Why are these things called "Estus" flasks anyway?

Why are these things called "Estus" flasks anyway?

Googling has yet to yield any answers, and the Wiki's don't explain the meaning of the name. But I do remember reading that the name "Estus" (as a person's name) has religious significance to it. But I'm still trying to relocate that bit of information.

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It's a pun in Latin

"Need a restus? Drink an estus"


1 minute of googling tells me it's latin for fire

I don't play Dark Souls. Would it make sense for that to be a bottle of fire?

To "be" or not to "be".

Yes, that's what it is

Considering they refill at bonfires it would stand to reason

Aestus is latin for heat

Fire itself is a reoccurring theme in the series.

well then there you go. It's literally 'Fire flask'