Why are fallout 4 mods so embarrassingly shit compared to skyrim mods ?

why are fallout 4 mods so embarrassingly shit compared to skyrim mods ?

every categories too ; quest, armor, texture, environment, sex, companion, overhauls etc they're all shit

Fewer people care about Fallout 4 than Skyrim -> Fewer people make mods for Fallout 4 than Skyrim -> Mods for Fallout 4 are shit because there is no point in refining or maintaining them since almost no-one will play them.

Probably because it's a shitty ass game, and most modders with talent never even played it.

Fallout 4 is really, really shit.

Skyrim is shit, just not as shit.

There's your answer. Modders don't want to mod a shitty game. Skyrim is "Okay", with room for improvement via mods. Fallout 4 is just rotten to the core, so nobody wants to fuck with it.

I'm actually gonna give you a real answer here bc this is a pretty big issue.

They designed a game that burns short but bright in terms of entertainment value. This get a huge amount of hype for the game, and really good review scores. For some fucking retarded reason, they decided to delay the release of the modding tools for the game to a few months after the game came out. This is actually fucking retarded, as everyone had already moved on from fallout 4 before the modding tools (like half the fucking content) even dropped.

Imo fallout 4 would be a lot better if it shipped with it's modding tools, as all the modding passion from the first few hours of the game would go directly into actual mods, rather than just little fixes and tweaks.

skyrim modding is more "off the ground" than fallout
Lots of more resources and tools for modders in skyrim compared to fallout
Also fallout 4 has very little content compared to skyrim so everyone got burnt out before the CK came out

Skyrim had problems that couldn't be fixed with mods, but the overall experience could be dramatically improved by mods.

Fallout 4 on the other hand was a total fucking mess start to finish and no amount of modding could ever fix that.

>Fallout 4 on the other hand was a total fucking mess start to finish and no amount of modding could ever fix that.

This, the base game needs to be redone and expanded from the ground up if people want hope of a lasting modding community.

the way he holds the sword makes me want to strangle him

ah that make sense

I would expect bethesda of all people to quickly release the modding tool

I agree the story is unredeemable and that also indirectly makes a lot of shit unredeemable

This is the best answer by far.

It should also be mentioned that had it released with its modding tools, all of those great mods would have made the game more fun, and thus more people would have made more mods, and so on and so forth. That's part of the reason people still mod Morrowind to this day.

Modding is like an ouroboros. The trick is that you have to actually have the snake bite its tail in the first place. You miss that window when shit's still fun, the cycle never begins.

Also, it's because Fallout 4 is just shit, that can't be repeated enough

>fallout 4
>doesn't have any kind of dodge roll/maneuverability mod like animation project

Alot off good reasons here. Would also add voiced protagonist certainly doesn't help

>burns short but bright

lol bright. It's extremely shallow. It's 100% filler.

do you jerk off when you compliment your own posts, you giant faggot?

I played it for 15 hours really liking it but then I just dropped it and haven't cared for it since. I have 200 hours in NV.

>quest - noone can be fucked to get into scripting needed for that, also a decent quest mod would have to have voiceacting from the protagonist
>armor - importing meshes is a chore, even more so than with skyrim
>texture - games shit lighting makes them look ugly no matter what
>sex - characters all look like trash trailerpark rednecks with aids, no one wants to see those abominations fuck
>companion - most companion mods in skyrim are eyecandy from a modder who has made a particularly good looking face, no such thing in fallout 4

In skyrimjob everything and anything can just be explained by shit being magic and shit.

While in fallout shit needs to have some sort of semblance to reality that it needs to adhere to.

So in skyrim its easier to explain shit away meaning that creativity is less limited which means that it will attract more people since shit requires less thought creatively to implement by creators. And the suspension of disbelief from players is in the favor of skyrim as well since again magic can explain shit away in that universe.

So overall high fantasy requires less out of people that sci fi. Which leads to it having a a bigger audience willing to make shit for it cause of it.

Skyrim is more open world, FO4 is more like a railroad without fences, sure you can go off track but what's the point...

Why would anyone wana waste time on Fallout 4 when it sucks shit and they have to rewrite all their mods for 64 bit skyrim?
Also I dont think porting meshes used in skyrim to fallout4 is as easily done like from oblivion to fallout 3

Shit Skyrim
>The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim
Good Skyrim
>Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen

Shit Fallout
>Fallout 4
Good Fallout
>Doom (2016)

The short of it: FO4 simply doesn't inspire.

Dragon's Dogma was good but over rated as fuck bro like they arent even on the same level, like the only way DDDA could beat skyrim is if you really really like walking to the same places over and over and over and over again.

For games:
Combat>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Everything else.

Deal with it.

>That time that Sup Forums found Todd's Steam account and spammed it with Todd posting until he made it private

please tell me there's some kind of screencap

SKSE64 when


Magical fantasy setting allows for a much larger variety of mod ideas. You've got beast races for the furries and scalies, fantastical weapons and armours with all sorts of crazy backstories, magic mods that allow you to do all sorts of crazy shit, new enemy mods, a much larger variety of ways to create unique player homes etc.

Fallout's setting allows for generic leather armour mashups and recreations of real weapons.

>Go to LoversLab or Nexus
>Go the New Vegas sections

its extremely fucking hard to add animations to fallout 4
out of all the gun related mods only like 4 have animations

Right, but aren't there dodging animations in game as it is?

A whole bunch of nothing worth installing besides texture mods?

Are we forgetting the fact that Skyrim has just plain been out longer too? Of course it's got better mods.

Do you have a link or screencap?

New Vegas/Fallout 3 have been out longer and Skyrim absolutely trashes that game in terms of mod quality. Hell even Oblivion does.

Are you special needs user?

I've got some mild hopes for Frost and/or Horizon. Anyone played either of those? Any good yet or keep waiting for them to work on 'em more?

>New Vegas/Fallout 3 have been out longer and Skyrim absolutely trashes that game in terms of anime mod quality. Hell even Oblivion does

I actually think the core gameplay of skyrim is substantially fucking worse than fallout 4 and no amount modding could change the parts of skyrim's combat that are fucking awful
don't post the webm I don't want to go through the archive to find the post from the guy who made it

What kind of retard is even interested in these subpar sexmods?

At least point to some really good mods, of which there are plenty at the nexus.