zelda and occasionally Mario kart play. This shit is ridiculous
>Bandai Namco shit
who the fuck cwres
It's a fucking Tales of Link port.
Can't you guys talk in some ps4 game threa... oh...
>Taiko without actual drums
What's the point?
>wanting new games=loser.
Taiko is godlike with any input device, you are dirt beneath my shoe. That's why it is the best rhythm game.
>Xenoverse 2
That released in 2016
make it Phantasia PS1 and I'll buy two
>Trump Administration is crashing and burning in real time
>Bamco is now supporting the Switch including them giving the Switch a Sony flagship series
Today is a good day.
How much better was Xenoverse 2 than 1? The gameplay of the first one bored the shit out of me.
Yeah, on PS4/X1/PC. The Switch Port will come at some point of this year (probably after the DLC Pack 4 releases, around the end of Q3 or Q4) and just like the other console versions, it'll be the worst way to play the game.
Same shit
Might be the Vita version of tales of heart that comes to the switch
>switchtards think some ports of games everyone has already played will make Nintendo more competitive
Nah m8
I'd say your only choices are the SNES or the GBA Version, the PS1 and PSP versions never came out of Sony.
XV2 is basically XV 1.5, Dimps improved the combat system (supposedly) and the game is (supposedly) somewhat less grindy than XV1.
Worked for Sony.
They just announced that the Wii U/PS4 One Piece game is coming to Switch
>Dimps improved the combat system (supposedly) and the game is (supposedly) somewhat less grindy than XV1.
these are true
>Nintendo new handheld selling well in Japan
Not surprising desu, it's been like that since GB
>other systems get ports
>Nintendo system get ports
>n-nintendomination amirite?
>Sup Forums is one person
>muh victim complex
Go shitpost somewhere else.
>muh victim complex
[projecting intensifies]
Just checked SaiyanIsland and it seems to be true. It'll go to PS4/Switch in Japan specifically though, so considering that Pirate Warriors 3 and Burning Blood made both their way to the PC thanks to Bamco Europe, I'd like to think this'll be no different (even though it kind of doesn't matter, the WiiU Version looks perfectly playable on Cemu).
Hell, I'd be ok with Berseria on the Switch.
Literally the first half of your post, but go ahead, show the world how retarded you are.
Don't get your hopes up if it isn't 2D, or if it is anything like Zestiria and Berseria.
I don't mind at all really.
I don't have anything against nintendo, even as a ps4 owner. Its nice to see them expanding their lineup.
Switch has been printing money for them for a little while now.
>Xenoverse 2 gets released for Switch 2 years later with all the DLC's for full price
>The same Week Xenoverse 2 is re-released for PS4, Xbone and PC with all the DLC's for half the price.
I'm seeing it happening.
>uses words without knowing their meaning
>calls others retarded
>smug anime girls
Is there any better way to say "I have been completely BTFO and even though I'm posting as anonymous I have to defend myself"? You don't know the meaning of projecting, you're playing out your victim complex. Just face it, you lost this argument, you have been btfo, there's no reason for you to pretend otherwise. Oh but wait, you still haven't said "you're triggered" yet or any form of the "why are you so mad" stuff. Go ahead, everyone in this thread is already laughing at you, there's no need to hold back now.
You guys are the biggest faggots ever.
Woah can't wait to play old games on way shitter hardware
>taiko drum master is coming
>no region lock and its super easy to get to the JP eStore
God fucking bless
Have Jap companies sabotaged their Nintendo releases like the West has?
I know multiple companies who have done this like EA, Ubisoft and the fagets in charge on Sniper.
They're just ports, you fucking autist.
"a Tales of seriers title for Switch" doesn't translate to "a new Tales Of game" nor to "A switch exclusive new Tales Of game", silly user.
It'll likely be a port of whatever new game they announce within the next 2 weeks or so. I'm expecting a JPN release for Switch and PS4, and and ENG release for Switch, PS4, and PC.
You're supposed to let them hype themselves up for no reason so they also end up shitposting themselves for no reason afterwards.
Oh yeah, thanks for that reminder user
>what is gyro control drumming with joycons
Why are sony friends so upset about games coming to the switch?
Why are nintendo friends so upset about monster hunter coming to the ps4?
Why are nintendo frinds treating ports as a sign of the switch dominating japan?
The only ones who are upset are monster hunter fans because frontier sucks balls.
Why are nintendo friends meesa dooka keke zupo chaga?
Same reason sonyfriends acted like multiplats were a big deal, I'd imagine.
if you want to player old games thats cool with me man
Who gives a shit about ANY of these games?
>Same reason sonyfriends acted like multiplats were a big deal
If these were new games i'd understand but these are just ports
>>what is gyro control drumming with joycons
>plus added sensation of feeling the beat of the drumsticks via HD Rumble
If they were new games you would have said this:
>Why are nintendo frinds treating multiplats as a sign of the switch dominating japan?
I bet it's a Tales of Zestria R! Now with more Velvet and Maotelus.
I spent the equivalent of $300 on Taiko Drum Master when I was in Japan last.
Fuck that is a fun game
But they aren't new games. My gosh they are releasing 2 years old games and you pikmins are hyped as fuck.
But these arent new games
>Taiko with HD rumble Joycons
Xenoverse is just port of old game. Taiko is always in Nintendo systems. Tales of tile will be port of past game cuz there is no new game in this fiscal year its too early
Would you prefer smug western girls?
No. He already conceded his argument, there's no reason to try and revive it.
Just saying brah.
Literally every Nintendo Tales of games got a better version later on Sony platforms, except Tempest, Tempest was so fucking bad it couldn't be salvaged.
Wouldn't be surprised if this game is an exclusive that gets a definitive PS4/PC version the year after.
Nope it'll be a port of an old game considering they just finished Berseria and there's no way the next game will be out by March 18.
Tempest would've gotten a vita release if the vita wasn't such a massive piece of shit. Hearts R and the other shit game that I forgot the name off hinted both to tempest R, but it sold so poorly that they never made it.
>Taiko Drum Master
neato, hopefully it comes westside
>but it sold so poorly that they never made it.
>Hearts R is a good remake that sells well
>Innocence R is typical bamco super low budget jewing that gets all the fans butthurt
>Somehow this is the console's fault
Look at zestiria. It was shit aswell, but it still got a sequel. You know why? Because the install base was big enough so it was still profitable unlike the vita shit.
Innocence R was better though
Eh, they made Graces for Wii before porting an enhance one to PS3 so it might be the same here with a Switch to PS4/PC eventually.
Unless this is a vesperia port i don't give a fuck
Refuse to play any more tales until they make a new engine and stop making ugly as fuck character models and bland as fuck towns and dungeons.
Not with that pussy ass MC and worse battle system
>old ports
>Innocence R
This is hands down the best game in the series
>Getting mediocre games 2 years after everyone else
Nothing special
Taiko is fun though so theres that
>Because the install base was big enough so it was still profitable unlike the vita shit.
Actually it was because Zestiria was planned from the getgo to be a duoology of games.
>more ports
Even the Vita wasn't this pathetic.
>March 2018
If the Switch can survive with NOGAEMS for that long.
>Look at zestiria. It was shit aswell, but it still got a sequel.
What does a console mainline have to do with a handheld remake of a handheld game? You do realize a new mainline always sells more than remakes?
>Because the install base was big enough so it was still profitable unlike the vita shit.
LMAO, Hearts R might have had an okay budget but Innocence R wasn't even remotely over low budget, even with the flop it's hard to believe they didn't cash in, fact is Bamco is full of jews who thought fans would lap that shit and got surprised when they gave them the middle finger, there's JRPGs that sell 200K copies easily on the Vita, because they're well done, the install base has nothing to do with it.
>Innocence R was better though
Innocence R plays and looks like a PSP Radiant Mythology game, it's absolutely terrible.
Innocence R is a joke compared to Hearts R, just like the original was in the DS days, there's a good reason why it sold poorly.
PS4 survived for 2 years with NOGAEMS
>worse battle system
It's better. Less spammy, no Chase Link, more OTGs, better balance.
Radiant Mythology didn't have dash and jump cancels.
Welp, time to fap it to the K-slut.
>low budget=bad game
I agreed that Innocence R looks bad
Reminder Vesperia is the GOAT
While Berseria is best Tales it just barely managed to outsell Zesty, and that took excellent word of mouth
Hardly a system seller
>While Berseria is best Tales
Berseria is shit. It's just slightly above zestiria. You sound like a PC only faggot who never actually played a good tales game.
Berseria is overrated as shit. It's barely better than Zestiria.
>gets ports of old games
Tales is a Sony series.
Phantasia, Symphonia, Graces and Vesperia got inferior versions released on rival consoles at first.
So yeah, look up for that unless you like buying the same game twice.