>We draw vidya covers/CD-ROMS.
>People guess them.
another one
another one.
Breath of the wild, easy
Only pic I have even a remote guess for, Breath of the Wild?
bingo, try this one
Duke Nukem?
Deus Ex
try this
Opposing Force
Elders Scrolls Redguard what the fuck it was called
Super Luigi 1488 for the Nintendo 3DS
Rock Raiders
1. nope. hint: you can warp by picking up 3 white, then 1 green thing.
2. got it
3. bingo
behold my impressive MS paint skills
Oh, Lego Racers?
not exactly the cover but...
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
try this one
Age of Empires 2.
dota 2?
yes, well done.
Oh thats easy, Dudes Ex
getting good, now this is one should be easy
Rollercoaster Tycoon 2
t. albert einstein
Mario Kart DS
I don't recall ever playing a mario game in which he has a bag of luggage
nice one.
kudos if you get this one.
poorly drawn kart
carmageddon. Try harder
Lego Racers
Phalanx, SNES NTSC version
what about this?
dungeon keeper
I'm too lazy to finish it off. But it's going to get guessed immediately anyway
very good.
try this one.
I started off easy on you.
Try this.
Persona 3 Portable?
Pro Street
no wait thats the spiritual succesor.
that the neverhood
i meant the one before that though ;)
ez. E.Y.E
sorry already got it
You monster. I'm getting out the big guns.
Whoever gets this is my nigga.
The platform is large hint.
allright, then this should be easy too.
Jack jazzrabbit
excellent, now last one for tonight
Mystery of the Druids. Looks like you really want to go to bed.