Hey Sup Forums, is the new Doom any good? It's on sale and I don't know whether to get it or not.
Hey Sup Forums, is the new Doom any good? It's on sale and I don't know whether to get it or not
Kayden Turner
James Murphy
It's pretty fucking good
Tyler Carter
Can anyone else confirm?
Josiah Ward
its only 20 bucks get it
Jack Kelly
Both new Wolfenstein games were better but it's still fun
Luke Cox
OP plz spending 20 tendies on something should not be a hard decision. and yes its a great game.
Adam Stewart
It's the closest thing to the type of game you'd imagine id Software would make in the future while you were playing Quake II back in 98.
It's as good as any modern shooter has any hope of being, and shits all over other FPS games like Wolfie: TNO, SS3, and Bulletstorm which were supposedly "old school"
Wyatt Hughes
It's great. Get it, faggot.
Christopher Powell
It's good, fast paced and fun
Nolan Young
Just get it dude, it's great.