What a load of fucking garbage

What a load of fucking garbage

>QTEs at every turn
>QTEs which insta kill you and determine your overall rank
>Enemies at some points attack right as cut-scene ends
>Awful generic "epic" bosses
>Annoying music, bosses have generic music
>Witch time is a mechanic that is terrible as you get used to it, then the game starts showing you up with enemies which do not trigger witch time
>Enemies attacking off-screen, most of the time not having proper indication for a player to expect this, no proper sound cues
>Game is filled up with garbage mini-games and events such as riding a bike, these go on forever and once again determine your rank
>Many cut-scenes that are clealy unfinished, so they use a " movie-style" for them that doesn't really fit the game in order to hide it.
>Each mini-boss has a lenghty "finishing off" move which you cannot skip and goes on for far too long

No fucking thank you, I'll stick with Ninja Gaiden 2 and Devil May Cry 3, this does not belong into the same tier as those two, not by a long shot.

Other urls found in this thread:


>"Awful generic 'epic' bosses"
what the fuck does that even mean you fucking idiot? how is epic a bad thing?

hafl the stuff you say is subjective, the only thing can agree is stupid is the QTEs and occasional annoyance with mini games

By that I meant the bosses are just there for a wow factor rather than being good bosses. Every boss feels like DMC4's Savior.

just finished game on normal, qte and bike/rocket sequence is absolute trash

i'll reserve opinion on boss fights and enemies feeling spongy tho, might just be me not configuring weapons and plain button mashing with infinite health cheats, youtube climax platinum runs seem to be smooth and pleasant to watch and enemies gets downed fairly quickly

I'm glad I pirated it first, will do the same when Vanquish is out

>QTEs at every turn
theres like 4 you actually need to do

well I mean no one really defends the bike/rocket scenes

>"Hello everyone I've never played this game!"
Even if that was true (which it's not) that's even worse. That would be four QTE's over a 10ish hour game with a multitude of cutscenes. There is no warning or indication a QTE is going to happen before it inexplicably does. So it's just a cheap and unfair way to kill a player just as they forget QTE's in cutscenes exist.

>(which it's not)
(which it is)

>I'll stick with Ninja Gaiden 2 and Devil May Cry 3
And those don't belong in the same tier as the true king.

I'm playing it for the first time. Only thing that bothers me is cutscenes every 5 minutes but otherwise I'm having a good time. I want to marry Bayonetta.

my biggest complaint is
>no on screen prompt that there's a shortcut to skip cutscenese
the only way to find out about it is to get so fed up with the cutscnenes that you google it

>I want to Bayonetta with other fans but how!

nice bait OP

bayonetta 2 fixed all of this lol

>Every "first enemy encounter" is the same on every difficulty and always starting with the enemy attacking you mid animation
>Level design is less than two steps above hallways and the game's "hidden" fights require you turning around every 10 feet to make sure you don't miss something before every no return point
>As long as you throw in an occasional Wicked Weave, you can button mash your way to Platinum trophies
>No ability to restart verse from the pause menu, you have to go back to the menu to restart checkpoints
>Have to unlock difficulty after difficulty that only change enemy arrangements and damage resistance before unlocking the mode that's actually challenging
>Fucking flying snakes are horrendously shit enemies

Not gonna address all your points, just some of the worse ones.

>QTEs at every turn
There's a handful in the entire game. This gets blown way out of proportion.

>Enemies at some points attack right as cut-scene ends
All enemies attack after their intro cutscene. Just dodge after an enemy is introduced.

>Annoying music, bosses have generic music
The music suits the feminine theme. If it was anything else it wouldn't work.

>Witch time is a mechanic that is terrible as you get used to it, then the game starts showing you up with enemies which do not trigger witch time
Witch time is a crutch. Those enemies and alfeims are preparing you for Non-Stop Infinite Climax difficulty.

>Enemies attacking off-screen, most of the time not having proper indication for a player to expect this, no proper sound cues
Every attack has an audio cue. This doesn't happen unless an attack has a very distinct audio cue (like the trumpet guys) or the attack animation starts while the enemy is on screen.

>Game is filled up with garbage mini-games and events such as riding a bike, these go on forever and once again determine your rank
You can ignore them after your first playthrough since they're split into their own chapters.

Given your complaints about the gameplay it's obvious you haven't played it much and haven't touched NSIC yet. Don't talk about things you don't understand.

>have cool animations and visual style thst make fights a spectacle
>put a stupid "A+B to Torture Attack" prompt in front of it all of the time
This bothers me way more than it should

>The music suits the feminine theme. If it was anything else it wouldn't work.

Bayonetta's fight theme in particular is just bad.

"Tomorrow Is Mine" is much better


>Meme gameplay
>Shit camera
>Noisy so you can't see what's going on

Bayonetta is a meme game appealing to manchildren

What fucking sucks is how linear platinum games are, they'd be great if it didn't feel like you were just being pushed in one direction and had some freedom

Makes all the upgrades and shit seem pointless too

and dont forget

>Bayonetta franchise will die with Pii-U

This is my main problem with the game, DMC3-4 and even MGR are suped clear, you can see all the time what is going on, but in Bayonetta it is much harder for me to tell what is really going on at all the time.

Sorry OP, the 'It's cool to hate on Bayonetta' boat just left.

>Witch time is a crutch.

I meant to say that my problem with witch time is its existence in the first place.

Are you guys ever going to be not mad about bayo 2?

Never was aware of such "boat"

I mean you hit the pause button

have you never considered "maybe start/pause skips the cut-scenes" ?

>shitting on Fly Me to the Moon

he's talking about RT+Select, never mentioned once in the game

Yeah, now that bayo had been ported to PC it's received attention again and now it's the perfect time for contrarians to flaunt their jaded tastes. Expect it to happen with Vanquish too once that comes to PC, they'll cry about stupid shit like one hit kill attacks.

All this bitching about failing QTEs is really getting to me. Is Sup Forums literally populated by link dicked children stoners or something?

You have a HUGE fucking window to perform them. How can your reaction time be THAT shit?

it's already happening to Vanquish

He's not shitting on Fly Me To The Moon.
He's shitting on Mysterious Destiny.

You are dead on with the (I can't hold all these) QTEs. I mean most of the normal enemies, all of the bosses, half of the 10,000 cut scenes; also surprise insta kill!

I think it's a souls fan's were dream.

I fully expect people to start spamming Jim Sterling's shit review on the 25th.

>implying fly me to the moon isn't the fight theme

I like Bayonetta 2 better, it's nicer to look at and it cut a lot of the Bullshit the first game had.

it's not the main fight theme


It isn't. Fly Me To The Moon only plays a few times during the game, near the beginning and for that short period against Jubileus at the end.

Mysterious Destiny plays a hell of a lot more over the course of the game.

Oh I got them completely confused

the quick time events they're talking about aren't the ones where you mash a button, those are fine
the shitty ones are the ones where a button prompt randomly pops up during a cutscene and you have to press it in timing with the purple ring

bayonetta 2 doesnt have any of those and it's better for that reason alone

>The only man making sense on Sup Forums
I have to commend you for excellent taste

Why do people like you feel the need to bring souls up in every discussion? The irony here, which you'd know if you actually knew anything about the topic at hand, is that souls is babby's first action game compared to Bayonetta. Why should I care about a few QTEs when the combat (aka most of the game) is infinitely better?

Yeah forced witch time and no combos are a big plus too

I think you're dead on with the bosses at least, I like fighting most of the enemies but the bosses, (Besides Jeanne, Balder) are all just giant goliath fights. Jubileus is the only giant boss I actually like.

"Combos" are a fucking joke and meant for babies to feel better if they aren't in a fighting game.

Souls doesn't have QTEs, am I being worked?

>No ability to restart verse from the pause menu, you have to go back to the menu to restart checkpoints

>"hey I think I can do better, I'll try restarting using this 'chapter menu' option"
>it resets the whole level
>you have to exit the game back to the title screen to return to last checkpoint
Jesus Christ All Mighty.

stupid savescummer

I just want to get better, man.

I like fighitng most of the enemies too.

I'll be honest, this thread was made after me being absolutely pissed off at the game after beating Road 66 at Hard for the first time, it's easily my most hated stage in the fucking game, it is the game at its worst.

I love these kinda games.
for hours spend playing (wich probably equates to how good a game is)
1. God Hand
2. Devil May Cry 3
3. Bayonetta 2
4. Vanquish
5. Ninja Gaiden Sigma 1
6. Sigma 2
7. Bayonetta
8. DMC4
9. Wonderful 101
10. Lollipop Chainsaw
i like these games but i prefer a fun experience over "muh deep combat"

I agree with most OP points. The game is decent but not even close to being the best cuhrazy. The level and boss design are VERY much like DmC. Also the sluggish menus - I love trying to skip a 5 second cutscene and spending 4 seconds going through the menu for it, only to have another unskippable cutscene right after, mashing, and shit being all over the screen so you can't see what's going on all fuck me off.

Nonstop doesn't feel difficult even if you restrict yourself from using continues, items, and OP weapons/accessories, but at the same time it doesn't feel balanced properly since the game was obviously built around witch time so you end up using the same few overpowering strategies.


>less QTEs would be worse

They kinda fixed it all of it in 2.

God, I am so salty I will never get to play Bayonetta 2

I agree with your list, I'd personally put DMC4 above Bayonetta 1, I feel like it is less finished but has far less problems than Bayonetta and has better combat

I like you

I wish I could be good at DMC4. I can't juggle properly, and the fucking enemies die before I can even hit S, let alone SS. Also after playing Nero for so long, Dante and his stance switches really fucked me up. Though I got really good at dodging, which I appreciate.

dude, bayonetta 2 is so nice.
it's so colorful, has some great levels and bosses.
the only thing that sucks is the kid they added, he's a terrible fucking character.

i pray for you that there will be a PC port or switch or something... whatever you have as a platform, it's truly the best Wii U game except for maybe Mario Kart 8 wich is the best Mario Kart

It's all right, maybe I'll buy Wii U for it when the price of it really drops and will be sold like nothing on Ebay or something.

the opposite is probably going to happen

"Epic" in terms of scale: The bosses are repetitive and their size means little.
SotC is an example of good and fun "epic" bosses.

This was always lame as fuck

If you have shit taste, yeah.

This game sucks.



is this how you btfo yourself


OP here.

Lmao, how did you get statue on the first chapter? Normal is pretty balanced all things considered, you can only blame yourself for this.

Hard is where the game gets kinda bitchy, imho.



So this... is the power... of the PC Masterrace

haha lole! a scrub has talked poorly about the game, that means all people who criticize bayonetta are scrubs like u! :D

Jesus christ.

o fuck

It means OP is being a faggot and hasn't actually played the game.

Fuck you

And there it is folks, you can go home now

god damn, dude
and here I thought I sucked at these games

Shit i remember this video. anyone have a source?



Agree with most of what you said but

>Singling out NG2
>Being a DMC3 baby
>Caring about rank

You almost weren't a fag OP, almost

How the fuck do you get a statue on the prologue?

>bitches about off screen enemies
>meanwhile praises Ninja Gaiden 2


If you are OP then let me tell you that your post reads exactly like every other shitpost full of memes that gets parroted here by people that never actually played the games in question and probably hate videogames in general.

First playthroughs will always kind of look like this if only because of how much alfheim stages can be hidden and not solving them has a big impact on your total score.

I wrote the thread kinda pissed off. So it came out meme-y, but I was being genuine. I don't hate video games by a longshot but I can get frustrated to autistic levels easily.

Mainly because it's someone who's shit because they've never played the game before

Playing this and Bayo 2 at the same time. Really good games senpai

Is there any reason to use anything other than Umbra Climax in Bayo 2? At least in the first game there were alternative attacks to use your magic for. Anything besides umbra climax feels like a complete waste in Bayo 2. I think Bayo 1 has better balanced combat. It has its whole set of other problems though.

Still awesome games

you are both making excuses, there is no reason anyone should have that many statues on their first playthrough

Why is there no option to automatically skip all cutscenes & climaxes?
I might feel inclined to actually go through on hard if they would limit their god damn epic cinematic interruptions


>i should be good at a hard game i've never played before

>Is there any reason to use anything other than Umbra Climax in Bayo 2?
and thats why many fans don't like Bayo 2.
i however didn't mind.

>All those cinematic interruptions when mini-boss is defeated

Fucking kill me, they're not cool. I get sick of pressing X button all the time.

it's clearly set to normal you retard

Yeah and it's clearly too hard for a casual dumbass like him lmao